Beyond materialism or spiritualism, the drive that drives us

If you pay attention to what is presented in the various broadcasts, or when you hear people talking, the first impression is that everything is turned outwards, to the exterior, however, if you can go a little deeper, a little further , you will see that under this apparently exasperated search for exteriority what is there?
There is a push: do not stop only at the consideration of how the push comes out, but consider how it means that within the individual, however apparently projected towards the exterior, the push of Reality - of the Absolute, of the conscience, of the Vibration First or as you want to define it - it continues to be there and to push the individual towards understanding and knowledge of the interiority.

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Learning to live, to understand, to love, to let go

“Learning to live”, what meaning can an apparently simple sentence have?
Living is the most difficult thing that the individual can be able to do in the course of his existence.
It is easy to think that it is enough to abandon oneself to the flow of life and here each individual, on the physical plane, lives his life.
Unfortunately, it's never that simple; everything that everyone lives, he lives it to learn; to learn, in fact, to live; yet man is never satisfied with his life;

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Guilt arises from denied understanding

Let's make one thing clear: the sense of guilt is something that concerns the individual in relationships with same.
We noted, in the course of the discussion, that yours Io they scrambled to try to find a thousand different ways to shift the attention from yourself to the outside, and here you are able to say that it is the expectations of others that cause your feelings of guilt.
The individual's sense of guilt arises when there was the possibility of behaving in a certain way, following one's own feel and therefore an understanding reached, and instead the individual has behaved in such a way that he does not follow this understanding.

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The countless ways of understanding

Sometimes you think that understanding has to rush inside you like an unstoppable avalanche, like a sudden intuition, and you don't realize, instead, that understanding comes within you - along the paths you take individually - drop by drop. building your consciousness, many times without even your conscious, embodied mind being aware of it.
Understanding is a process that closely accompanies theevolution in all its terms;

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To see the whole of humanity in a tear

Blessed is the man who looks at a tear and not only realizes its shape, its color, its brightness, but manages to understand its origin, its destiny, its essence.
Blessed is the man who looks at a tear and realizes that the whole of Creation is contained in it, and that it is enough to observe it with eyes of love to discover great truths and reveal many mysteries. Know how to observe the world with pure eyes and you will discover God, his sweetness, his Love, his invigorating presence, not only outside you but also in you.

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