Karma and the child (k6)

Pdf format for printing, 4 pages
Babies move karma, and if they move it, how much karma can actually be heavy karma? I imagine that after all the various arguments, the conversations made with the other brothers in recent months, the question may already have a logical and consequent response from you to what has been explained.

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Do not model children according to your wishes

The child, especially the very small one, given his new physical structure and not having, we can say, still completely connected his new bodies (the astral body, the mental body) is more in direct contact with the spiritual world that he left from little; moreover, from a psychological point of view his Io it is in the process of being formed and is therefore not fully structured.

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The relationship with children in the first months and years of life (IF10)

Philosophical teaching 10
"But look, look how cute he is, will you give me a smile? Come on, give me a little smile, how cute you are! But what are you telling me, but give me a nice little speech, come on! You are really a marvel, but how can you be so beautiful? ».
And he looks at you.
If you could only imagine what is going through his mind, you would be amazed! Yes, behind those innocent eyes, so clear, so clear and clean,

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