Do not continue to look outside yourself for freedom [A70]

Brothers Sisters, io I see you running breathlessly through the streets of the places where you live, overwhelmed by anxiety because there never seems to be enough time, tormented by the impression that your life does not truly belong to you but that you are at the eternal mercy of events.

Irritated or even angry, at the feeling that you have no freedom, and that your life is a continuous constraint on tracks from which you would like, in vain, to be able to derail.
My dears, have the courage, find within yourselves the strength to stop at least for a moment and look for the reason for all this.

Do you think that if your days were 100 hours long you still wouldn't be able to find a way to escape yourself? Your running is so sadly often due to your anxiety to fill your days, deluding yourself into filling them with quantity, rather than with the quality of your life, trying to compensate for your dissatisfaction by continually adding new paths that you will follow, as always, superficially, finding at their end the same dissatisfaction that moved you at the beginning of your breathless running.

But until you find time for yourself, to really look inside yourself, with extreme sincerity, your running will always resemble the endless wandering of an ant that doesn't find what it would like to find and that, ultimately, doesn't even know what it is. I'm really looking.

Your claim that time is not enough for you is evidently unfounded, and to understand this you just need to calculate the time you spend doing things that satisfy your ego, your curiosity, your appearance more than your being. If time management was left less at the mercy of your ego and more at the mercy of your true needs, you would be able to understand which things you should give priority to, with the result that your days would be more satisfying than they usually are.

Contrary to what you tend to think, sisters, your life belongs totally to you; not continue to attribute externally of yourselves the responsibilities that are only and always yours: this behavior can only lead you to a fracture between your manifestation in the physical world and the thrusts of your feel, making you unbalanced and, consequently, more defenseless against suffering.

Likewise I beseech you, brothers, I beseech you, sisters, do not continue to look outside yourself for freedom: the deceptive sensation of freedom that the outside can offer you easily turns out to be a new chain added to your shackles or, at least, with the same ease with which it is offered to you, that false sensation of freedom can be taken away from you , simultaneously taking away all your illusions.

The freedom you are looking for you have to find it within yourself, and finding it will be yours forever and no one will be able to deprive you of it: the freedom to express your emotions, to express your thoughts, to love those around you, to perceive and savor the myriad of small and large beautiful things that continually happen to you and that so often, overwhelmed by the internal dissatisfaction that nourishes your hearts, they slip past you without you realizing it.

  • Readings for the interior: every day a short spiritual reading of the Cerchio Ifior and the Cerchio Firenze 77, up Whatsapp and Telegram.
  • Summary of the philosophical teaching of the Ifior Circle: HOW CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES PERSONAL REALITY, you can order here the book. If you're reading this and want support, write.

“I must, I can, I want”. These few words summarize what your path should be within the life you are living. As long as your interaction with your life, your work, your marriage, your children, your loved ones, your friends is governed by "I must" it will hardly bear any fruit other than suffering, dissatisfaction and a sense of uselessness.

At that point, inevitably, the terrible moment will come when you realize that the things you did because you had to do them and not because you felt them truly as just, it will overwhelm you like an avalanche and then you will experience with intensity the rejection of duties, resentment towards others, anger at what you have neglected to do for yourself to fulfill a misunderstood sense of duty.

Of course, there are duties that seem and are mandatory, for example towards your children.
But observe yourself carefully: what you often do for them that's really what they should receive from you or, ultimately, it is nothing more than doing what is easiest for you, truly disinterested in their needs, to silence your conscience and be able to tell yourself and others what you have done or are doing for them?

If you were objective you would realize that many of the things you do are the result of your concept of "duty" and that, by paying greater attention and sensitivity, you could have done things for them that were perhaps less flashy but, without a doubt, more useful for their training and their growth.

There are many things you could do to improve your life and that of those around you. And I'm not talking about the things useful for daily sustenance (which in reality are very few and very different from those that the models of your society or your social status present to you as necessary and indispensable), but of all the small or large things that allow the establishment drelationships of exchange, sharing and participation and, ultimately, love with the people who interact with you.

Don't deny yourself to others, and others will not deny themselves to you, making both of your lives more worthwhile and easier to deal with. And, do not doubt it, brothers, believe me, sisters, the time will come when your being in the physical world will no longer be dictated by duty or discriminated by what you believe you can or cannot do, but it will arise from your feelings, and then your actions will always be what you want to do, you yourself, outside of any conditioning that may be imposed on you from outside, finding in yourselves the true expression of true freedom, that of your conscience.

And when you get to that point, brothers, when you reach that moment that still seems so painfully distant, sisters, you will wonder for a moment how it was possible that, for so many lifetimes, you did not understand those things that, in the light of today , they appear so simple and obvious to you.

But it will only be the thought of a moment, because you will also have the full understanding that you could not behave differently since you had not yet achieved the ability to be truly sincere with yourself. And it will be from this acceptance of what you were that your forgiveness towards yourself will arise.

And so, smiling at yourselves, you will abandon the wheel of births and deaths, full of gratitude for the multiple possibilities that the Absolute has placed on your path to direct you and help you in the discovery of what you truly are. Viola

2008-2017 Annals

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