True love is beyond ego gratification

[...] The teaching of love, it is true, my children, is the most difficult to understand, however this should not exempt you from trying to truly love your partner, your partner, your children, your parents , your friends.
Yet, so easily io I see you saying that you love a person intensely, and then, unknowingly, you behave in such a way as to humiliate him, trample him, forget him and therefore damage him.

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Love that doesn't need to be reciprocated

[…] Love, never a word was more used and abused! Observe the love of every day, that love that each of you says you have for your relatives, your relatives, your friends: look at it carefully. Is it really love, you say?

I observe the wedding , the marriage in which it was said at the time of stipulation that there would be love, understanding, mutual affection and suddenly - almost always - in everyday life, the proof of the facts, when what was said as binding should be put in place, this love turns into something used to blackmail the partner, to make him do what you want, to

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The many seasons of love that selfishness cannot nullify

Love, one of the many names of God, love that manifests itself in a thousand ways, the love you know, the love you meet along your way, the love that can take on one face, ten faces, hundreds of faces, but which always accompanies you.
If you only think of how many times in the course of a single life, therefore in the course of only seventy years, you encounter love, if only you paused at this, fear, fear, despair, of being alone.

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Love and friendship exist independently of the relationship

[...] Friendship, ah, friendship is great! Friendship can move mountains, friendship can make any relationship beautiful, friendship is something that can make your days brighter, better, more worth living!
Friendship is that thing that does feel all brothers, it is that feeling that when it touches people, unites them, makes them similar, makes them feel close, united in good and evil, in grace and in misfortune, in luck and misfortune.

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Loving others and abandonment to the Absolute

"Let your left hand not know what your right is doing", sublime teaching of the Teacher, siblings.
The Word of Christ, full of love, full of humanity, meant above all that it is necessary, just and beautiful that when one does a work of good, when one acts with charity towards other brothers, one must not do it at aim to show themselves and their generosity.

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Be part of universal love

I believe in Universal Love which brings together and unites all living beings, which unites and brings sensitive people together, which brings together and unites, in some cases, man and woman and vice versa.

I believe in Universal Love, the Love that does not make you feel first, but that does not even make you feel last, the Love that does not make you feel "different" from others and that at the same time does not make you feel the others "different".

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Having all the good and not being able to give it

When you lovingly turn your thoughts to a suffering creature, when you think intensely of this person, when you forget your miseries, when you forget your ego by turning and dedicating yourselves totally to this person, until you merge with him, you, our children, you are doing a great work at that moment, because in this way you show, above all to yourselves, that you have understood at least in part what we mean when we tell you to love one another, when we speak to you of friendship, of brotherhood, of spiritual communion.

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Savor every breath, every situation as if it were the last

My father,
I smile, I live, I joke, I spend my days with a smile painted on my face, and yet, Father, when I look in the mirror I seem to see a tragic mask which, behind a painted and immobile smile on its features, hides, instead, a great pain and a great sadness.
Yes, my Father, beyond what my mouth tends to show to others, beyond what my words try to make those around me believe, beyond the image that I construct for others, if I only stop for a moment to observe myself, the mask falls and I find sadness and loneliness inside me.

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