Freedom: conditioning from birth (l1)

Talking about freedom involves the whole life and the inner and outer way of being of the individual.
It is not possible, in fact, just as with regard to theevolution, thinking about talking about freedom and coming to understand if and to what extent it exists for the individual, observing it only in one of its aspects or on one of the occasions when the question is posed. Andrea

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Free from enchantment through rationality and logic (VS4)

Criteria for choosing one's spiritual path 4

Whoever reads what I have said up to this point, children, may not be shocked but, at least, perplexed. I tried to put myself, for a moment, in the shoes of one of you who find yourself walking the paths of the garden of enchantments and I encountered the same perplexity, mixed, as often happens, with the reactions of a Io who sees what he thought he could grasp with extreme ease slip out of his hands.
I seem to hear - the worst detractor of the paranormal is not one of the many human beings who promote crusades against the irrational but, indeed, someone who manifests itself in the mediumistic field and who is implied to be an ultra-physical entity ... it is almost ridiculous. What!".

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Individual freedom expands with the evolution of feeling (IF27)

Philosophical teaching 27
Among the various problems that have affected man there is certainly the problem of free will, or, more generally, if you like, the problem of "freedom".
It is clear, and to understand this it is enough to look around or observe one's own existence, that the individual, the embodied being, forced to inhabit a physical vehicle, does not enjoy absolute freedom, but his field of action, his possibility that is, making decisions "in freedom" is very restricted and limited. It can therefore be easily stated that the embodied individual enjoys one relative freedom, so much so that we could even speak of the evolution of freedom.

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The true meaning of freedom

Brothers, sisters, what does it mean to be free? What is the sense, what is the reason for the freedom that each of you desires and, at times, dreams of?
To be truly free, brothers, to feel like a butterfly, my sisters, means accept to be aware of the role one has.
It seems easy to say, it seems so simple to tell it, but if you really understood how difficult it is for each of you to accept your reality, but to accept it fully, consciously and not only mentally, you would understand how profound and how important it is what is there for you. i just said:

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