Origin, target organ, observation of somatism [A108-soma2]

The easiest point to identify and start from is, obviously, the somatic symptom, especially if it occurs on a physical level, since if the somatism is of a behavioral type it is more complicated to identify, mainly due to the defense mechanisms of theIo.

In fact, if there is the presence of a physical symptom it becomes undeniable for the Ego (which, moreover, obviously has the desire to resolve a symptom that in some way limits it and makes it less magnificent than it would like to appear not only to itself but also to others), and this undeniability of the symptom lowers or, at least, diminishes the barriers that the Ego tries to elevate, made fragile by her need to feel above any difficulty.

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If somatism, however, is of a behavioral type, its analysis becomes much more uncertain and difficult due to the fact that there are many more accessory elements in behavioral reactions: for example, the way in which you experience your psychosomatic behavior can be strongly influenced and conditioned by the influences coming from the environment external to you and, in particular, by those that derive from transient archetypes to which you are connected.

The origin of physical somatism

But let's start from the simplest case, that is physical somatism, and let's try to understand what elements the symptom can provide us as a starting point, keeping in mind some fixed points:

– somatism arises from something that was not understood and which the Akashic body deems inconsistent with the vibrations coming from Vibration First and by Permanent Archetypes.

– non-understanding means that the structure of the lower bodies is also that of the akashic body it is not yet such that it can carry out the correct decoding of the vibrations it receives, ending up having to interpret them and, therefore, subjectivising them.

– somatism manifests itself with different degrees of involvement of the lower bodies depending on where the central nucleus of the somatism itself is located; this means that it is possible to identify in every somatism a physical, an emotional and a mental component.

1. Define the target organ

The first thing you can do is to try precisely define what the target organ is, as its location in itself can provide useful information. If, for example, the physical symptom concerns the surface of your body this, almost always, indicates that you will probably have to orient yourself towards your relationship with the outside since the surface of your body is what others immediately perceive of you and, consequently, the symptom in that location indicates a conflict of some kind between yourself and what is external to you.

    If, however, the symptom is located inside of your body this indicates not a conflict with what is external to you, but with what you really are and what you express externally with your behavior.

    I understand that this first step may seem too generic to you and that the data it provides simply constitutes an orientation phase for your observation. But, fortunately, you have other tools you can use to refine the elements related to somatism. In fact, whether it is a physical somatism or a behavioral somatism, the expression of the symptom (physical problem in one case, problem of expression and action in the other) it is accompanied by emotions and thoughts.

    2. Observe what somatism arouses

    The second phase is, consequently, to observe yourself while somatism influences you, and to notice the emotions and thoughts that his presence arouses in you which, when it conditions your life, accompany it.

    This observation alone can help you identify in which direction your misunderstandings go, setting in motion all your components and your internal processes (from the Ego to the akashic body), providing modified data to the vibrations that return to the akashic body and leading, consequently, to an enlargement of the feel which translates, for each of you, into a better possibility of decoding the vibrations of your inner bodies.

    If somatism, however, is of a behavioral nature, it becomes important to try to identify your character base, to be able to to separate those which may be innate elements, typical of your genetic structure from those elements which, instead, arise from the intensity of character somatism.

    To give another example, if you have a strong predisposition to aggression written into your genetic base, it is easy for your reactions to tend to be aggressive. At that point your attention usually stops to notice the fact that you react aggressively, while It's not your basic aggression that's important, but rather what element or situation is expressed through aggressive behavior; in other words, the important point lies in arriving at individuation what is the misunderstanding that channels yours personality in an aggressive reaction, favoring its expression in that particular way rather than another.

    It should not be forgotten, in fact, that the aggression we are talking about it does not always manifest itself in any case in the individual, but it is triggered only in certain situations and, consequently, as I was saying, what we must try to understand is what these situations are and what is there in them that triggers the aggressive component of the individual, making it take over the range of the other possible reactions it has in its genetic code.

    The symbol of the symptom

    Another useful analysis that can be done is the one that tries to identify the symbolic part of the symptom. If we want to give a simple example we can say that if the physical symptom is located in the backache, this localization, symbolically, could mean that it exists something you don't want to face or that you don't want to do, trying to justify your reluctance to yourself causing your physical body to create justifications for you of a physical nature to postpone or avoid some situation that does not satisfy you.

    No doubt all this will seem complex to you, and difficult to implement, but I guarantee you that this is not the case: very often it is a question of encouraging the triggering of an automatic process which, in the long run, will become acquired, facilitating your analysis and simplifying it, resulting in at least the attenuation of the sense of impotence that you easily feel when the symptom presents itself without being analyzed and understood. Ombre

    2008-2017 Annals

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