The dedication to the journey determines the nature of what one receives

In carrying out the research in his life, made to understand the various questions that arise from time to time, the individual struggles in the whys that he cannot dissolve, to unravel, falling between tortuous networks from which the exit seems to move away. increasingly; and then questions arise on the reason for pain, on the reason for life, on the reality or otherwise of a God, on the randomness of everything that one lives, and so on.

We have always told you that the pain you live in is not an end in itself, but you live it mainly to receive from it the urge to improve, to change, to change, to understand.

We tell you that the why of your life must be sought precisely in this intimate understanding that you must find within yourself, understanding of what moves you, of what pushes you, of what haunts and torments you, understanding that will transform you by making you a little at a time get out of the chain of lives and deaths.

We tell you that there is a God, whatever name you want to give It, but we also remind you not to make this God into an anthropomorphic being, not to attribute to Him motives and laws that are yours alone, willed, created by you and for you.
Remember: even if He exists it is something so incomprehensible to each of you that it would be of little use to reveal its existence and that is why we still say: it is much more to look with a benevolent eye on the one who does not believe in God and who lives the his life sincerely, sincerely seeking to help others, that the man who claims to believe in God and not so much because he is his feel.

We could give you elements to understand that your life does not stop, or is limited, only to this fleeting appearance on this planet and beyond the universe, but all the arguments that we could bring would basically remain only mental ruminations, disquisitions that perhaps they could also be accepted by each of you as well as curiosity, even if not fully understood within yourselves, but they would be of no use to make you meet peace, security and certainty in a tomorrow beyond physical life.

Very often it happens that the people we approach most frequently end up feeling like privileged creatures and, perhaps, come to wonder why they have been "chosen", have been "satisfied", have been - perhaps - loved more than all the other countless people who approach us.

To all the children who have asked themselves over time and who will ask themselves the same questions over time, io I can only reply that no particular privilege has been assigned to them, but that everything that is brought to them by us (and which apparently may seem more than what we offer to other people) has been obtained by them personally, but obtained not through particular actions, not through - for example - the help offered to the tools, or the work done for the Circle or any other material action that a thinker can think of: what is given is justified only by this that the individual has accomplished inwardly; and it is extremely logical, extremely rational that we can (we do not "want" - mind you - but "we can") offer more to the one who has done more, the more he has followed the teaching, the more he is, therefore, in the best conditions to receive more than others, who may have contented themselves with living epidermically what happens through the instruments, turning the corner and then plunging back into their daily problems, letting what we sow like water slide onto a glass, of which he exclaims for a moment: " What beautiful words have been said! " , however, he does not stop the next moment to meditate on them, to understand them and to go, perhaps, beyond what we offer as a stimulus for understanding.

Therefore, do not feel any privileged child, but always keep in mind that when a privilege seems to be offered, when a preference seems to be implemented, in reality this is nothing more than a conquest on the part of feeling, of conscience, of the most intimate. be of that person.
It is for this reason, children, that we come among you, it is for this reason that we always and in any case offer everyone the possibility of receiving more and more, and then the quantity of what can be offered by us depends individually on each of you.

There is therefore, in our coming, in our offering you love, a difference:
you are all the same in our eyes, you are all the same in the face of the love we feel for you and we love you because you seek us, even if perhaps your search for us is made only under the impulse of the need for a moment;
and we love you because you call us, even if your call almost always rings out when some problem afflicts you and you have the desire, the need for help from us;
and we love you because you are human beings, living creatures, our brothers perhaps still far from the path we have made, and yet similar to us in that, remember, we too have walked the same path with the same difficulties.
And since nothing, in the unfolding ofevolution, it is never lost, it is not possible that we do not understand what you are now, because what you are now is still within us as we have been too. Weather

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10 comments on “Dedication to the path determines the nature of what you receive”

  1. There are several ideas to reflect on, but first of all I take the invitation to love those around me simply because they are, not because they correspond to me, they satisfy me. And to love him to the extent of him, in his being needy because I am like that too

  2. "Nothing in evolution is ever lost .." these are the words that a "hopeless" alcoholic patient once said and that I happen to repeat in the face of desperate situations.

  3. "If He also exists, it is something so incomprehensible to each of you that it would be worth little to reveal its existence and that is why we still say: it is much more to look with a benevolent eye on the one who does not believe in God and who lives his life sincerely, sincerely trying to help others, that the man who claims to believe in God and not so much because it is his feeling. " These words perfectly express my feelings.
    Another consideration: the thesis of this post reminds me of the evangelical words "whoever has will be given, whoever does not have even what he has will be taken away"

  4. There are many passages that "vibrate" one above all:
    "Therefore, do not feel any privileged child, but always keep in mind that when a privilege seems to be offered, when a preference seems to be implemented, in reality this is nothing more than a conquest by the feeling, the conscience, the more intimate being of that person. "
    If so, why then does the feeling arise that what is granted is too much to be deserved?

  5. I don't know if Gianfranco is like this… it seems to me that when this disposition arises, the ego is rather “quiet”… there will be attention, thanks!

  6. I did not say that this is always the case, and only the person can be able to understand when it is an acquired feeling and when, instead, it is the work of the ego.
    Obviously, when it comes to an acquired feeling, the sensation felt cannot be fluctuating or present itself only in certain situations and not in others, and this alternation of "yes moments" and "no moments" is the most obvious sign that there is the ego out of the way.


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