The creation of astral atmospheres [IF55-5focus]

We have seen that every form present on the physical plane has its own corresponding form, more or less broad and more or less structured, on the astral plane and that this astral form possesses more or less intense vibrations depending on the reactive possibility of the physical plane body in the comparisons of what he is experiencing on the physical plane itself.

Here, so, that the astral forms related to minerals they are portions of astral matter that are particularly not very intense, made up of slow astral vibrations and with a minimal area of ​​influence within the astral plane.

With the increasing complexity of the physical form and its reactivity to the environment, the complexity of the connected astral form and the amplitude of astral space in which the vibrations it possesses can propagate proportionally increase. 

We have also seen that with the forms of plant life this range of action, even if always limited, increases significantly. When you arrive at animal shapes, in which the increase in reactivity also comes into play given by the new additional vibrations provided by a more structured mental body and such as to make the physical body more reactive to what it experiences in the course of life, there is the obvious and logical consequence which increases the intensity of the vibrations of the astral body and, therefore, also their range of action expands considerably within the astral plane.

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It is easy to imagine, at this point, how the astral vibrations and their propagation on the astral plane become complex and intense when one arrives at the human form, with the reactive acuity provided to the human being by the connection of the Akasic body!

After the things we said earlier, we can imagine what it might look like to an observer the astral landscape from the vibratory point of view: the areas of quiescence connected to undifferentiated astral matter are superimposed on quasi-static forms of mineral astral bodies, small vortices of vegetable astral bodies, turbulent areas of animal astral bodies and large areas of vibrations continuously twisting, contracting, expanding , shaping and transforming of human astral bodies. 

We can thus return to the atmosphere concept that we presented earlier: each individual on the physical plane has an astral body that projects around astral vibrations, consequent not only to what he experiences on the physical plane but also to his evolutionary stage, and the whole area of ​​astral matter that enters the zone of influence of an astral body becomes a small environment, interactive with the vibrations emitted by the astral body in question, creating a zone of atmosphere in which the desire and the emotions felt by the individual on the physical plane give shape to the surrounding matter, which tends to organize itself according to the direction given by the vibrations emitted by his astral body.

This leads to the continuous creation and elimination of astral forms that last the longer the more intense and lasting over time is what the embodied individual feels. These are what are called (incorrectly, actually) thought-forms, whose life is closely connected and dependent on what man feels on the physical plane and from him they draw strength, intensity and concreteness, so much so that those due to fleeting desires dissolve immediately, while those that arise from lifelong desires they become almost fixed astral forms, I would dare to say almost crystallized.

From what we have examined so far, it can be deduced that these thought-forms are not true forms of life and have no will or purpose of their own, but are, instead, governed by the will and purposes that belong to embodied individuality. in the physical body that gave them existence. They are, therefore, closely related to the physical body in question and cannot depart from it except by what it constitutes the personal atmosphere created on the astral plane by that physical body otherwise, the vibrations that keep them alive would weaken and they would tend to disintegrate.

These considerations should be reminded of all those alleged magicians or self-styled psychics who advertise that they can sending thought-forms (the famous "evil eye") to damage or otherwise influence other people!

I must admit that, in theory, it would also be possible to do so if there were no essential conditions that make this possibility practically impracticable or, at least, very little influential.

There are two main possibilities that must be satisfied because, again in theory, thought-form can act:
1- or the other person is suitably close on the physical plane, so that the two astral atmospheres are contiguous and a vibratory passage can take place (which is, after all, thought-form) from one atmosphere to another,
2- or the person who sends the thought-form to another who is far away, has such a great force to be able to keep the thought-form aggregated as it moves away from the atmosphere of the person from which it originated.

The second case, I assure you, is almost impracticable, as it requires an energetic effort that would drain the energy of the person, also causing non-negligible physical damage so that, over the centuries, those who have dealt with "black magic" and they tried to do things like that, they paid a very high price for it physically, with the only result, often, of influencing the other person for a few seconds.

The first case, on the other hand, is possible ... but here too there is a particular condition that ends up making it, if not impracticable, practically useless. 

You must consider that the astral environment is regulated by laws quite similar to the laws of the physical plane: similar vibrations that come into contact feed each other, mutually amplifying their strength, while contrasting vibrations tend to add up causing zones of vibratory rest.

These laws mean that, when the atmospheres of two individuals come into contact, the vibrations of both interact precisely according to those laws: if both, for example, have a dominant aggression, both will feel their personal aggression increase but if, always for example, only one of the two atmospheres has a strong vibration of aggression it will be tempered by the lack of aggression in the other atmosphere which will suffer, for its part, only a momentary (and by the way reduced) increase in personal aggression.

Here, then, that to influence another person with one's own thought-forms it is essential that both atmospheres of the two people come into contact and have it same strong dominant type of vibration on the others. Put simply: it is not possible to push another person to murder if she does not already have in her a desire to kill so strong that she, however, she too would have come to such an action by herself.

Of course these mechanisms are necessary, otherwise the Grand Design would end up being at the mercy of people's emotions and desires which, of course, cannot be.

What we have said so far can also be extended to the possibility of influence on embodied persons by "spirits"or rather the astral bodies of individuals who have left the physical plane.

On the astral plane, in fact, there are also other astral bodies, in addition to those connected to an embodied physical body: they are the astral bodies of those who have abandoned the physical plane and who, since they are still on the astral plane, are still in search of the fulfillment of their desires but, no longer bound by a physical body which, in some way, limits their mobility, they move around the astral plane under the thrust of their emotions and their desires, attracted by similar vibrations like moths attracted to the light.

They can thus be attracted to the astral atmosphere of an individual (embodied, ed) who possesses their own desire or emotion, fueling its intensity in both bodies. Also in this case there is only a sharpening of what was already present and, perhaps, unconscious, and the bond that was thus formed does not last long since it is limited over time by the new experiences made by the incarnate during its life and from that natural acceptance of one's own whys that gradually arises in those who have abandoned the physical plane under the need to continue the journey backwards towards their own conscience.

Logically, what I have presented to you is much less complex and articulated than reality is, but it was my interest to provide you with a vision of the astral plane a little different from the usual one and, in some ways, perhaps more rationally understandable. What, in my opinion, is of some importance, is the concept of atmosphere to which, no doubt, we will return later. Abn-el-Tar

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4 comments on “Creating Astral Atmospheres [IF55-5focus]”

  1. Can the atmosphere of a person communicate with others also thanks to TV or radio or social media?
    I would think so but it is not summarized.
    The astral vibration of a rock is linked to a transitory astral body not linked to any consciousness, otherwise in what times and ways could it translate from the physical mineral plane to the vegetable one?
    If this were true, however, it would mean that there are astral and physical bodies, not included in any evolutionary process.
    So who would use those vibrations experienced? Experiment by whom then if there is no connected consciousness?
    I don't know, some things seem far-fetched or at least not within my reach.
    Cmq I remain listening with gratitude for the attempt to explain and communicate something that is so complex as to be perhaps really not within our reach.

  2. “Similar vibrations that come into contact feed each other, mutually amplifying their strength”.
    So anger breeds anger?
    Not always, I feel like saying. If in the other person there is calm in the astral body this in some way and measure will serve to quiet the other.
    The possibility of relationship between astral bodies is seen in a crystalline way with animals.
    Faced with a fearful dog, the fear experienced by the human being increases the fear in the animal, whose attitude, at that point, can lead to aggression.
    Conversely, the calm in the human being reassures the animal that calms down and does not become aggressive.


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