On children, on health

I am publishing this series of questions and answers, apparently of secondary importance and only personal, because they contain in my opinion, between the lines, useful information for many of us. Ed

Q - My mom who has problems with blood pressure and heart, I wanted to ask what she can do and what we can do to help her, because for a week now it hasn't been going well.

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Jung and the archetypes [IF41]

So, ours Eagle it could be considered - according to our conceptions - plus one psychologist ofIo, as in reality in all of his theory, in his discussions, in his works, he analyzes both the emotional and the mental part merged with each other and moreover in relationship with the environment.

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Restlessness, a sign of an inner imbalance 1

A mistake you often make is to wake up in the morning with a sense of restlessness on him, with the impression, the sensation, I would almost say the certainty that there is something wrong, yet do not stop and look what this thing is.

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Problems of the Oedipus complex [IF17]

We have seen that the Oedipus complex is typical of your Western society, which arises from how the family is presented, from the roles that within it are usually attributed to father and mother and that gives rise to problems in the child, as it projects itself towards the parents.

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Aggression, toughness, laxity in the parents

I want to go back to a discussion I started some time ago, about more or less young children and their relationship with adults, or better still it would be to say about the relationship that adults have with more or less young children.
I had thus, very hastily and generically, analyzed what were the rather strange relationships that adults have towards small children, taking as adults all people of a certain age, the so-called mature people who somehow approach and approach children; tonight I would like to analyze the problem from another point of view, taking very, very particular adults, those who for the child are the Parents: the mother and the father.

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Respect for oneself and for the other: the parent's task

What is respect? How can having respect for others really be defined?
I would say that, without looking for dictionaries and philosophical subtleties, perhaps the definition that may be more correct is to be able to take into account the needs of others.
"Not easy", you say.
Certainly that is not easy; and, on the other hand, you all know that if you live it is precisely because you must learn to understand others as well as yourself.
What do you usually do? Do you ask yourself whether you respect each other?

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