Free will: the ability to change the way you experience reality

Whoever approaches these things, these "spiritual" encounters, without knowing how the facts actually stand, usually arrives with very particular ideas. [...] Or he expects to receive, from these voices from the afterlife, indications on how to get the "powers".

What a chimera that of the powers! It is enough to look at what is happening right now around you in your society to notice a flourishing of groups that promise, to those who participate, great things, great possibilities, great abilities and illuminations, supersensitivity, astral travel and who the more fantasy you find, the more fantasy you can use.

We do not give you any of this, and perhaps this is also why many people, after a while, turn away; we simply have the task of making you understand, not only with the mind but also with the heart, what is above the mind and heart and which governs your existence; this is because understanding means not obtaining power over others and the reality that surrounds you, but mainly, essentially and necessarily obtaining power over yourself.

Few things are as fascinating as that outline that always accompanies the paranormal or the esoteric, since the paranormal and the esoteric have come to the masses. It is fascinating to think that you have particular skills, also because having particular skills very often offers compensation for a gray life, an everyday life that perhaps does not satisfy, leaves little gratification.

It is not a life that leaves space to be able to dream and, then, what more beautiful dream than that of being better than others and of tracing, in some way, those ancient legends of wizards that, so often, fascinated all of you as children and that are they, after all, a background of your whole culture, of all your knowledge, of what you grow up, are and hope to become?

However, if you stop for a moment (just a moment no longer), to consider the existence, the possibility - since you cannot yet have the certainty for the moment - of the existence of a God, just like us, and not only us, we present him (that is, as a God in whom everything is, and in whom everything is already perfectly designed in its smallest details) you can realize that, in reality, the design you are part of is so immense and yet thus linked, one plot to another, one brushstroke to another, which must also necessarily be ordered, have an order: there cannot be a brushstroke given where it would disturb the whole of the great design. Scifo

That is why the free will discourse is so difficult, brothers, to understand and accept. In fact, if you look at thinking about the existence or not of a free will in this perspective, one cannot necessarily but arrive at the conclusion that each of you must move in certain directions so that the Universal design, the design of the Great Architect, does not come into effect. somehow disfigured, in fact, if only one of you acts in a direction in which he must not act, here, like a stone thrown into a pond, theshadow of his wrong action, a little at a time, would spread all around, modifying and changing what had already been established before.

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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But if this had been established by a God, if a God had already painted the great fresco of your and our reality, how is it possible, I ask io, that this reality can be changed by the individual?
It can only happen that the individual deludes himself that he has changed it or that he has the possibility to act according to his will and not according to the divine one. In truth, however, his actions always conform to what was already written to be. Rodolfo

This discourse, even if it can logically be accepted, can also become, in some ways, dangerous as it could lead to fatalism, passivity and crystallization.
It could make you lose the desire, the pleasure, the taste of helping others and on and on and on. But there is something beyond all this, something that gives meaning to what we are saying tonight, that seems negative from a certain point of view and that appears like a chain at the foot of each of you, and this sense is the fact that you, essentially, exercise your freedom, your free will, in your interior, in what affects yourself mainly and essentially, without being able but marginally, in reality, to truly influence others.

What do we offer you, after all?
We do not offer you - because it is not possible - the possibility of changing the reality that surrounds you: we offer you the possibility of changing it into something through your own change, even if it will always be a change adequate to what it must be.
All those who experience severe suffering and who see and feel their life suddenly collapse like a house of cards under the blowing of a malicious wind, certainly cannot ward off suffering, because if it has occurred, if it exists, it has the sad function of making you understand something, and we certainly cannot make you understand what you do not want to understand, just as we cannot understand for you either. 

What we can give you in these encounters, in all this talk that is now addressed to the mind, now to the heart, now to your conscience, is only the attempt not to make reality change by you, but to make you change the way you see and experience it.

