Habit, dissatisfaction and their origin 1

The theme of today's meeting was "habit", that habit that now borders on crystallization, now seems to turn into boredom, now becomes a foothold to cling to when trying to escape a reality that is no longer pleasant or rewarding.

At other times, again, it becomes a means of quickly regaining a balance that seemed to be breaking; all these values ​​can be found in habit. 
This is because it is a very imprecise term, very varied and which, as such, has in all possible and imaginable connotations when referring to all individuals, as each of you carries within you your own motivations and the underlying habits are actually the daughters of these inner motivations.

Someone rightly said, as definitive words, that it is important to ignore habits that do not cause problems and, instead, to use those that cause problems to get deeper into oneself and use them, therefore, as a springboard to dive into one's inner self, to try to understand what are the drives, the dissatisfactions, the whys that give rise to those inner turbulences that induce the individual to turn towards habits that end up giving crystallizations. 

This is certainly an important point to keep in mind and it is always - as we say - the "know yourself" that, somehow, manages to peek out from every topic that we, from time to time, over the years go to. presenting.
It, inevitably, is always the basis from which to start to arrive at those deeper concepts that involve not only the everyday life of each of you, but also that something greater - and largely unknown - that is submerged. within you and that it is your job to float as much as possible in your consciousness.

D - There are habits that are perhaps the rails of our daily life, but which are also positive, they give us security but do not have a negative connotation. Certain habits, on the other hand, are different, that is, not knowing how to see “the new”, those are habits that lead to crystallization.

You see, dear, habits - these rails you were talking about a moment ago - have their function if they are mainly used to restore inner balance that risk causing suffering. The difficulties begin when these habits, once they have been tried, experienced, used as a useful means to find this slowing down of inner tensions, are then repeated, reiterated by the individual to continue to obtain this apparent inner reconciliation; in short, when "habit becomes habit”, At that point it becomes really dangerous as it becomes a foothold - however good it may have been at the start - for not observing what is it that gives rise to the need for that habit within the individual

This, in the end, does nothing but hang up on certain corollaries of what we have said in recent years, namely:
- always being different every day,
- changing oneself,
- being ready to abandon everything that was considered valid;
therefore, in a nutshell, thebe ready to give up any habits, however reassuring it may be, because the moment always comes when there is something in the life of the individual that leads to change, and therefore habits would then become anachronisms that must certainly be courageously faced and abandoned. 

D - It seems to me that what holds back most from making these changes, and also from knowing oneself, is precisely fear, and then could you clarify why man is so afraid?

But it is not the man himself who is afraid, it is theIo of any individual who is afraid of being revealed in its true nature; as a'shadow fictitious that has acquired importance while, in reality, it does not have that great importance that it believes, tries, tries to show that it has. 

What is afraid and which thwarts your attempt to go deep is none other than this I, this - we always repeat - a fictitious thing that arises spontaneously, but which is also useful and necessary, and it is right that there is for transmit the stimuli to the individual to move forward through the contrast with reality, but which, nevertheless, must give movement to each person so that he may find something different, more stable, more concrete within himself.

One of the functions of the ego is also to make the individual come to understand that he has need for balance, a balance that the ego can only apparently provide, since his attempt to gratify himself always puts him in such conditions as to have to face experiences that will show him that it is not as important as he tries to lead people to believe, and this will thus lead to imbalances, imbalances. 

And the fear of facing this reality is what causes fear in the individual. It is therefore necessary, in order to remove this fear, to observe it within oneself, to understand its reasons, to modify those reasons that give rise to it and, therefore, to dilute it, a little at a time, modifying it in less and less fearful forms and less difficult to deal with.

You have talked a lot about the woman; this woman in the story who lives a relationship clearly made of habit and which also, internally, does not satisfy her, and - from the point of view of what we said before - it is precisely her ego that is dissatisfied in that, whatever her husband does, he has need to feel loved more clearly; therefore she would like this alleged love that her husband has towards her to be expressed in a more evident way, in such a way as to feel gratified in her own eyes. 

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Here, then, that she comes to blame her husband for the fact that he never tells her he loves her, and the thing continues to the point that it in turn becomes - absurdly - a habit; therefore an attempt, in some way, to get out of an unsatisfactory situation ends up, in the end, to create another unsatisfactory situation, which becomes a habit in which the woman then crystallizes, if you think about it.

Here, this is typical of a behavior that many of you have: when you find yourself in unpleasant situations you try, yes, to get out of these situations, subjected to inner stimuli, but you go, in the end, to create new situations - even unconsciously - that they try to break that habit that somehow bothered you, ending up creating a situation that did not solve the problems that were in the first; on the contrary, these are added to the problems created by the new situation, which also becomes a habit and which, in most cases, ends up carrying on a chain which, if not broken, will generate new suffering.

For this reason, brothers, when you realize your dissatisfaction, when you realize that your life does not gratify you or "seems" not to gratify you or give you what you want, when you feel that nervousness under the skin that makes your days boring, always the same , unbearable at times, stop for a moment before starting a chain of cause-effects that will lead you towards greater suffering.

Stop for your own good and observe what you are experiencing, not projecting the faults of your dissatisfaction onto others, but looking within yourself for the signs of it in such a way that you can resolve it, that you can understand what you really want, and that point, if you really want to make a change in your life, give it in the best way and the least suffering it can then bring for you. 

D- Rodolfo, excuse me; this sense of dissatisfaction - as has already been mentioned the previous time - always derives from a message that the feel send us?

No doubt your Akasic body, when it is in a situation of crystallization, must do something to move you out of that situation, otherwise its experience would be useless, there would be no new enlargement of feeling, new understanding; this is how the vibrations it continues to send will take on such an intensity that the individual will be led to react in some way within the physical plane to get out of this crystallization, and this - as I said before - will ensure that it is the self of the individual to bring him to act; so much so that by examining how you will behave, that is, how your ego will have pushed you to behave, it would be possible to understand what your motivations are and what your need for understanding is.

Because you remember - as we have said lately - that in the end the ego, this resultant, this shadow on the physical plane of yourself, it is nothing more than an example of what your Akasic body has not yet understood and therefore it is right to operate on it as much as possible. Rodolfo

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8 comments on “Habit, dissatisfaction and their origin 1”

  1. Hymn to the ego!
    Interesting. After having considered the ego the cause of all evils, it is finally presented in a positive way.

    Learn more and more to give the right value to everything that constitutes individuality.
    This is the way ...

  2. The ego must not be denied, but must be understood and in understanding, in a certain way and measure, it is overcome. Exceeded in its claims of absoluteness and autonomy, but is reintegrated in its function as a "spy" of non-understanding.
    After all, if the Absolute is present in every aspect of Reality, be it as Being or as becoming, how could an element of Reality, even if illusory, be useless, harmful?
    Thank you.

  3. Be different every day
    Murae themselves, be willing to change their views.
    They seem to me to be my own intentions, even if they are not easy to realize


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