Conscious life and the world of tomorrow

Finding yourself in front of the world is one of the most difficult facts to face, and only being in front of yourself can be a more insurmountable moment than finding yourself in front of that great range of possibilities of experience that Reality, the Great Design, unravels at your feet.

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Helping society to change

[…] Selfishness seems to reign, wickedness seems to rule it, personal interests - economic and otherwise - seem to win over those ideals, over those words that you have always sent me.

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The new world we build every day

This is how the new world will arise, this is how the era of happiness will be affirmed, this is how to make an effective contribution to its creation, where to look for its signs in society, in the family and in the individual himself.

When the parent is no longer the mother or father of his children, but all the children, all the children will be his children without any first or second in his heart.
When it is not the blood type that defines a brother or a sister, but the fraternity will embrace every other man

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