The countless ways of understanding

Sometimes you think that understanding has to rush inside you like an unstoppable avalanche, like a sudden intuition, and you don't realize, instead, that understanding comes within you - along the paths you take individually - drop by drop. building your consciousness, many times without even your conscious, embodied mind being aware of it.
Understanding is a process that closely accompanies theevolution in all its terms;
understanding is what makes your evolution alive, it is what justifies it, what gives a motivation to your existence, to your living and – why not? – even to your pain and suffering.
Well, children, realize that understanding is hardly that avalanche that you imagine; that understanding will hardly transform you, at any moment, from a being full of doubts and torments to a radiant angel but that, however, if you know how to observe with your Io "New" that is forming moment by moment at the rhythms of this understanding of yours, looking back you should be able to realize that that "you" of even a few days before is no longer the same person, and this can give you the measure of what - small or large - you have understood, you have added to the piece of your conscience, making it more complete, deeper, richer in nuances and, therefore, more capable of understanding others, of relating to others, of belonging to that set of consciences that make the journey through the physical plane.
Of course, your understanding can come through a thousand different tools, it can come through reasoning, it can come through a feeling, it can come through suffering, just as it can come through joy. All these elements are tools that the Great Design has placed at your disposal to allow you to grow and there is never a time when one of these elements works within you alone, but all of them merge, grow, become they feed on each other; from this internal work your understanding grows.
This gives you confidence, children, makes you optimistic about your tomorrow, makes you face the difficulties that you encounter in the course of your life with a different eye than the one you usually use, aware that, in any case, the experience you will live, even if perhaps unexpected, dramatic and painful, it eventually leads you to that pearl of immense value which is an extra drop of understanding in your consciousness.
We hope that this awareness can help you make your path in existence simpler and easier.
Peace be with you all, children. Authorless

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4 comments on “The countless ways of understanding”

  1. Surely the awareness that everything generates understanding is undoubtedly a help and comfort… a light in the darkest moments.

  2. I recognize what the guides say. Drop by drop, we are transformed at times imperceptibly. The awareness of the steps taken and the evolutionary path is evident in the moments of life in which a greater understanding and openness of heart is needed to face "narrow" passages, what we sometimes call "tests", which are the exams in the school of life.


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