The true meaning of freedom

Brothers, sisters, what does it mean to be free? What is the sense, what is the reason for the freedom that each of you desires and, at times, dreams of?
To be truly free, brothers, to feel like a butterfly, my sisters, means accept to be aware of the role one has.
It seems easy to say, it seems so simple to tell it, but if you really understood how difficult it is for each of you to accept your reality, but to accept it fully, consciously and not only mentally, you would understand how profound and how important it is what is there for you. i just said: be aware and accept the role you have, considering what you have to accomplish in the course of a life as a mission, as a task that has been entrusted to you by those who always and in any case act for your true good.
Brothers, sisters, being totally free does not mean being able to do this or being able to do something different, but it simply means understanding and understanding that that is the way that leads to Him.
I love you, brothers, I love you, sisters, and may peace always be with you all. Viola

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5 comments on “The true meaning of freedom”

  1. That's it. The concept is simple: "be aware and accept the role you have", but the further I go the more I realize that I don't really know my particular mission on the path that goes from ego to love, because it reveals itself as the facts demolish the ideal image that I thought I embodied. Then begins the process of accepting one's limit and therefore of the maturation of humility. More and more the little things, the simplicity of the present take on relevance with respect to imaginative projects, the projection towards a rosy future.

  2. Of course. One is truly free only when he is aware and has accepted his existential task and has therefore made a clean sweep of all the claims made by identity, which often has other ambitions and priorities.
    I like this point of view, this way of looking at freedom and therefore at life.
    thank you

  3. Thanks Viola, I am aware that "freedom" is as you say even if this definition may not agree with the mental acting.

  4. I feel like associating freedom with fluidity, with an impalpable oil that lubricates the whole person, allowing the unfolding of the project of Consciousness, in turn connected and moved by the first Vibration. The mind dreams of a fluidity with a very short, self-referential breath.


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