Friendship and positive and negative experiences that help

D - I wanted to ask if friendship, which is a facet of this whole reality, is a facet of feeling, of the sense of union that will one day belong to us totally.

So: friendship is not something that is shown on Saturday morning or Friday evening, if it is felt it always exists, it is always there, it is not something that you can put aside and close in the closet for two days or a month. In my opinion, a thing is real, it exists, it is, always.
When you are in contact with a person, if this contact exists, you can not switch off whenever you want ... am I wrong to think so?

Certainly not. If there is a love relationship - e friendship is nothing more than a relationship of love, after all - and if it is true, it will always and in any case exist, even beyond the lives and deaths of the individual.

D - So much less in a current physical life, I mean. A friendship cannot escape three days a week; does not exist.

Certainly, it no longer exists; however, doubts arise - at least - that it exists when one of the two friends realizes that the other is less available; then, if a friend blames the other for friendship not given, he certainly does not feel friendship because friendship is like love: it goes beyond the other's behavior. Scifo

The spiritual experience

D - Scifo, I wanted to ask you this: when a person decides to choose - for example - to live in chastity, of not having a certain type of experience because he thinks he is progressing more, faster, in the spiritual or mystical path, can this be true?

It is a bit difficult to generalize in such a type of speech. In principle I would say that it is not true, because - as I said before - if the physical body exists it must be used, exploited for the characteristics it possesses. On the other hand, it may be some individual who has already experienced the sexual aspect that accompanies the lives of every man so deeply in previous lives that, for that life, he may not need to explore, to seek love. in that direction.

D - One thing can be objected: if an individual incarnates himself to lead a spiritual experience as an incarnate, he might as well not incarnate, that is, he continues to live as a spirit!

This is not true: first of all, it is necessary to see what meaning is given to the concept of "spiritual experience".

D - A person who, in a certain way, respects the canons of conducting an experience of chastity, that is, depriving his physical body of certain natural needs.

Let me give you an example: suppose you are one of these people about to experience a "spiritual" life according to this point of view that you have presented. This person finds himself - for the cases of life - in front of a desperate person, rejected by everyone, who needs love, is in a psychological situation where words are not enough, he needs a caress, physical contact, to feel part of someone. So, at that point, is it no longer spiritual to give this person a physical experience as well, for example?

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D - Well, it is clear that it is necessary, because a physical experience is a complement, let's say ...

And therefore it is not possible for an individual to negate a part of his physical being from the outset because, if his physical being has been given to him, it is because he has to act with it within the world; and start already saying "Io I don't even want to consider this part of my being, because I want to be an ascetic from start to finish ”, it could lead him then, one day, in difficult situations internally, to be divided and no longer united as he should be.

D - Of course, because if one conducts an experience by doing violence to one's body - to be completely clear - at that point there is no longer a positive experience, but it becomes an experience that is distorted and then also a bit tragic. , I would say, that comes out of the norm.
Because if one incarnates to live as a spirit, that is, an earthly spiritual experience, the discourse becomes complex, because, in certain cases, the individual must practice a certain violence against himself.

But, you see, all of you and us too, when it was our time, who incarnated on the physical plane, we did it to carry on a spiritual experience.
All of us, from the beginning, have been looking for that union, that fusion, that enlargement of feel which will then lead us to reunite with the Whole, and is part of the necessity, of the steps ofevolution, of understanding, to go through all possible scales of experience - both positive and negative - as both, in reality, are spiritual as they both end up providing understanding to the individual. 

How many times does it happen that suffering makes an individual understand much more than joy! In my opinion, there is therefore nothing that is not spiritual in any behavior; it is only an experience that will bring more or less understanding to the individual who incarnates.

D - But the individual incarnates mainly to get in touch with matter, and the spirit comes into contact with matter only with the incarnation, and therefore he has to live the world of matter to the end, in my opinion.

Ah certainly. On this I fully agree.
Some of you have been troubled these days by an event that happened in another country: for that two-year-old boy who seems to have been kidnapped and then cruelly killed, it seems, by two ten-year-olds.

A chilling and inconceivable thing, right? Perhaps, if you think about it, it is one of the most terrible things that can be heard, from the point of view of the conscious person, even in the midst of already so many distressing things that you find yourself living; yet, in reality - even if certainly, clearly, an experience of this kind is not to be rejoiced or applauded - there is no doubt that those three children had to go through that experience to understand something.

Unfortunately, through human logic, it is difficult to understand the rightness or the necessity of certain situations, but the fact remains that situations, however ugly and difficult, have their own reasons and are justified in the context of a larger conception, and this greater conception cannot be other than the result of what that experience, even negative, will bring to the individual in the course of his journey.

Not with this, of course, that he wants to justify such behavior, but perhaps considering the fact that it involves three children there would be more to feel chilled by the social conditions that allowed this to happen and, more than pointing the finger - as in certain places is being done - against the two children, it would be right to point (not only the finger, but the whole hand) towards the environment that surrounds them and that sets goals and situations that can lead to these extreme events. Scifo

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8 comments on “Friendship and positive and negative experiences that help”

  1. Living fully according to one's feelings, the result of the degree of understanding achieved.
    Live Authentic Experiences.
    Give yourself completely to Life avoiding following pre-established mental patterns. And thus avoiding judgment.
    This comes to me.

  2. Any experience is necessary.
    The attitude of those who have understood this is to be open to life, to know how to embrace it in every form it presents itself.


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