Personal reality is completely incommunicable to others

The mind! There is a tendency in today's society to overestimate the mind; to consider educated or intelligent people as highly evolved people; to say, for example, of a person: "That person has a very beautiful mind", thinking that way of paying that person a great compliment.
In reality the mind is nothing more than a tool, which can be used well or badly by an individual, but which cannot be used by the observer of that individual to judge or classify a person. It would be a bit like judging a television broadcast "a very good broadcast" only because the device that broadcasts it is the most sophisticated television from an electronic point of view.

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Objective reality and subjective reality conditioned by the evolution of feeling (IF12)

Philosophical teaching 12
The goldfish in his tank called a the son and said to him: "Today is a boring day, let's do something together: let's go for a walk and see what the men locked up in their glass enclosure are doing!". Billy

This fable is an example of what is the subjective perception of Reality; in fact the goldfish that lived its life in a world made of water and enclosed in a crystal bowl, filtering the image through its conception of life, had come to the conclusion that in reality it was human beings who,

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The fable of the hoopoe

At the song of the hoopoe the warrior looked at the tangle of the forest and thought to himself:
“Listen to how she screams. Of course he is preparing to defend his nest from the attack of some enemy! " and he resumed his journey.
The pilgrim heard the hup ... hup ... hup and meditated:
"Sing again, creature, the glory of God" and continued along the way.
The merchant, angry at the bad day, on hearing the sound of the bird shouted, irritated, to the forest: «You ugly beast, you have little to fool me. Come on, so I will console myself with a good roast! ».

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Perceived reality, illusion, objective reality (IF5)

Philosophical teaching 5
We talked about the physical plane, trying to insert the discourse we have made in a broader context, which included the concept of illusory perception of reality, going so far as to argue that reality is not what you see and that it appears so under the influence of your mind; which has the undoubted ability to modify what you perceive with its patterns.
I have just used the word "undoubted" and - of course - this will not seem to some of you as undoubted;

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