Be part of universal love

Io I believe in Universal Love which brings together and unites all living beings, which unites and brings together sensitive people, which in some cases brings and unites man to woman and vice versa.

I believe in Universal Love, the Love that doesn't make you feel first, but that does not even make you feel last, the Love that does not make you feel "different" from others and that at the same time does not make you feel "different".

I believe in the Universal Love which governs and animates the smallest, the most miserable creature, which governs and animates all that surrounds you: everything you see, touch, feel, taste, smell, is governed and animated. from Universal Love.

I believe in Universal Love which encompasses in every creature, from man, to animal, to vegetable, to mineral which seems inanimate matter.

I believe in Universal Love and I identify it with the light and warmth of the sun, with the spring water, clear and fresh, with the sea and its riches, with the infinity of the universe, with life itself.

I believe in this Love, and I know that every little aspect of it is waiting to grow, expand, grow bigger until it becomes that Love itself, until it melts in Him, to be part of Him, forever. Authorless

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9 comments on “Be part of Universal Love”

  1. "I believe in this Love, and I know that every little aspect of it is waiting to grow, expand, grow bigger until it becomes that Love itself, until it melts in Him, to be part of Him, forever". I feel part of this process, of this infinite cosmic tension that envelops everything. Even if love is declined in our language as a masculine noun, in this case I read it better in the feminine, in the great creative breath "Ruah" in Hebrew.

  2. It is very beautiful, we speak of a love that embraces everything from the particular, from the single to the fusion with the One. Thank you!

  3. Dunno, beautiful, interesting, exciting, satisfying but all colored in pink.
    We should extend the examples to include shit, blood, rotten and polluted water ...
    This prosaic vision that I consider partial and therefore untrue does not grab me too much.


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