The core of somatism: the technique of associated words [A111-soma5]

D – In the presence of behavioral somatism, the use of the chakras becomes much more complicated. My reasoning stops when I have to transport a behavior that I have perhaps had for years, and associate it with something that concerns one of my chakras.

In physical somatism io I have the connection that is given to me by the physical organ, and therefore, through that, I am able to trace the source of the headache from the somatism; for example, through the diagram I can understand that it can refer to a certain chakra, therefore the energy most involved by my somatism is the one linked to the mental body. However, it is more difficult for me to apply the same procedure when it comes to behavioral somatisms.

In fact, I had anticipated that when you are in the presence of a physical symptom, all in all, the path is relatively simple and easily identifiable, given that you are in the presence of something real, concrete, easily observable in its manifestation. Just as we anticipated that as far as behavioral somatisms are concerned, things are more complex and, as you rightly tried to say, it is difficult for behavioral somatisms to be able to refer them to the chakras.

This means that the path to follow, at least as regards the starting point of the examination of the symptom, must be different, even if, in my opinion, only different up to a certain point. Let's see if anyone has an intuition to understand what the starting point could be.

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[...] D – Maybe understand if it is emotional or rational in nature.

Good boy. So in the case of behavioral somatism we can actually follow the same path that we have examined so far, without necessarily having to refer to what has been said about the chakras; in fact, just observe yourself from the moment you became aware that your somatic behavior, therefore repeated, gives you suffering, pain, displeasure, and induces reactions that disturb you. Observe these reactions of yours and begin to ask yourself what is physical, emotional, what is rational in them.

The fact of observing yourself and asking yourself these questions does nothing but lead back, in other terms, to the discussion on the chakras. In fact, the moment you realize that much of the behavioral somatism you implement mainly involves your emotional sphere, it is clear that this emotional sphere mainly refers to the three central chakras, and therefore from there you can move forward along your path.

You will say: "but it is not always so simple to be able to find the different components of a behavior that can create problems, otherwise trying to resolve somatism would at least be easier! Is it possible that there aren't ways to try to have some more elements, because it seems to us that this behavioral somatism could really be difficult to decipher?”.

In fact, there can be many techniques, but there is a very simple, very simple one that can be applied alone or with the help of another person, without having the need for great cultural or theoretical bases, even if only armed by your common sense and good will: once you have identified your behavior, look for three definitions of your behavior, one definition that concerns your physical behavior, one that concerns your emotional behavior, one that concerns your mental behavior; what do I know: "I sweat", "I become anxious", "the brain gets confused", to say three things, one physical, one emotional, one mental.

The technique of associated words

And already at this point, in the meantime, without you really realizing it, you will have set in motion the mechanism that focuses your observation and your attention on some aspect of your somatism. However, if you want, you can also do a little more: the moment you have found these three aspects of your somatism, possibly trying to condense them with one word, write the three words on a piece of paper and then (you can do it alone or with help by someone you trust) have them tell you one at a time the three terms you have extracted, e reply immediately to the word with what comes to mind, whatever it is, even the stupidest and most absurd.

It is a very simple technique (well known in psychology and, in particular, in projective depth psychology) which is very easy to use and apply even without a deep level of knowledge of the theory on which it is based. What is essential, for our purposes, is the speed with which the response to the stimulus word must be given, because, thanks to it, it is possible to avoid most (although not all) of the barriers that the ego would otherwise place with its defense and censorship mechanisms.

This means that the answers, no matter how absurd they may seem to you at the time, if looked at carefully, can help point you in the direction you need to look. Does it seem complicated to you?

D – So, I write these three things, and then?

Suppose you find, “sweat”, “anxiety”, “confusion”. It is said "sweat" and you, as quickly as possible, say what comes to mind. And so on for the other words. However, just go and search for "verbal associations" on the internet and you will easily find explanations on this technique, which, all things considered, can't do you any harm.

Limit ego barriers

Q – Is there a way to remove the barriers that the ego, knowing what one is trying to do, would tend to activate?

Certainly, the Ego would tend to barricade itself, but you - let's not forget - are not your Ego and you want (or at least "would like") to resolve your symptom; undoubtedly the ego is afraid of facing the meaning of the symptom, however it realizes the benefits that all this can bring to it, making it stronger and more stable than how it felt before, and, reacting to this fear/strengthening dichotomy, will tend to limit the raising of its barriers. With the result that he won't hinder you too much, unless you touch nuclei that are particularly difficult for him to accept.

Remember, on the other hand, that if somatism reaches your consciousness, this means that it is partly recognized by your Ego, therefore it will more easily allow you to try to discover what the painful knot is within you, putting into implement that mechanism that we have told you about several times and which will lead you to be able working with the Self rather than against the Self.

D – When we respond to the stimulus words, we must keep ourselves focused on our somatism or leave the associations totally free.

You have to try to do not think, and try to answer so quickly that you don't have time to think; you can do some tests first, with different words, even meaningless ones, to get used to responding immediately with what is on your mind at that moment.

2008-2017 Annals

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