The simplest way to analyze dreams [A115-sogni2]

Observing your dreams can therefore be a way to identify the misunderstandings that lie within you and to try to trigger the processes that can help resolve them.

Obviously it is easier said than done, considering the quantity of elements at play: let us not forget, in fact, that in addition to the influences explained so far relating to the decoding implemented within the various bodies of the individual, there also exists that decoding system external, temporary - but no less important and less superficially experienced by the embodied individual - that we have defined transient archetype.

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Its influence is manifested in the connotation of right/wrong, happiness/unhappiness and so on, with all the possible gradations relating to theevolution of the individual at that specific moment, the individual's perception of his social and relational activity, a process which in psychoanalysis has been defined Great-Io.

This influence is also evidently present in the information contained in dreams which cannot ignore what the individual has entered into himself. throughout his lifetime of experience on the physical plane.

We spoke previously about ego defense mechanisms that are still partially active even during the sleep phase and, therefore, still operating on the structure of every dream: it is from these defense mechanisms that the functions of censorship, shift, condensation of symbols within dreams, all processes implemented by the ego to try to protect itself from the destabilization that it may suffer by dealing with its limitations and its misunderstandings in a too invasive way.

It's at the time of return to the waking phase of the individual (and, consequently, to the reactivation of the full functionality of the Ego processes) that the Ego triggers the stricter censorshipthat is, the one that leads to the complete forgetting of the dream and of the factors that could cause greater difficulty, those factors that the ego finds too dangerous to face because they would lead it to have to upset the image it has of itself and that it tries to preserve .

This extreme complexity of elements contained in dreams certainly makes their interpretation difficult, and the censorships implemented by the ego, for their part, do not facilitate the identification of the points where the incorrect decoding of the vibrations could signal in which direction to turn one's observation.

However, we believe that even the observation of one's dreams can provide useful elements to the individual who tries to unravel the intertwining of his somatisms to trace their cause and, therefore, offer his conscience elements to allow him to acquire those portions of new understanding which alone can lead to the resolution of the somatisms themselves.

The simplest way to analyze dreams

The simplest way to proceed with the analysis of your dreams, with a view to this goal, is to prune one's dream of all the coverings that, not only due to the action of the Ego but also due to the simple transformation of the dream into images, concepts and sensations, have been put into action.

Then a don't dwell on it too much looking for those who are hiding behind a character of the dream, or on shares (often apparently meaningless) of the dream, or on the scenario that the dream presents. For an in-depth analysis these are undoubtedly important elements that have their own reasons and whys but, in general, none of you has the preparation, skills and analysis tools necessary to be able to carry out work of this kind on yourselves. guy.

Putting aside the scenario, the interpreters, or the "plot" of the dream, what remains? Stay the way you feel inside the dream, emotions and thoughts that present themselves to you, and it is these that you must pay attention to and work on, because they are the core of your incorrect decodings and, consequently, of your misunderstandings.

This work on your dreams will not give you any magic wand to solve your internal problems, those problems of misunderstanding which are the genesis of your somatisms, but they can provide you direction indication in which you should look and, combined with the other tools that we have been explaining to you in recent times, add some pieces to your possibility of tracing your symptom back to the cause that triggers it.

Premonitory dreams

I would like to end this brief excursus (clearly extremely simplified) into the world of dreams to satisfy your curiosity regarding those who are known as premonitory or clairvoyant dreams.

The question that is asked most frequently is whether dreams can predict the future and whether the many people who, over the millennia, have claimed to have escaped some dangerous event thanks to a dream, were deluded or 'It was perhaps on their part an unconscious adjustment of their memory of the dream on the basis of what happened subsequently.

Without a doubt, sometimes this also happens: the desire to be "extraordinary" often leads to the creation of "otherworldly" justifications for what happens to the individual, and this occurs as a function of the ego's need to confirm its omnipotence, its uniqueness and its centrality within the Cosmos.

But this is not a rule that applies in all cases: many times, in fact, the individual has received "warnings" about what would await him "if" he had made a certain choice, inducing a different one.

The explanation for this fact is, ultimately, quite simple, taking into consideration the structure of Reality that has been provided to you over the years: the Vibration First, to carry out its work in accordance with the Absolute Reality, has within itself the reference image of what the complete development, material and temporal, of the evolution of the Cosmos must be, from its birth to its reabsorption, an image that accompanies the subjects of the Cosmos in his exploration.

For this reason it may happen that, under certain conditions, the individual crossed by the First Vibration is able to perceive some fragmentary information on how reality and the events that belong to it are expected to develop.

What are these "certain conditions" I mentioned? Mainly the need for the Great Plan to be kept intact and that the energetic balances within the Cosmos can always be unaltered. This means that the law of karma (which, after all, is the law that determines for the individual his living in balance within his personal microcosm inserted in the macrocosm) comes into action when certain situations are not contemplatable for the individual's life because they could lead to a chain of upheavals within the Big Picture and, in order to maintain its integrity, it is possible to receive warnings through the mechanism of dreams that induce the individual to carry out or not carry out a certain action within the physical plane.

Naturally there are also other ways, perhaps even more in line with the law of the economy of causes, to obtain the same result, however sometimes there is no other possibility than this to avoid a imbalance within the Big Picture. Ombre

2008-2017 Annals

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