Love and friendship exist independently of the relationship

[...] Friendship, ah, friendship is great! Friendship can move mountains, friendship can make any relationship beautiful, friendship is something that can make your days brighter, better, more worth living!
Friendship is that thing that does feel all brothers, it is that feeling that when it touches people, unites them, makes them similar, makes them feel close, united in good and evil, in grace and in misfortune, in luck and misfortune.
If the whole world were to be able to consider his neighbor as a friend, the whole world would certainly become transformed. With these words I wanted to make an overview of everything that you, one by one, have in your mind to define what friendship is.
Beware, however, creatures, I have just said "in your mind"; in fact, as always happens, or almost always at least, between saying and doing there is the sea, or better still between acting and thinking there is the whole universe involved; in fact, even if your mind contains these beautiful notions, these beautiful phrases, these appreciation for what concerns friendship, when friendship must be put into practice it seems alas that all this is forgotten.
And friendship then boils down to something quite different from that beautiful common feeling that each of you yearns for and hopes to be able to establish with your fellow men.
Don't you agree? Are you all convinced that you know how to be friends with others? Ah, the mind! (again I have to say).
How easy it is to be convinced of something and not want to see reality!
Observe yourselves, observe yourselves creatures for a moment during your days, observe yourselves in your family, among your relatives, among your friends, among your acquaintances; among all the people with whom you would have, in your opinion at least, established a relationship of friendship.
How far does this friendship of yours go?
"Our friendship - you will certainly answer - is ready at any moment in which it must be implemented, as long as the other person, the friend, asks me something and io, immediately, I am ready with love, with passion, with enthusiasm to reciprocate your request; because if a friend isn't ready to do this, then he can't be a true friend. " And you say it, creatures, with conviction.
Perhaps I will see things my way as usual, but in reality I seem to draw something from this discourse that with the concept of friendship - which we had found as an ideal within your mind - this does not fit at all.
Indeed, how can friendship be that which, in order to be implemented, must be requested? Friendship, creatures, to be such must operate and act even if not requested, otherwise it cannot be friendship, but much more easily it is something done to satisfy a desire of others, to show that something is being done, to declare oneself available. just when one cannot do without it, as they are directly involved.
Think about it for a moment and you will see that, all in all, perhaps this time your friend Scifo is not completely wrong. Certainly I could elaborate much more on friendship, but for the moment I prefer to move on to the other topic of tonight, namely theLove; however, not treating it in its highest shades, but limiting myself to what you, inwardly, at certain moments mean by love; and I will do it, as usual, not by making a gloomy philosophical discourse, but by starting from a practical example.
How many times, dear ones, have I seen you bow your head, as well as the Eve of my previous message, bow your head on your shoulder, lower your eyes, and think and oneself, or even saying aloud to someone else: “I feel really hurt (or hurt) in my love”.
But are you sure, are you really convinced my dears, that a love can really be hurt? Are you really sure that that circumstance phrase you are using has a real meaning, assuming that love is what you, in your mind, think you have?
In reality, when someone claims to be hurt in his love, this simply hides the fact that the individual at that moment received a frustration to his ego; in fact it is not the love that has been wounded, but the ego of that person which in that moment has been belittled in front of itself or of others, and therefore this causes an inner pain in the person himself.
But then if it is the ego that reacts and it is not love, why does the person behave in that way, why does he react like that, why does he victimize himself or others, claiming to be been hurt in her love or feelings or sometimes even in her pride?
It seems quite evident to me, creatures, that in this way the individual does nothing but try to defend himself in his own eyes, he does nothing but try to prove to himself and to others that it is not he who has made a mistake, it is not he who he is wrong, indeed he was full of love, full of friendship, full of affection, ready to respond; and that it is the others who have not been able to take into account his true feelings and have made fun of them, have trampled on him, and on and on and on ... and therefore, nothing more than a way to victimize and apologize if themselves in their own eyes, so as not to observe the paucity of their own love and friendship, of their own feelings.
Certainly my words in some of you may hurt pride, love or feelings, but, as always, it will be enough to wait until time makes these words of mine, apparently cruel, a little less cruel, and from them in you it will be able to undoubtedly sprout a more precise, more heartfelt, truer understanding of what they meant. Scifo

One thing, children, that you can hardly remember and understand is that when we speak of love, or we speak of friendship, you intend these terms in a wrong perspective; in fact, you usually think of them as an exchange with others.
That is, you mean that friendship is constituted by the relationship between two or more people, or that love is made of a reciprocal transport, of a reciprocal passion, of a reciprocal understanding, commonality, and so on. Of course, this will be the goal to which the whole of humanity, little by little, gradually, will arrive, but this will happen in a fairly distant future.

But if I say this, it doesn't mean that right now at your stage evolution, friendship and love cannot exist; in fact they exist and it is not necessary that they exist in relationship between several people. In fact, in reality, love and friendship exist independently of the exchange between people.
Love and friendship need only exist in one person; it is not necessary, as you think, for them to be reciprocated; the one who feels himself a friend of another person behaves towards this other person in friendship whether he reciprocates or does not reciprocate this feeling, he helps him even if the other person is indifferent to this help, he is ready to lend himself even if not he receives nothing in return, even if he does not receive gratification, gratitude, even if the other in turn does not demonstrate the same friendship with acts or feelings.
And if this discourse, dear children, is valid with regard to friendship, it is equally and perhaps even more true with regard to the feeling of love.
In fact, love does not need to be reciprocated to exist in the person, love is an interior state of the individual who does not necessarily live because the other person feels it, welcomes it, rejoices in it, gratifies it; love lives for itself, in itself and does not need others.
Of course others can then become the object of a love, they can receive the benefit of a person's love, but nevertheless, I repeat to you, the person who loves, loves and will continue to love even when he remains the only person on Earth. Weather

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2 comments on “Love and friendship exist regardless of the relationship”

  1. "The person who loves, loves and will continue to love even when he is the only person on Earth". Definitely in antithesis to what we normally think.
    Love without an object.

  2. Love is an inner state of the individual and exists even without a love object. It is a reality that I can understand for some moments of grace in which this state has surfaced. On the other hand, I cannot concretely define friendship, that is to say how much egoic need there is behind the attitudes and actions that we define as friends.


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