The vibratory peaks of the astral and mental body [IF63.1focus]

We have previously seen how the matter of the astral body, when the physical body is stimulated in a particularly intense way on an emotional level, emits a sort of vibratory "protuberance" that we had defined as a "peak", connected and dependent on the intensity of the emotion experienced. .

These peaks, departing from the astral body of the individual, arise and they propagate some distance from it remaining, however, within what is the astral atmosphere of that body, or with the possibility of moving away as far as it is supported by the astral vibrations emitted by the astral body of the individual. This means that these peaks can, in cases where the emotional intensity is maximum, reach the confines of the individual astral environment.

To help you understand this concept, there is no need to give great examples that illustrate this fact: it is enough to think for a moment about well-known phenomena such as mass hysteria to have an example of the magnitude of the astral peaks of people subject to strong emotional shock and, moreover, to be able to understand, without great conceptual difficulties, how these peaks can (when they come into contact with the astral atmospheres of other people who are particularly receptive to that type of vibration at that particular moment) affect other individuals emotionally.

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If the astral atmosphere of the individual could be broken down into its various components by quantifying the intensities of each of them, a map of the individual's astral body would be obtained, providing an image of his emotionality so complex and articulated as to make evident what we thus we have often told you in the course of these years of teaching that every embodied being is unique and unrepeatable.

In fact, the emotional factors (that is, in philosophical terms, the different vibrations with different intensities that characterize them) are so many and so dependent on what is theevolution of the individual and, therefore, from the experiences made in his various lives and from what has been drawn from these experiences at the level of understanding, which each astral body constitutes a unique and personal "digital" imprint. And this is also true for every physical body or, for that matter, also for every mental body.

It is good to keep in mind a further consideration to be made that, despite its obviousness (or perhaps precisely because of this) it can escape attention but which, instead, constitutes an important basis for the conceptual consequences to which it leads: the vibratory environments of people they are individually definable and personalized by the astral qualities of each individual astral body, but they are not vibratory islands (or vibratory spheres, if you prefer) to standing: they are found continuously not only in contact but also in superimposition with the atmospheres of other astral bodies.

This means that similar vibratory properties of different astral environments can add up, strengthening, even if temporarily, just as discordant vibratory properties of different astral environments can cancel or contrast each other.

This is the basis, to take a very trivial example, of the attraction you sometimes feel towards another person from the first moment you meet them or the instinctive rejection you feel towards other people with whom you come into contact during the your days. The discourse could also be broadened further and in very interesting directions (an example for all: the sexual sphere), but this is beyond my current aims and, therefore, we leave this extension to another more suitable occasion.

Let us return, therefore, to the concept of vibratory "peak", briefly observing it in its reality within the mental body, since, obviously, these sudden vibratory bursts emerge which we have defined as "peaks".

It is evident that, just as the astral body and the peaks that emanate from it are a consequence of the quality of the astral matter which reacts to the emotional intensity, also for the mental body they arise from the reaction of the mental matter to the intensity of thought. It is also evident that the various mechanics and modalities found in our analysis of the astral peaks are logically applicable to the mental ones.

What troubled you most was finding an example of these mental peaks and understanding how and from what they arise.
In order to clarify these elements, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the subdivision of the mental body into its internal cycles, each one partially independent but, in the end, complementary: the internal cycle which concerns the lower mental body and the one which concerns the higher mind.

Let's try to specify better.
The lower mental body, the one that, by convention, we have located closest to the astral body of the individual (as it is made up of denser matter) is closely related to what is theIo of the embodied individual; the thoughts that it formulates and elaborates are a consequence of the knowledge acquired in the course of the person's life.

Being closely connected to the ego, it acts and reacts directly to what the physical and astral components of the ego are experiencing in relating to the incarnative experience. Here, therefore, that a particularly "strong" experience causes strong physical and astral reactions but also strong mental processing reactions that provide the intensity of thought to the lower mental, which will emit more or less intense peaks thanks to the vibratory circle of what forms the ego (physical-astral-mental, ed), in direct dependence on what he experiences on the physical plane.

Let's take sexuality as an example, since I had already mentioned it a moment ago: physiological reactions of a sexual nature are fed by emotional vibrations within the astral body (but the reverse is also true, of course) which lead to the birth of thoughts directed towards the idea of ​​sexual experience within the lower mental body, which elaborates sexual fantasies, sometimes as mental ghosts because the experience may still be unknown and, therefore, the mental body feeds the erotic fantasy by experiencing the desire to to carry out this experience under the pressure of the attempt to resolve an unknown factor of his in this regard. The intensity of the desire for experience and, therefore, the intensity of the thought that sustains it causes an emission of mental energy, a spike, towards the object of desire.

The higher mental bodyinstead, being of much more subtle material, it can be located (always by figurative convention) closer to the akasic body and is more influenced by it. This does not mean that the thrusts of the ego do not reach this part of the mental body, but that they reach it less intensely and that, therefore, the vibrations that come from the akasic body can have a greater influence, precisely because they are less contrasted, in their propagate, by the vibrations of the ego.

It follows as a consequence that thought, in the superior mental body, is supported and directed mainly by the needs of the akasic body and not by those of the ego. Here, therefore, that the peaks coming from the higher mental body take strength from the need to understand the akasic and their intensity is a direct consequence of the urgency of understanding or of the fact that, perhaps, the akasic body considers that experience essential to completion. of a certain kind of understanding.

It is obvious that also in this point of the reasoning could be inserted many other concepts or many other considerations, certainly not without importance but, even in this case, I prefer to stop at this point.

One last thing for this time. It is curious that none of you have wondered if there are gods physical peaks and in what way, if any, they manifest themselves, perhaps citing an example. While trying to use all my optimism, I don't think the lack is due to the fact that you have already understood this aspect of reality. Much more likely it just didn't even come up with the idea that the physical body could also emit spikes.

So I'll give you some examples of physical peaks: sweat, or the redness or pallor of the cheeks, or look for others yourself, if you're interested in doing so! We are therefore dealing with sudden and more or less violent reactions of the physical matter under the pressure of the stresses that the matter of the individual's body receives, and which come to propagate in what is the individual environment of the physical body which, as we mentioned earlier, it is very limited due to the relative stiffness of the physical matter that constitutes it and, therefore, the physical vibration that it is capable of emitting. Scifo

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2 comments on “The vibratory peaks of the astral and mental body [IF63.1focus]”

  1. Chiara is the exhibition. I think it is very important to take into account the distinction between lower and higher mental vibrational cycle: to be explored. Thank you.


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