The symbol of the candle

The symbol of the candle graphically represents the individual in his totality: his material part (the candle) which joins in him to what is his spiritual part (the flame), indicating the complementarity and not the contrast between light and the darkness, both present in the depths of man, dissolving, little by little, the ambivalence that characterizes every aspect inherent in the embodied human being.
Ultimately, the symbol of the candle can be interpreted as the watershed between the most hidden spirituality of man and its manifest manifestation within the physical world, or as the union between its most material part (the candle) and its divine nature (the flame of the candle), that flame that has made us repeat over time a basic teaching for each of you and which has been the pivot around which the entire body of our teaching has revolved in these four decades, symbol of eternal and perpetual hope.

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