The search for Truth in all ages and its symbols

The mythical Atlantis is usually described, by those who knew it, as a special land, as a sort of promised land in which the greatest truths, the greatest knowledge were available (or have been available for a certain period of time). , the greatest individualities of a race. However, Atlantis was not, is not and will not be humanity's only promised land. There have been, there are and will be other periods when civilizations will possess the same achievements and the same mythical bliss.

This is because during theevolution of a race, in the course of its journey through the millennia, the tens of millennia, each race reaches, for a certain part of its components, those truths, those "feelWhich are the mirror of what the final journey of the whole race holds. Thus, suddenly, happy societies are born, happy at least to the eye of those who know how to look beyond appearances.
One such company, one of these happy times, was Greece. Certainly, to you who observe from the distance of a couple of millennia a civilization now alive only in a few finds and in what the school texts teach you, the Greek civilization is remembered as a warrior civilization, which had reached high peaks of art. and of artistic expression, like a civilization that had also reached high peaks of philosophical expression.
Well, io I tell you, creatures, that in that epoch, in that civilization there was already a first echelon of the race that had reached the limit of its incarnation on Earth and that as such, therefore, had at its disposal a feeling so high that it could reach out, touch and, why not, embrace truths. Scifo

The way to find the truth changes from society to society. The man who looks back over the centuries usually has the mistaken belief that the peoples of the past could not reach the Truth because, perhaps, they did not have at their disposal the means to access this truth.
Instead I can assure you that every population of the past has always had its own way to get to know reality. This road would probably be impracticable for you, since you are currently formed by different needs, stimuli and urges.
Even the way you live your time, the way you receive, perceive the flow of time, is different from that with which the ancients perceived time. Be assured that even in ancient times the same peoples who, observing them from your technological age, may appear backward and, ultimately, barbarians, had the means, tools and possibilities to come to understand Reality, and therefore to evolve to a such a point that he no longer needs access to physical plane matter. Georgei

The civilization of my time had been the confluence of the beliefs coming from all over the Mediterranean basin: the knowledge of Egypt, the knowledge of Babylon, the knowledge of the Jewish peoples and of all those who had already possessed the spark of Truth coming, after multiple transformations, from the torch of Atlantis; all these fragments had contributed, inadvertently but sensibly, to giving life to what was the civilization of my time.
But how could we seek the Truth if we did not have your tools to observe it?

You currently know the material, you observe it with wonderful instruments, you come to see and photograph its most intimate composition, yet even in our times, well before these fantastic means were created by the genius of man, we managed to get to know of what you call the atom. This thanks to the help of that means which was at our disposal and which, like all means, if observed and investigated carefully, with courage and with thoughtfulness, eventually leads to reaching the Truth.
This means was the simple one observation of nature, the simple observation of what lived around us and with us. Observation on which our mind could apply meditations, conjecture and finally, through the mechanism ofintuition, come to understand truths that you, today, have reached by other means. A philosopher

It is said that Thales based his thought and philosophy on the fact, on the conception that all reality, all men, all that existed, had come to life from water.
I said "it is said" because, in reality, nothing original belonging to Thales has reached you. However, he too, a man of his time, had come into contact with the Truths that through Egypt - and in particular from Atlantis - came to form the support of the new knowledge of the new race.
For this reason, the symbol of water was already considered as a symbol that indicated life, generation, and therefore the entire universe.
The conception of generation by the water of the entire universe should not, therefore, be understood as a generation coming from sensitive water, from material water, as your senses normally perceive it, but as something that, for Thales, contained in a transcendent quality, enclosed precisely in the symbolism it represented.

Anaximenes he spoke instead of this birth of reality, of this birth of the universe saying that, according to him, it had happened through the air. Here is another element, one of the four famous alchemical elements that the esotericism of all epochs handed down; here, once again, that a symbol is found already used in ancient times to express concepts that, perhaps, only now, after a certain opening of esotericism, can they be understood.
“Reality - said this philosopher - comes from the air, as it is from the air, from the subtlest element, that everything is engendered”.
But if we wanted to observe the conception of the epoch of matter, and see how our theories can be found already reflected, in part, in what these philosophers were saying at the time, it would be enough to stop for a moment on the apeiron.

What is the "apeiron»? The "apeiron" is a term used by another Greek philosopher, Anaximander, which identified the creation of reality, no longer with water (a symbolic but still heavy element), no longer with air (a symbolic but still rarefied element), but with this element that he called "apeiron" and which is comparable to the more subtle matter that makes up reality. In fact, he said, from this "apeiron" all reality as it is known comes by transformation and aggregation.

So you see, O children, that - even without great scientific knowledge, even without exceptional instruments - already in ancient times the concepts that we bring to you, in some way, emerged; certainly they emerged through a symbolic speech, and it is not always easy, after centuries and millennia, to be able to understand the symbolism contained in those words. Weather

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