In fact, if you can achieve a certain balance, if you can feel part of a whole, if you can fully understand that you are never alone even if it seems so, but that everything that surrounds you is in you and is for you then, at that point, even the suffering that may come to you will become less hard to bear as you will be able to experience it in a different way. 

Think of the person who, for some reason, has lost, for example, the use of his legs: how often does a person in these conditions complain, cry, despair, cannot understand what has happened to him?
And yet, if he looked around carefully, he would discover that what he has lacked can be, if only he wants it, if only he can observe his reality with different eyes, compensated by many other small things that he now sees while not before. he never saw them.
There is always, therefore, the ability to change the way you live your reality and be able to live serenely even the greatest pain. And this is what I wish this evening, with affection and love, to all of you. Weather

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14 comments on “Free will: the possibility of changing the way we live reality”

  1. We therefore do not have the possibility of changing the facts, but only the reaction they arouse in us ... and does it seem little?

  2. The free will we have is the possibility to change or not point of view on reality and on ourselves. It is up to us to decide whether to accept or reject the misunderstood job that transforms us in any case. It is up to us to decide how much to suffer.
    Thank you.

    • The Great Design is already unfolded in the Eternal Present. In becoming we perceive at most some shreds of this Design for which we make choices and we may seem to have free will and perhaps even to influence the lives of others. All this is functional to feed the process of knowledge, awareness and understanding, avoiding getting stuck in fatalism. However, if we consider the whole process from the point of view of the Eternal Present, we can only give up: it is all Illusion

  3. The scope of that "Thy will be done" is crumbling since it is the only possible way.
    It is also my experience that changing the gaze on reality changes the degree of suffering or gentleness.

  4. In the order of the Grand Design, our freedom lies in changing the way we see reality. It seems like a little freedom, but it opens up wide spaces for understanding.

  5. So living means discovering every day a trait of that divine plan prepared by the architect, adhering to it. We can change nothing, if anything we could make a mistake or lengthen the road, choose more inaccessible or tiring stretches, to reach that goal stability for each one.

  6. "All those who experience severe suffering and who see and feel their life suddenly collapse like a house of cards under the blowing of a malicious wind, certainly cannot ward off suffering, because if it has occurred, if it exists , has the sad function of making people understand something ”….
    "If you can feel part of a whole, if you can fully understand that you are never alone even if it seems so, but that everything that surrounds you is in you and is for you then, at that point, even the suffering that it can get there, it will become less hard to bear "
    These are the words that stand out in my reading!

  7. It seems to me a journey with a single destination. The understanding of oneself as part of a balanced whole. Experiences as stages of the journey.

  8. In this post I find the essence of life, of every teaching.
    We can do nothing about the ability to modify reality: it is what it is, it is the representation of the great design expressed in perfect balance.
    The only thing we can change is the ability to see and stay within that great design in the awareness of being fundamental and at the same time infinitely marginal.
    It is only how we live that being that can be modified and which in turn modifies the point of view of the Whole.
    The more we are able to live the Reality according to this concept, the lighter the path will be.
    A Christian reference comes to mind in which it is said that "the kingdom of heaven is already here." ... only need new eyes to see !!

  9. For a while, I too was attracted to those who dispensed joy / love / beauty (I say this in an ironic way, but to convey the concept).
    Each time I was disappointed, recognizing its ineffectiveness and the limit of vision.
    I too, as Scifo says, thought I would discover the powers that would allow me to solve problems, and then understand that the only power we have is to change ourselves, or better to change the way we look. try to decode the facts.
    This is truly the great revelation, the one that gives each of us responsibility for our own life.
    We cannot act on our design, but we can have an ever more unitary vision, in which joy and sadness, happiness and pain, life and death have no positive or negative connotations, but are simply functional conditions for the our learning in becoming. By understanding its function, while not avoiding its pain, we can find relief from our suffering.

  10. The Great Design is something that we cannot change, but we can modify the gaze in which we are on the path by making it lighter


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