Examples of psychosomatism, psoriasis and more [A91]

[…] Let's take a hypothetical friend who has rather strong, very strong psychosomatisms.
Now things are not as simple as you might think, because one might think, “We're dealing with some sort of Psoriasis so you just need to understand where the psoriasis comes from and the psoriasis disappears."

Eh, creatures it would be too beautiful and too easy if that were the case! Also because, alas, our friend has been carrying on with herself for many years without ever really getting to the bottom of things, and continues to avoid some of her behaviors that she finds most difficult to accept and that disturb her, so that these tend to crystallize, even if they are not yet crystallized. It is not a crystallization because she is realizing that she has a problem, so she is still in a relatively calm and psychosomatic phase.

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At this point we need to think about how to improve the situation of the person who finds himself in such a condition. Certainly the psychosomatic symptom arrives and manifests itself on the physical, therefore it means that on the physical level there is something that can be done, that can be changed. To manifest itself on the physical plane it needs pushes coming from the mental plane, therefore it means that there is something that can be done on the mental plane too. But the pushes that come from the akashic also pass through the astral body so it means that it is possible to do something on an emotional level too. What does this make you think? It suggests that within psychosomatism there are multiple spheres on which one can intervene.

In the hypothetical case of our friend, let's try starting from the physical body. Undoubtedly, from a physical point of view, within her DNA there is a predisposition to the manifestation of the particular symptoms that torment her. But be careful: it is a predisposition and not necessarily an actual psychosomatic reaction of that type.

This means, to begin with, that first of all we must try to intervene in some way on the physical body so as to be able to attenuate the symptoms, or make them more bearable, less evident, and ensure that in some way they disturb the person a little less. normal course of his life.

Io I would say that there are some things that can be done, which certainly will not physically resolve the situation, because since the predisposition and the mechanism are almost at the limit of crystallization, it becomes difficult to dissolve on a physical level, these elements concern the whole body to some extent our friend's body. The first thing to do is, therefore, to try to make the symptom as less intrusive as possible, intervening both through nutrition and through specific substances, natural or, when appropriate, synthetic, in order to improve the quality of the of life on the physical plane of the individual. Obviously this is nothing more than a temporary palliative, which does not solve the underlying problem but only alleviates the symptoms.

Obviously acting on the symptom alone is not enough but, as in all psychosomatisms, it is necessary after having tried to alleviate the symptom and, therefore, to make the psychosomatized person's active and relational life simpler than get to the mental and emotional whys which set in motion the mechanism of psychosomatization.

At this point the individual must intervene and it is necessary that he finds a good time the courage to look within himself, and find what he wants or doesn't want to do, be honest with yourself, and not only with yourself because you often don't say what you really feel even to the closest people, frequently preferring to pretend that everything is going normally rather than show your vulnerability, which would force the Ego to see what, instead, it tries to hide even from itself.

This is the path that those suffering from psychosomatism should try to follow. Was that how you thought about it?

D – No, much simpler.

It couldn't be simpler because you are so used to complicating your life that if you don't complicate it you're not happy. This is the basic example of how his psychosomatization should be treated. The path that the individual must follow to resolve psychosomatism should be this.

[…] We said that it psychosomatism has in of the elements that can trace the cause of his birth. Think for a moment symbolically, in the hypothetical case we are using as an example, what it means, for the individual, hair loss: hair is an interface between oneself and the outside, therefore, symbolically, concentrating the symptom in that particular area means demonstrating the fact that there are difficulties with the outside that are creating problems. This is already a starting point.

D – Yes, I just wanted to understand if there was a symbolic key behind all this.
No doubt.

Q – I have a sore throat and I have difficulty understanding the cause of this psychosomatism: was it something I didn't say and it stopped in my throat, or did I say something too much that made my throat burn? What do I do, given that two plausible hypotheses seem to me?

Both could be true, it doesn't mean that both aren't there...

Q – So the throat blocks to block an aggressive reaction?
Yes, in your case yes.

D – Of course, symbolically it's all very simple.
Of course “everything is one, one is everything”. Scifo

2008-2017 Annals

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1 comment on “Examples of psychosomatism, psoriasis and more [A91]”

  1. I understand the cause of psychosomatism and crystallizations, however it happens that, even after looking at oneself, turning over, undergoing psychotherapy and so on, the symptoms some remain, others disappear even a long time later.
    Evidently some pertain to understandings to be reached, others serve to welcome surrender.


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