The waking state without awareness of the decodings [A114-dreams1]

Despite the many research carried out by science over time, scientists have not yet arrived at a definition that unites the various hypotheses on what dreams are and what their nature and function are.

Greater knowledge is currently only available regarding some of its mechanisms. For example, regarding the production of the dream, some phases linked to certain brain areas have been identified which account for some of the mechanics that dreams use in their formation process during the human being's sleep period.

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From the point of view of the language of dreams, however, great progress has not yet been made, but we are still practically stuck at the elements identified by Freudian theory which, at the beginning of the twentieth century, cataloged a good part of the elements that give a language structure accessible to human observation, cataloging and defining those mechanisms (such as the censorship or the shift) which can provide a key to understanding the dream and offer a possibility of decoding the elements that belong to the "dream thought".

The interpretation of dreams provided by Freud, despite the great merits it possesses and the accurate description of many of the mechanisms that operate in dreams, is, however, strongly limited by the fact of attributing the creative drive that induces dreams to desires, ending up connecting dreams too closely to the impulses of the alone Io, with the result of providing a very limited vision of the dream and forced into extremely rigid tracks.

But, in reality, what the dream is and what the reason for its existence is - as well as its usefulness - still largely escapes the understanding of those who try to study this fascinating and mysterious aspect of human life. .

This inability to arrive at a broader understanding of the dream derives from the fact that science - currently based on the exploration of the phenomenon and its mechanics, even if in recent years there has been a notable approach towards more philosophical thought - is not able able to accept as scientifically valid the concept that there is something that goes beyond man immersed in physical matter with his baggage of emotions and thoughts, and that all Reality is permeated by a generating and creative principle that has some its very precise laws and its extreme logical coherence in structuring Reality.

A different interpretation of the dream has been provided by the teaching that has been brought to you by the Guides in recent decades, based, ultimately, on a few essential basic concepts, without which, however, the structure of Reality (and even that of dreams) can hardly be faced and truly understood.

The fabric of the reality of the Cosmos, the Guides taught, is woven by Vibration First which initially initiates the formation of the Cosmos and the various matters that compose it and, subsequently, transmits its creative information to all cosmic matter, stimulating, in the entirety of the Cosmos, the implementation of the processes that allow its differentiation and development, thus becoming a sort of matrix, of cosmic DNA that establishes the internal rules of the Cosmos and its ways of expression.

It is fundamental, in this conception of the Cosmos, the concept of balance: every variation in vibrations within the Cosmos disturbs its energetic balance (a sort of energetic image of the Cosmos, established as the only possible source of reference for the structure of a specific Cosmos), and the consequence is that within the entire Cosmos energies tend to redistribute themselves in a different way to re-establish that energetic image that was dictated by the First Vibration from its first moment of formation of the Cosmos. The consequence of this continuous realignment of the Cosmos with its image leads to the dynamism of its parts, a process that gives shape and structure to theevolution of the entire Cosmos through the evolution of its components.

In the same way, the concept that the guiding rules of the Cosmos, continuously transmitted by the First Vibration, transport information from one matter to another is of fundamental importance and the fact that each matter, depending on its structure, perceives them in a relative manner to the its perceptive possibilities, thus giving life to the subjective perception of Reality by every creature forming part of the cosmic environment.

This determines the need, for every structured matter - and therefore also for the "man" structure - to decode in a language understandable to it (and transmittable to the matter of the next plane) what is dictated by the First Vibration and which, at each step a different matter, a decoding occurs which in a more or less important way decodes the vibrations received according to its characteristic decoding capabilities, characteristics strictly linked to the amplitude of its feel – and therefore, to the progress of the evolution of the various materials that make up the bodies of the human being – or to the understandings reached and stabilized within his body of consciousness, which, through this process, allows his understandings and his misunderstandings manifest themselves in the action of the individual within the physical plane under the stimulus of the experiences that he finds himself facing from time to time.

I believe that it is not difficult, on the basis of these considerations, to reach the conclusion that the dream could be the result of the individual's perception of various decoding attempts which are implemented by its various bodies both in the descent phase of the vibrations and in the ascent phase during the implementation of the small Akashic body/physical body cycle.

Because in the waking state there is no awareness of the decoding

The flow of vibrations that pass through the individual's bodies is incessant and continuous, therefore the decoding activity carried out by the various bodies does not undergo interruptions or pauses, consequently it is natural to ask ourselves why during the waking phase there does not seem to be any perceived trace of these internal processes, while during the sleep phase they can be perceived through that process that is usually defined as "dreaming". This fact derives from the presence of that reactive process that we have defined as "I".

During the waking phase the ego exerts its maximum influence on the individual, as all its components are active and fully reactive as the individual finds himself interacting with the action on the physical level, an action that favors and triggers the reactions of the Ego in a complex way.

During the sleep phase, however, much of the ego's reactivity is lost since the stimulus due to the encounter with direct experience is missing, and it can be said that the ego goes through a phase of relative calm, during which essentially only the main defense reactions remain in place.

Without a doubt, as science itself has highlighted, brain activity (and consequently that of the mental body) is still present, as is that of the astral body, as demonstrated by the fact that dreams often have emotional connotations, sometimes very intense. , and the activity of the physical body is also present, even if in a minimal part: certainly the physio-biological activity continues, and the body reacts to the vibrations that pass through it (for example to sexual impulses), but this work it does not translate into conscious action within the physical plane.

Ultimately, we can say that dreams are the result of decoding activity implemented by the various bodies of the individual and this fact explains some typical characteristics of the dream: its extreme mutability, the fragmentation of the images that compose it, its frequent temporal illogicality, his presenting in a symbolic form the situations that are anxiety-provoking for the ego, as they represent his points of misunderstanding and the errors of reactions that these misunderstandings induce in the individual during his life of experience. Ombre

2008-2017 Annals

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1 commento su “Lo stato di veglia senza consapevolezza delle decodifiche [A114-sogni1]”

  1. Non ho elementi per dire che non sia come Ombra dice, data la sua esperienza e dottrina dia da incarnato che da disincarnato, ma non capisco perché la decodifica dei corpi debba essere così poco lineare e chiara, tanto è vero che un sogno per comprenderlo bisogna interpretarlo simbolicamente.


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