Vibration and its influence on matter (IF4)

Philosophical teaching 4
We continue our discussion on the physical plane; the plane in which you are immersed and of which you have the greatest awareness. Although this may seem superfluous to some of you, I think it is useful to recap once more what we have been saying so far.
I think, in fact, that it is better to redo the situation often instead of stuffing the mind too quickly with a large mass of new elements, which would end up piling up generating confusion rather than understanding.

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The elementary unity and the constitution of reality on the physical plane (IF2)

Philosophical teaching 2
Certainly you will have thought that, throughout the period in which we have sent you our words, there was not a true logical connection between the various discourses, a unitary discourse, as if the communications followed a chaotic and disorderly trend; in fact, alongside some hints - however very occasional - to philosophical concepts, there was also a hint of Reality, stating that it is not what your senses normally perceive; we have spoken to you of distant times; we have talked to you about practical facts inherent in your daily life but, above all, we have given importance to the concepts of I, of Self-Knowledge and of Love.

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