Personality, nadis, chakra, body connection, evolution-1 (IF17)

Philosophical teaching 17
Let's try to explain to you how the being is born, it begins little by little to make contact with its other vehicles and to build, in this way and consequently, its own personality.
First of all, the entity that is called to take its place in that particular body begins to make its own and true contacts after childbirth, immediately after the actual birth; these first contacts are related to the plane immediately following the physical one which, as you will all remember, is the astral body.
These first contacts go as the physical body follows its inevitable physical growth, expanding until it becomes complete, stable; to complete this journey, to reach perfection, it takes more or less seven years of your time, seven years of the physical plane; this, so that that person has his astral body well structured and well connected with the relative physical vehicle.

More or less at the same time the individual who will use that particular body for the new incarnation also begins to form the first contacts with his own mental vehicle; but to arrive at completeness, to arrive more years will have to pass to the perfection of contacts with one's mental body, years which are generically indicated as 14.
At this point you could safely say that the personality of the individual is structured, formed around the age of fourteen.
This is wrong, first of all because, for the moment, we have not yet made mention of the possible connection with the Akasic body (do not forget its importance) and then because you must always keep in mind one thing: these time limits that we we have given (in this case we have spoken of seven and fourteen years) are indicative and not valid, generically, for all individuals. The difference depends above all on the evolutionary degree of the individual who incarnates.
One could stop at the things I have just said, trying to see in particular how the connection in question manifests itself practically in the behavior of that same being, what is the development and how it is practically seen; this would be a very interesting speech but it is very complex and would take too much time.
I would like to remind you again, before moving away, that the real personality, as defined by the patient friend Boris, is inclusive of something more, I would also say of those impulses (even if very small) that the akasic body sends to the physical body ; this, to make you understand how, very often, in our speeches we limit ourselves to provide you with a greater possibility of understanding, giving you only small drops of Truth at a time. Vito

Certainly you will remember a subject that was addressed a long time ago, and which perhaps was taken by some of you as a curiosity, an exotic statement and nothing more.
I refer to when it was mentioned the presence on the physical body of the embodied individual of certain vibratory points that we had defined "nadis".
Io I would like, tonight, to talk to you for a moment more about these vibratory points, because they can help you to understand what individuality is, to understand how individuality then comes to form a personality, and finally to understand how it happens. exchange between the impulses of the physical world and the impulses coming, instead, from the spiritual plane.
The whole body of every human being is sprinkled (to use an imprecise but effective term) with many small vibratory points, which possess particular vibrations, which have the characteristic of to keep the physical body united with the astral body, in particular, and in part also with the other bodies that make up the whole of the individual.
These vibratory points, however, not only serve to keep the bodies together, thus to act in a certain sense as a magnet towards other bodies, but also serve to transmit vibrations which come from other bodies.
It could therefore be said that your whole body receives in every point, continuously, small impulses coming from your other bodies, both the astral and the mental and the akasic and so on.
However, these impulses mainly affect the entire nervous system of the individual, also because these very small vortices are drawn mainly along the nerve band, the small nerves that are part of every small portion of every body of the human being and, therefore, the impulses they receive are very small, indistinct, and difficult to separate from each other.
But beyond all these small nadis, there are other vibratory parts within the individual's body which instead receive more directly, in greater mass, the vibrations and impulses coming from the other planes of existence, and these are the famous ones. centers that are called chakra and which serve as a point of passage for energy from the other planes of existence to the physical plane.
The other bodies of the individual help the formation of the individual's personality by sending impulses from their plane of existence, just as the environment and the experience that the individual undergoes within the physical plane echo, through the chakras, on the other planes, forming a chain of impulses which, going back and forth through the memories of the individual, help to create and structure the personality of every human being in a particular and individual way. Andrea

I too am here this evening together with the other brothers, to address the vast and complex discourse on personality. But rather than bore you with long philosophical and physiological disquisitions, I intend instead to dwell on some curious aspects of personality.
It often happens to hear about other human beings saying that these people have a strong personality and this is almost always said with a sense of admiration if not even envy, almost as if the fact of having a strong personality could be an indication for cataloging theevolution of the individual who owns it.
Well creatures, just to go against the tide as my usual, I would like to affirm this evening that in reality the people who show that they have (according to human judgment at least) a strong personality, are instead people who often do not have an evolution very high.
This because?
Because having a strong personality - as you commonly conceive it - means having a very strong ego; yes, it means achieving a splendid career, but this is also synonymous with imposing oneself, asserting oneself by any means, and trampling if there is to be trampled, mocking if there is to mock, pocketing if there is to pocket, and everything this, my creatures, excuse me, but rather than to be admired, rather than to be defined as an index of strong personality, it is in my opinion to be defined as an index of low evolution.
But you will say that those whom humanity recognizes as masters of the past have had a strong personality; beyond what may be the different evaluation of the term personality, also in this case I can tell you that this is absolutely not true.
Let's take the Teacher that all of you know best, namely Christ: from what could you infer that he had a strong personality?
R - More than a strong personality, I would say he was listened to a lot, in my opinion he had charisma ...
Good daughter! You see from a certain point of view it can be said that Christ had a strong personality, because in reality he had a great evolution.
"But then - you will say - after what our dear friend Scifo said, it must be deduced that Christ also had a big ego and all this collapses the discussion making it absurd! ".
Not at all creatures: because you see, the difference between that hypothetical social climber we were talking about before and Christ, is that he did not impose his personality (which we could define magnetic or charismatic) but, without needing him to do anything, the others people came to him or were affected by him; so without him acting, unlike our social climber who, if he stands still, does nothing, in the end he finds himself always in the same office with empty pockets.
It seems to me that this can clarify enough the angle I intended to give my speech.
If by personality we mean a person with high evolution, then my yardstick is not what the person does, but what he emanates, almost involuntarily, without doing anything to emanate, but which nevertheless others perceive and from which they receive change. and transformation.
If, on the other hand, we consider the term personality, as it is commonly used by you, then there is no way out: it is synonymous with Ego and, therefore, with not much evolution. Scifo

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3 comments on “Personality, nadis, chakras, body connection, evolution-1 (IF17)”

  1. Reading the part concerning the integration process of the various plans from birth onwards, I inevitably thought of my nephew, who was born a few days ago. I thought about how little awareness I had when my children were born and how instead, fortunately, his parents prepared his coming into the world and the attention with which they look after him. They do not know the teaching of the Masters, but undoubtedly they have a greater sensitivity than I could have had at twenty.
    I think how important it is to be able to transmit the teaching to new families, so that the path of evolution of each one is less obstructed, more aware and allows to keep the channel open towards the spiritual dimension. Certainly it is already happening in some way, but I believe that all of us must do our best to facilitate this process, each one making his or her little one available.


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