The foundations common to all religions (r1)

Many of you do not know me as I have had very few opportunities to come and talk to each other. Others know me a little more as I am the creator of those beloved and feared encounters that instruments and others called "encounters with Anna".

But rest assured: I'm not here to do any kind of individual, personal analysis. I'm here simply to bring my little contribution, in collaboration with Teacher Baba. In fact, we intend to bring you a discourse on religions in the world.

We know that every religion, every great religion of every time, has basically the same matrix, that is: there are religious ideas, moral ideas, basic philosophical ideas common to many of the religions of your planet, almost as if there were indeed one unique, primitive matrix, from which the various religions branched off, either for the socio-cultural conditions, or for the time period, perhaps polluting themselves with those superstitions, those forms of ignorance, if you like, which are typical of the environments where they then they developed.

Yet even a summary analysis, io and Master Baba, we have noticed that there are some real commonalities.
These points are:
- the existence of a supreme being, One, Unique and Immutable.
- From this Supreme Being there is then the formation, if you like, of what your Guides have indicated to be the Duality, the famous Second Logos, so to speak, from which then arises what has been called the Triality, or Third Logos.
- From the Triality or Trinity, or Trimurti (you see that there are different ways of expressing the same thing), we have the birth of what we can define “objective reality”.
So from one First Cause the effect is the Objective Reality, hence the famous one law of "cause and effect", one of the points in common of the various religions, the law of evolution which leads the individual to reveal himself to return to where he started, and finally there reincarnation.
Here, these are the main points that in our opinion are recognizable at the basis of every religion. 

For this evening I would like to talk to you about "Turani"(Ed Turan or Turanian Lowland Central Asia near the Aral Sea, between the Caspian Sea and the Kyrgyz steppes), inhabitants of ancient China who were those who had the opportunity to draw more knowledge from the inhabitants of the people of Atlantis, the which being by now at the end of the evolutionary cycle, just as a race, he had certainly come to have a very profound wisdom and a particular knowledge of the true reality.

The texts, indeed, the Sacred Text of this people, from which we have drawn the most important points that seemed to us very close to the teaching of your Guides and Masters of all times, is called "Classic of purity".
In it we truly find those concepts of unmanifested God, of manifested God, of Duality, of Triality which even today, thousands of years later, we are talking about.

Il Tao, we find written in that sacred text, it does not have a shape, much less a body, yet it gives shape and body to everything.
The Tao has no passions yet the sun and the moon turn as they do.
The Tao has no name, but it sustains and makes everything live. This is the idea of ​​God manifested that your Guides have tried to explain by speaking to you of the First Logos.

But the Tao is expressed in two ways: it is as if it splits into the pure and the turbid (and here we find the concept of duality).
But the thing that in our opinion was more interesting is when we talked about "motion" and "static".
According to this sacred text, we have dualism in everything: the masculine is pure and moves, while the feminine, which is its opposite, is more turbid and static.
Purity descended and the turbid spread all things. This is similar, in our opinion, to the concept of interaction between generating spirit and matter. Anna

But there is still more, brothers. The concept of the Trinity is expressed in this way:
the Tao produced the One, the One produced the Two, the Two produced the Three.
Three produced the other things.
The things produced tend to return to that light from which they were emitted.

Tell me, then, brothers, if this is not the same as what has been said to you by your dearest Guides.
The Tao can be found in everything.
It pervades and permeates everything even though it does not feel itself master of everything.
You see that the true truth can also be found in such ancient texts, when it could also seem that the evolutionary level of certain individuals was certainly not at such a high degree as to be able to be in contact with Reality.

However, there are no real and explicit references to the concept of reincarnation; however we must believe that the concept was implicit and was at the very basis of the expressions that were produced, as the individual is considered as a wandering entity between animal and human incarnations.

A very beautiful phrase in this sacred text makes us understand that this was probably the case. A dying man who was about to leave the world of matter was asked what he would be reincarnated into: this suggests that the idea of ​​reincarnation was intrinsic in the philosophy of that religion.
The dying man's response was: when it is understood that earth and sky are a great melting pot and that God is the melter, what bad things can happen to each of us!
We are born to a great peace to die to an immense stillness.

This work of discovering the common foundations in the largest and most important religions will be done by the friends who have preceded me, who will come to talk to you about Hinduism, of Buddhism (despite all the sects), of Zoroastrianism, The Gnostics, the Orphic system, the Neoplatonism and also of Christianity which is based on the principles that have been enunciated previously.

Of course, someone will be able to say that what has been said in reality is nothing new, since probably by reading other texts, perhaps also of mediumistic messaging, these concepts can be found again. This is certainly true, but I assure you that before being found in these texts, these things had already been written as well as said, and precisely by my friend Anna who came to speak to you. I salute you and peace be with you all! Baba

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