Personal reality is completely incommunicable to others

The mind! There is a tendency in today's society to overestimate the mind; to consider educated or intelligent people as highly evolved people; to say, for example, of a person: "That person has a very beautiful mind", thinking that way of paying that person a great compliment.
In reality the mind is nothing more than a tool, which can be used well or badly by an individual, but which cannot be used by the observer of that individual to judge or classify a person. It would be a bit like judging a television broadcast "a very good broadcast" only because the device that broadcasts it is the most sophisticated television from an electronic point of view.

All of you tend to use that precious tool that is your mind in such a way as to create those barriers, in your favor, towards the reality that surrounds you, a reality that - we have always affirmed on several occasions and will always affirm - is very different. from how you perceive it, so different that the reality of each of you is different from that of the others, to the point of being able to say that Tom's reality is different from that of Tom and that of Tom is different from both that of Tom than from that of Sempronio,

  • and there is therefore no reality, even if lived in your time at the same time, which is identical;
  • and not only that, but since the reality that each of you perceives is mediated by your own subjectivity, there is no possibility of understanding the reality of others;
  • and not only that, again: you with your mind think, through concepts and words, that you can at least communicate your reality to others, that you can say to others: "Io I feel this, I feel this..." and so that others can understand your reality. Well creatures, this too is an illusion, it is only an illusion:
  • I can affirm that the subjective reality of each individual is completely incommunicable to other individuals. This is not an easy concept to accept and perhaps it would be better to be able to give practical examples that can make you understand how true this is.

So let's try to find a couple, to show you how difficult it is for an individual to be able to make another individual understand what his reality is, what the reality he perceives is.
You imagine, for example, a person who has been blind from birth, and think about how to make that person understand that the sky you are observing at that moment is blue. Do you think that that blue sky - which at that moment is reality for you - that person blind from birth can be able to see it, understand it, hear it as you feel it? Certainly - and here a minimum of logic is enough - this is not possible.
You could, however, affirm, at this point, that it is a rather particular situation since it involves an anomalous physiological situation of one of the two subjects. We come then to another example that can be more or less common to all of you; an example that perhaps will perhaps even horrify someone, but on the other hand I believe that it can serve my purpose.

Love between two people, you know it well, is made up not only of mental, emotional, behavioral reactions, but also of physical reactions and this is a normal and acceptable, understandable, logical fact. So suppose we consider two people who have just finished sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse is an experience that, except in particular cases, each individual goes through in the course of his life and therefore an experience that unites all of humanity. It should therefore have all the details to be easily communicated to others, to be easily comparable. It could therefore very well constitute a point of reality common to all and therefore be communicable from one person to another.
So let's look at these two people: they are quiet, relaxed, relaxed; certain mechanisms are triggered in their body, their minds are outside the usual problems that haunt everyday life and suddenly one asks the other: “What did you feel; what was our relationship for you… What feelings did you have? ”.
Try to put yourself in the other person's place and think if you could really explain what you felt, what you felt. I am convinced, creatures, that you would not succeed.

But since my speech was a bit long, I leave you, for the moment, with this question. Think about it!
Think if really even an experience so common, so simple, basically, so communicative, because it is the relationship between two people, the most intimate, closest relationship between two people, can be useful, it can be enough to make the other person understand your own reality of the moment. And if the answer is no, then how do you think it is possible to make people you meet only once understand your reality?
How is it possible that you are able to make your reality understood, when the experiences are perhaps completely different from those experienced by the other person?
And on this question, which is not easy to solve, creatures, I take my leave of all of you. Scifo

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10 comments on “Personal reality is completely incommunicable to others”

  1. The subjectivity of reality is something tangible. How many times have I encountered the pretense of being understood and the frustration that this is not the case. I have learned, as far as possible, to distance myself from those I feel are particularly distant, but I understand that even the theoretically closest person in feeling, as we say, has an unfathomable and unreachable part. It is necessary to respect the space that separates us from the other, which personally requires constant attention from me, because I struggle to recognize it. But when I succeed and the demand subsides, everything becomes much simpler and a sense of peace pervades me.

  2. I understand this theme of incommunicability and it does not frighten me at all, it does not affect me. It is a theme dear to so much literature of the twentieth century, even if in most of the authors the outcome is different. Our paradigm allows me a different interpretation that does not alienate men, does not close them in a hopeless isolation. In these days I am re-addressing the Enrico IV, interesting to reread it from another perspective.
    The real underlying lack of communication, which could appear meaningless in a couple relationship, actually clarifies it further, removes all the trappings of the narration of love and confirms it as a proceeding side by side in one's own existential path. Here, however, my understandings stop, or at least struggle, because I would like to think about the existence of a common project in the couple, which may change and renew itself over time, points of contact in proceeding alone. Otherwise one could proceed truly alone, eliminate all forms of human consolation, if one has the strength.

  3. “… We all have a world of things inside; each his own world of things! And how can we understand each other, sir, if in the words I say I put the meaning and value of things as they are within me; whereas, whoever listens to them, inevitably assumes them with the meaning and value they have for themselves, of the world as it is inside it? We believe we understand each other; we never understand each other! "
    Pirandello ❤️

  4. Yes, I underline what Natasha says, respect the space that separates us from the other.
    It is difficult for me, I don't remember it and instead it would be important.
    Sometimes a fact seems so obvious to me that I don't even doubt that it could be anything else for a brother with his times, his experiences, his talents and his limitations.
    Paradoxically, it is easier for me to remember it with a stranger or with a neighbor, where if we do not understand each other it is not a problem, rather than within a common path.

  5. Personal reality is often unknowable even to the person himself, even if he questions himself about what happens to him and what he feels. Trying to translate the most intimate experiences into words, in fact, does not always do "justice" to them.

  6. In agreement with Catia. The difficulty in really feeling oneself should make dealing with others much more attentive but often it does not happen. This post is of great help to me to pause and reflect on a theme dear to me. Thank you!

  7. This topic on interpretations of reality is complex but increasingly clear. When in addition to understanding it, there will be understanding, then everything will fall: fear, masks and the true nature of the individual will flow.
    Thank you.

  8. Just yesterday I was able to experience the difficulty of communicating one's own point of view and understanding that of others. It was an interesting dialogue, which at a certain point shifted to the level of feeling. At that point there was the meeting. As long as we remained at the level of an exchange of the interpretation of reality, there was on the part of both the realization that it was not possible to share a common vision. The acknowledgment and acceptance of this by both of us moved us to another plane, as if we suddenly recognized that in order to communicate we had to get out of the mental plane. All inner opposition suddenly dissolved and I clearly felt within me the transition to another vibration, like a change of level ...
    That's funny! I am trying to communicate something that is not communicable ...
    yet the effort to understand and make oneself understood is part of the aspiration to communion with the other and I believe that basically it is functional to the process of unification.

  9. I have always heard the theme of the lack of communication between people, of the impossibility of communicating exactly what one feels, for the reasons that Pirandello has very clearly outlined. What arrives at the other after decoding is at best only an approximation of what we have communicated, but if we think that what we verbalize is already an inevitably inaccurate translation of what we hear ...


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