Modes of broadening of feeling [IF15]

D - It has been said that killing, for example, is one of the first experiences that are made during theevolution of the individual and also that the feel it expands "by logical succession"; it is not a succession of any other type. It is not very clear to me what this logical succession is for the progress of feeling.

Apart from that "logical succession" used by someone I know and not io, I like phrases so full of mystery ...

D - No, forgive me. It has been said, but there will be an exact basis and I wanted to ask if you explained it to me with words that make me understand it.

Let's say that the enlargement of feeling does not happen with a logical succession, it happens simply because of an enlargement of stimuli; or rather: an individual understands something and at that point there is the response that returns to the Akasic body to reach a certain small enlargement of feeling. 

Upon that achievement of enlargement, the Akasic body tries to build from that point, and therefore tries to enlarge from the data it has. Here, then, there is a logical sequence in that, from that point which was the first grain of feeling, the Akasic body sends impulses to understand something that is connected to that grain.

D - Here! Something that is close as a link.

Certainly. It is not that one can jump from one thing to another, because otherwise it would be confusing. 
A "patchy" enlargement would also be possible - if we want to say so - but all in all it is much more useful and much faster to widen gradually, widening branches in a kind (once again) of carpet that widens the fibers, as we have said the other time. 

Q - So, sorry, then a concept does not leave it until it has brought it to the last nuances?

Let's say it's not that she doesn't leave him; search ... it is difficult to make you understand without being inside the mechanisms of the Akasic body, that is why we were saying that we will still have to talk about it soon.

Suppose that individuality has comprised two points, which are apparently distant from each other. Remember, however, that it is always only "apparently" that they are distant from each other because the individuality, the individual, inside is all a unity, he has yet to discover his entire design but between two tiles of the same design there are other tiles that connect them. 

Thus, starting from one point, a little at a time and expanding all these cells of feeling, we will reach the influence of the other understanding (the other point, ed), to find these links (the intermediate tiles, ed) and therefore to obtain a larger block.

D - But this succession is like a house that starts from the foundations and gradually makes the ground floor, the first floor and the second floor or it can start, for example, from the second floor and then do the whole second floor, then make the third, then do the first? You understand?

Then he builds the ceilings, then later he builds the fireplaces, then finally he goes up the stairs… Maybe your Akasic body is made up like this right now! At certain moments this doubt can also arise.    

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D - No, what I wanted to ask is if all the individualities start from the foundations and go to the roof, or as you said ...

But there is no foundation and there is no roof! There is just a feeling. There is not one thing that needs to be learned first and one thing that needs to be learned later! 
There are things that are so simple that it is much easier to learn them right away because they are more easily encountered over the course of certain lifetimes. 

That's why we were talking about murder: murder is one of the first rules that is also found within society to safeguard the life of men, and is therefore one of the first things that are faced precisely for the evolution within the physical plane.

D - It is a foundation.

It is not a foundation, it is an element on par with all the others! Au pair like “don't steal”, au pair like “don't lie” and on and on and on. 

It is you who then connote, differently, all the various points, but in reality within the feeling each grain of feeling has the same importance as another

As I said before, feeling cannot be quantified. You can never, under any circumstances, say: "That feeling is better than the other". You can only say, "That feeling is wider," but there is no positive or negative connotation within a feeling, in judging a feeling. 
It's just a broader or less broader feeling and that's it.

Q - So it is something that depends on the Akasic body of the individual? That is, it is not possible (as I had thought) to give a gradualness to the type of experience that an individual is living in the scale of feeling. Does it depend on the feeling that the individual has?

Graduality occurs, is related to the needs of the individual, and therefore there can be first an understanding and then another. 
On the other hand (and then you all know it, because we have always said it) there is never any feeling perfectly identical to the other until you then reach a higher level.

D - So it is not the type of experience that one has that qualifies, but it is the experience that is related to feeling.

Did you understand this point?

D - I wanted to return to the initial question: if it is not the Absolute and not even the Akasic who chooses the type of family, the environment in which an individual must live, remains a question and that is, does the Spirit Guide have something to do with it. free will?

No, no, the question does not remain open; the question has already been answered. Nobody chooses because there is really no choice. Scifo

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6 comments on “Hearing Expansion Mode [IF15]”

  1. Common logic requires talking about better and worse, good and bad, but from another point of view there is no "universal graduality" or "universal morality", that is, something that is the same for everyone and has the same value . Each experience finds its value in feeling that he experiences it, there is no path outlined. There is no difference between the murderer and the saint.
    Thank you.

  2. A bit complex and difficult for me to understand. I welcome thinking that it will still bear fruit in due course.
    Thank you.

  3. “Each grain of feeling has the same importance as another”, there are no hierarchies, but from experience to experience we broaden our feeling.

  4. I notice how the mind has become more sophisticated in proposing the dual dynamic.
    This post takes you back to the perspective that is ...


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