Human passion for labels and the peculiarity of each path

The love of labels is one of the most important elements in your current society: everything has to fit the pattern, it must be able to be classified as black or white, right or unfair, true or false.

The result is a society in which, by force of circumstances, contrasts and contrasts arise and in which even people who by now, over time, think basically the same way, become or remain antagonists because the opposing party, as such , is now labeled a rival or an enemy, forgetting that rivalry should be unified by the common desire to do the greater good for society.
This happens, on the other hand, in all fields of human activity, from the political to the religious, from the pragmatic to the ideological.

It is a bit as if the sense of the shades that shade the Great Design had been lost, those shades that give it vigor, vitality, variety and an unparalleled beauty.

Our teaching, on the other hand, is precisely aimed at recovering this sense of nuances: while containing basic elements that are very precise and delineated over time, these elements merge, merge, blur, interact with each other to such an extent that speaking in a generic way is sometimes difficult (especially if the discourse concerns what concerns the individual) and forces us to tell you that certain questions cannot be answered that is valid in general, but that the question should be observed and discussed within a specific individual or situation.

Whoever sees in this position of ours a not wanting to give a precise answer and trying to avoid the topic is very wrong and, evidently, has not fully understood the meaning of what we have been saying in these long years of interventions with you. , that is, that each individual is equal only to himself, insofar as there are no two beings embodied with the exact same evolution and, consequently, with the same inner dynamics, drives and motivations.

Applying a label to something, above all, means being able to catalog this thing in order to create, through that classification, a set of rules that regulate it, otherwise the labeling itself becomes a completely superfluous thing.

This leads to the creation of that self-fueling monster we called "• innovative business organization based on the use of technologies and digitalization of internal and external processes, as well as the active and continued promotion of the services we offer through business development, marketing and communication systems (letter "I" of our logo actually stands for "Innovation");"Which, through its classifications that lead to the establishment of fixed rules and hierarchies, ends up existing no longer to carry on what were its initial purposes, but to keep the labels where, first, they were posed, closing to the new, to changes for fear that the structure could collapse due to the influence of additional factors. 

The result - as you yourself can see every day in living your society in which the government is against the judiciary, the North against the South, the poor against the rich and, in the end, everyone is against everyone - is that of create a range of free movement for theIo and for its expansion efforts giving him, above all, excellent rational excuses to justify what he does, apparently in the name of any ideal but, on closer inspection, to continue to keep the label it has earned on itself and, with it, the privileges and attributes it can offer him. 

It is for this reason that we have never aimed at being considered by you as "spirits" or "Masters": it would be too easy to obtain credit for our words by exploiting these labels, stimulating your faith or taking advantage of your habit of accepting dogmas.
The fact of being "spirits" does not invest us in itself with the attributes of "wise men" or "bearers of Truth" and, therefore, in any case and always credible.
If he who leaves the physical plane automatically became truly wise, reincarnation would no longer make any sense, much less the very first immersion in matter!

Reality is less idealistic and, without any doubt, less satisfying for the ego of the individual: after death the "spirit" who has understood is wise, but remains with his understandings and shortcomings the one who, in the course of the lives completed until then, he did not want or was unable to understand.
One can present, this is certainly true, the possibility of a more lucid vision of one's own reality and one's inner motivations but - and this is equally true - there is no certainty of one's right understanding until the next life is verified

So those who were presumptuous in life will be presumptuous after death, those who were aggressive will retain their aggressive charge, those who were selfish will carry themselves with his own selfishness and so on, until the one, irreplaceable and unparalleled great teacher, Existence, has made him feel humble, made him capable of expressing sweetness, enabled him to share with others by overcoming his selfishness.

It is not our desire, therefore, to be labeled as "spirits", just as you should not happily accept that of "spiritualists" which, in itself, gives the impression of the individual escaping the reality of life by his responsibilities to an extremely unlikely afterlife, made up of only light and beautiful words. 

