Somatism cases 1: questions [A113-soma7]

1) The anxiety that has come out of me in the last two, three years in this strong way. I can't understand, there's something I'm missing because this anxiety I have is very heavy, not only in emotional areas but also throughout the day.

You must consider that, in recent years, your life has been changing at breakneck speed and, inevitably, this destabilizes theIo which causes him anxiety; this does not mean that at the base, however, there is also a connection with the misunderstanding that manifests itself in your somatic symptom (see the previous post, ed)

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1) So even by observing anxiety I could have another way to understand the whole process.

Let's say that anxiety is a collateral symptom: you know that a somatism can also present with multiple symptoms not with just one. You have mainly manifested that of the stomach, we need to see, without resolving the cause, if and where this symptom will move.

In fact, it is easy for it to move somewhere else, for example following that preferential path that you have created for the manifestation of your anxiety in this period, ending up, perhaps, increasing your anxious reactions and making this collateral symptom the main symptom.

So don't be scared (and don't be scared) if during your period there will be disturbances, upheavals, unexpected things will come out, and you will feel anxious, you will feel disoriented and, perhaps, you will have an increase in the intensity of your symptom or the of accessory symptoms and so on, don't get too excited: this normally happens every time you go to tease the ego for that part of incomprehension which, keep it in mind, in reality it is there almost at the surface of consciousnessotherwise you wouldn't be able to observe it. You still have to break down some barriers and, gradually, your momentary imbalance will become a new equilibrium. And you will certainly benefit from it.

[…] 1) It's not clear to me how I associate the physical block with the mental one, how can I translate this?

Observing your intellectual processes at the moment your somatism comes into play.

1) I understood that I had to observe my intellectual processes, but I didn't understand why I had to observe the intellectual processes rather than the emotions, I would say: I have identified this area linked to the astral plane and therefore I observe my emotions.

But you are not just your emotions: they are just a part of you; you must learn to see your wholeness, because your somatism is not only made up of emotions, but is made up of a physical part, an astral part, a mental part, therefore, to be able to go up the chain and arrive at incomprehension, you must understand all three components of somatism. You cannot do it starting only from emotions: if you examine only a part of what constitutes you you can see a limited portion of yourself, but you do not have the tools to follow the thread of the process of the formation of your somatism which, in its manifestation , sees the concurrence of all the components of your transitory bodies.

Q - I can't connect this discussion with the chakras: what value does it have in connecting a somatism that is linked to the mental plane, the physical plane, the astral plane, given that I still have to observe my body, my emotions and my mind, when I observe somatism?

The discussion must be addressed from a different perspective: if you are able to recognize that the core of your somatism is, for example, on an emotional level, this means that the main part of the decoding error occurs with the transit of vibrations in the matter of your astral body , and mental and physical reactions are a useful accessory because they are part of a continuous and non-fragmented process, but, per se they don't provide you with the elements to specify the wrong core of your decoding.

Taking into account the organs influenced by the chakras provides you with precise indications to identify at which level of your being the incorrect decoding (and, consequently, the misunderstanding that generated it) is located, providing you with elements of connection to continuously arrive at the factor of misunderstanding.

We can add that, once you have identified where the nucleus of the incorrect decoding is located, this helps you to observe the effects that it has had on your other bodies and which are consequences, repercussions of the incorrect decoding that occurred in the main nucleus.

As for, instead, the behavioral somatism, since it is more difficult to identify where the incorrect decoding occurs given that there is no precise target organ from which to start, it is easier to try to follow the path taken by somatism in reverse, that is, to start from the behavior (expression on the physical plane of incomprehension) look for the emotions that accompany it to finally arrive at the rationalizations that support it, retracing the path that the poorly decoded vibration took, arriving at manifesting itself as a symbol.

I have noticed that some are somewhat confused about this issue of the downward and upward vibration and have also wondered why examine the downward path and not the upward one. Keep in mind that, in the phase of return of vibrations, the path is reversed compared to the previous one, as it starts from physical matter to arrive at the astral, the mental and then, finally, returning to the akashic.

However, what comes to the akashic, you from your physical plane (remember that we are talking about transitory bodies, therefore of Io, and the Ego does not change until the vibrations complete the journey back to the akashic) you absolutely cannot understand it, because for your ego it hasn't actually happened yet, so observing the rising vibration is of no use to you to understand your psychosomatic symptoms.

D – Basically we have to look at the path backwards.

You should do this, but if, instead, you start from where somatism manifests itself and try to see how far it will go you cannot understand it. Because it is as if you were trying to understand something that you don't yet know what it is, since the changes that experience brings to the akashic body have not yet been made to the various transitory bodies. Scifo

2008-2017 Annals

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