Having all the good and not being able to give it

When you lovingly turn your thoughts to a suffering creature, when you think intensely about this person, when you forget your miseries, when you forget your own Io by addressing and dedicating yourselves totally to this person, to the point of merging with him, you, our children, are doing a great work at that moment, since in this way you show, above all to yourselves, that you have understood at least in part what we we mean when we tell you to love one another, when we talk to you about friendship, brotherhood, spiritual communion.
If you will truly be able to understand this miracle, if truly - even for a brief moment - you will be able to feel close to a person who is apparently distant, you will offer us proof that our saying up to now has not been in vain. Weather

Brothers, sisters, I am happy to be among you once again; you do not imagine how much pleasure it gives me to see the steps you can take every day; if you could only imagine what you have inside of you, if you could really get in touch with what is inside you, you would be amazed, you would be shocked by how much sweetness and how much love there is within you.
Brothers, sisters, to you who are beside us at times, to you who are beside us forever, I say: look at your neighbours, look at those who are beside you throughout your days, but do not look at them just to find new defects in them, don't look at them only to criticize what they do, and always know how to see the best part in them, that same part which, be sure, is also within you, even if you don't always manage to be who you really are, even if many times you hide behind silences when you would have so many things to say, so many things to do, both for yourselves and for all your other brothers.
Brothers, sisters, know how to love others, know how to love yourself, as we love you.Viola

My Father, when I realize that your other creatures do not offer me and do not give me that gift that you generously gave to each of us, I feel an unhappy creature, Father, and I feel a lump in my throat, because I believe and I am convinced that just a nod from them, a word from them, a smile from them would be enough for me to be able to give more.
Yet I, Father, I realize the good that You have given me, I realize that I can love, but I do not want to do it, I am not satisfied with the things that I have around me and that You, in Your immense love, have done me. arrive, perhaps even at a time when I was not expecting this.
But tell me, Father: what must I do to understand, to free myself from this situation that hurts me so much?
Why can't I accept those things that You, for my good, I know this, have sent me?
And it is not enough for me, and I realize that it is not enough for me to love only a few creatures, I would like to be able to love all of Your children, and I would like to be able to give them all that I can give, but I cannot, my Father.
Please tell me what is right for me to do. Viola

My daughter,
if what I have given you is not enough for you and it is not enough for you so that you feel a happy creature and pay for , how can you only minimally imagine being able to give that love that you feel present in you, within you, to others?
My daughter,
I have not forgotten to give you, to put that Love that moves the world within you too, but if you do not seek it, if you escape it, and you do not want to recognize it in the things that belong to you in this life of yours, then, my daughter, I can not help but wait, wait for you to understand, truly and totally, the meaning of the existence that you are living in this moment, an existence that I make proceed in the best way for you, to help you in understanding.
Learn, my daughter,
first of all to love the little things you have, contenting yourself with what you have, to respect them, to defend them from any attack, whether internal or external; learn, my daughter,
to love even the smallest part of your own body intensely, and only when you have learned this can you be sure that you can try to love others as well.
And when you will give them love without ever expecting anything in return, when you will be able to give yourself to them intensely, dispassionately, without reservations, fears or fears, rest assured, my daughter, that they will answer you and you will be able to see my presence in each of their answers. fabius

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7 comments on “Having all the good and not being able to give it”

  1. These days sometimes I fall into the role of the victim and I have asked myself this very question: how can you truly love your neighbor and have compassion for them if you do not have it towards yourself? However, it seems to me that there is sincerity in what moves me ... in reading this post there was emotion ... thanks!

  2. When love arises from the egoic feeling of wanting to be recognized and when is it pure gratuitousness? I often ask myself about this aspect. Over time I think I have learned to recognize which part moves me. It also seems that the need to be recognized disappears as I continue along the path of knowledge and leaves room for a larger dimension, in which it is difficult to define a you and an I. Even if this always requires a lot of honesty and vigilance with respect to one's inner motions, the horizon is defining itself more clearly.

  3. Basic concepts, easy to understand. Really understanding them is very different. Understanding comes from living them and from it comes the ability to live them more and more extensively and deeply, in a virtuous circle. Dealing with more complex concepts if they do not lead to more immersion in these basic principles risks being an egoic escape

  4. Even today, speaking with a dear friend, I was able to see the truth of the post and, in particular, of the last three lines.

  5. I had already read the post, but I wanted to go back because I had not lingered long enough. How much love, how much patience emanates from the Guides… their very way of addressing us is an example of what it means to be love, to transmit love, to let love show itself.


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