It is also for this reason that we have come among you introducing ourselves with personality as human and varied as possible: to remind you that spirits are not as the popular image depicts them, fine sayers of holy words, endless repeaters of praises to God, continuous enunciators of references to mysticism as a refuge from the materiality of "deplorable" life earthly, but they are beings who know (at least those who have come far enough to understand it) that earthly life is beautiful and necessary and, precisely for this reason, it must be loved and considered in the right way, lived for what it is, that is a wonderful tool to give, beyond easy words, the possibility of growth for the individual.

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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We tell you once again, in case it were needed, that a serious and spiritual attitude (according to the label that has been attributed to this word) is not necessarily an indication of evolution and that speaking of God does not mean believing in Him, reminding you that the atheist who acts for others without believing in Paradise is worth more than the priest who preaches the poverty of Christ cloaked in rich vestments, and that a moment of play or a spontaneous laugh are not irreverent but can manifest a condition of harmony with Reality.

As, then, to thelabel of "masters" it is so inflated in your age that we do not know how much more respectful it is! Every human being - we will never tire of repeating it - has something in him that he has learned in the course of his evolution and which, therefore, makes him the bearer of a Truth that he can communicate to other human beings, helping them on the path of their own. understanding. 

This often happens, much more often than you realize: attracted as you are mainly by the charm of words or of the speaker, very often it happens that you do not realize that the behavior of those next to you, silent, would be Teacher for your behavior if you would like to pay more attention to it.

We, who have behind us the legacy of some life lived more than you, can perhaps show you ways that otherwise would escape your awareness, but not as "spirits" or "masters", but as beings whose words go, however , screened by you and whose actions are, in any case, recognized by you as right or wrong on the basis of what they make vibrate within you. 

 If you come to believe what we say because we are "spirits", we regret it with you, and it happened without our wanting it: faith in us, trust in us, must not lead you to be blind, nor to cloud your critical sense or to make you parrots unaware of what we say or do, but it must make you free to consciously sift and, knowingly, make you accept or reject what, according to your feel, may or may not be a truth. 

Some of you have recently wondered if we are Kardechians or continuers of the spirit movement of Kardec. This question makes us smile: we are not Kardechians as we are not Buddhists or Marxists! Our idea is that, for those who truly have an interest in seeking it, Truth exists everywhere, even if it is often mixed, intertwined, confused by ego projections.

Kardec's Spiritualism dates back to almost a century and a half ago and the words it contains were addressed to a man who is different, internally, by type of experience and degree of evolution, from the current one and, while containing basic arguments still valid today, has in itself too many concepts filtered by the I's of the time that influenced both the collection of messages and their contents.

Furthermore, it is not our intention to replace a religion in which men become vicars of God on Earth by political, economic or organizational choice, with another religion in which presumed spirits are elected to this role, giving them the scepter of command over what man must or must not do.

As I said before, organizations, parties, movements and so on are far from our conception of moving towards the abandonment of wheel of karma by understanding: the path of every human being is different from that of another, even if, perhaps, traveled in company, and what unites and equates them is not and cannot be "spiritism" or any other concept of mass, but the strictly individual desire to finally arrive at understanding Reality. Weather

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7 comments on “The human passion for labels and the peculiarity of each path”

  1. Once again: we are ontologically alone in the dimension of becoming.
    There are no religions or ideologies to entrust oneself to, to which one can deceptively delegate the work that belongs to us, because it is functional and peculiar to each of us.
    This "Truth" is never internalized enough, perhaps because of the self and its love for the label, for the dual: ground on which to build one's own kingdom and one's own expansion.
    The guides remind us and give us this great teaching: if you meet Buddha on the street, kill him.
    Thank you.

  2. Freedom and responsibility are the terms that arise from reading.

    Nothing fixed and predefined can contain what is so varied and changeable in relation to the acquired feeling.

    The direction is, however, as clear as the peculiarity of each individuality is clear.

  3. I know what it means to think according to labels. When I was doing political activity I didn't see the man but the party he represented so I was always on the defensive in trusting what he said.
    When I became aware of the absurdity of the thing, I stopped belonging to a party and I began to look at people with no more preconceptions.


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