The illusion: each individual perceives "his" reality

Among the most difficult points of our teaching to accept, one of the most difficult is undoubtedly the concept of illusion.
We tell you, in fact, that even only starting from your physical plane, from the physical matter in which you are immersed as awareness, you are in reality subject to illusion; and to such an illusion that nothing (or almost nothing) of what you observe around you is as you perceive it. And, to give examples to this type of reasoning, we have tried to make you understand how matter is always in motion, even what is apparently, in a permanent way, fixed.

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The illusion of the ego and subjective reality (IIF5)

Introduction to philosophical teaching 5
We have seen previously how theIo comes to the fore in the perception of oneself as individuality begins to incarnate in the human form and we have emphasized how important it is, what stimulus it is towards facing experiences and, therefore, towardsevolution.
From this point of view it is clear that the ego draws the necessity of its existence (albeit illusory) from the need to provide the embodied being with the opportunity to observe what it has not understood.

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Free from enchantment through rationality and logic (VS4)

Criteria for choosing one's spiritual path 4

Whoever reads what I have said up to this point, children, may not be shocked but, at least, perplexed. I tried to put myself, for a moment, in the shoes of one of you who find yourself walking the paths of the garden of enchantments and I encountered the same perplexity, mixed, as often happens, with the reactions of an I that sees what is slipping out of its hands. he believed he could easily grasp.
I seem to hear - the worst detractor of the paranormal is not one of the many human beings who promote crusades against the irrational but, indeed, someone who manifests itself in the mediumistic field and who is implied to be an ultra-physical entity ... it is almost ridiculous. What!".

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Credulity, illogicality: the example of metempsychosis

One of the most ancient sciences of which traces still remain today is theastrology; in fact, its foundations can even be traced back to the civilization of Atlantis, that great civilization, that great race that preceded the incarnation of the current race on planet Earth, and that more than the current race based its life and evolution on study and deepening of philosophical-magical concepts, considering however as magic not that of hexes, evil eyes and such things - which currently seem to flourish in your civilization, especially when there are "chickens" to pluck - but instead considering magic is the science of knowledge, of knowledge not only of the physical world but also of the ultra-physical world.

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Pay attention to illusions (VS3)

Criteria for choosing one's spiritual path 3

One of the inalienable certainties of the garden of enchantments is that there is no certainty in it: everything one encounters can (at least theoretically) be true but, at the same time, it may not be at all.
How, then, to move among the many wonders, without running the risk of losing one's objectivity and one's sense of reality, children?
The main mistake of all those who walk this path driven by their own needs

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The world of the "spiritual" today: the garden of enchantments (VS1)

Criteria for choosing one's spiritual path 1

The arrival of periods in which the human being, and the societies that he composes on the planet, go through phases of extreme confusion that sometimes last over time, falls within the natural cyclical course of human evolution. even for centuries.
To understand the reason for these events, it is necessary to refer to some elements that we have faced several times during these years of teaching, keeping in mind the concept that the reference point to observe is the individual, as what shapes him is not it is the human and social scenario in which he finds himself having to operate, but what follows as a result of the evolution of embodied beings.

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For the new year: more attention to inner processes

Here a new year has begun for you immersed in the physical plane, and the best wish that can be made to each of you is to be able to find a place, in the course of your days, for all that part of yourself that so often you forget, or avoid, or frustrate, perhaps under the pressure of the pressures that material needs present you day after day.
We tell you, children: try to put aside material questions a little more.

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