The formation of the matter that constitutes the 7 planes of existence (r7)

We went into the study of the birth of a Cosmos, coming more or less with difficulty to the conclusion that this Cosmos is made up of seven Piani, five of which relate exclusively toevolution of consciousness.

The other two planes, the highest, are the sphere, the seat of Divine activity, of energy, of that which governs, dominates the entire Cosmos.
Of course I am not repeating the subdivision in particular of these floors, because I think you have understood it by now, but I want to refer, instead, this time to the concept that each of these different floors is composed, as brother Scifo had repeatedly told you. , from different matter. Therefore in the Cosmos there are seven types of different matter. And tonight I would like to go into this very discourse and expand it.

We can say that the matter of the two upper planes, the higher ones, the ones we had called First Logos e According to Logos is, in a certain sense pre-existing to the birth of the Cosmos, already exists, while the matter of the five successive planes to reach the physical plane is a "transformation", a consequence, a sort of creation - let me use this term - of that matter pre-existing, and all this movement, this transformation, this creation is put into action when the cycle of manifestation of the Cosmos begins.

Let's go into even more detail: the material which makes up what we have called the First Logos, the center of the circle, is contained within this Circle and we can represent it as gods points, and in these points the characteristics of the Cosmos that will be forming are already present in a certain sense.

In the next floor, that of the According to Logos, matter has already undergone a small transformation and we can no longer identify it as points, but as small ones sets of points, maybe some dashes, dashes or whatever you want to call it, this means that the matter of the Second Logos has already undergone a small modification with respect to the previous one, and has been manipulated, if you like, in some way by the previous matter, it has been permeated with a something that will underlie the characteristics of that Cosmos, characteristics that will not and cannot be the same as those of the corresponding plane of another Cosmos.
This is because as we said at the beginning of this - I repeat - tiring speech, the Cosmos are not contiguous, they are not contemporary and they cannot be related. In short, they are different from each other in some way.

Thus from the matter of the first Logos, the point, as it descends towards the lower planes, the matter will cover itself with other matter, it will cover itself with envelopes, layers, up to the physical plane where the primary matter, the point, it will be coated with six layers of different matter. 

Now let's try to explain how all this happens:
the matters we have said can be considered pre-existing at the birth of this Cosmos, they live, and also in this case grant me the term, in a state of balance, stability, inertia, if you like, but at a certain point something happens that this balance is upset, and it is the Third Logos, the Creative Activity, the Universal Mind that it will begin to disturb this balance to create a situation of instability, imbalance and consequently of movement, because movement - let us remember - is one of the fundamental characteristics of the Cosmos and it will be necessary for the Cosmos to return to restore the initial balance.

I points which constitute the matter of First Logos and that we can call Be, monad, Divine Spark or as you prefer, they will start at some point to emit particular vibrations, so from these particular vibrations they will begin to attract the matter of the next plane to themselves, covering itself, therefore the Self plus the envelope with which it is clothed will constitute what we call atom of the next floor (in other communications, of this and other circles, we will speak of a fundamental or elementary particle of such a plane, or, simply, of elementary unit, ed).
Some of these atoms and not all, and we will see this better later, will begin to attract the matter of the next plane towards themselves, covering themselves with a third envelope, therefore the Self plus the two envelopes with which it has covered itself will constitute the atom of that plane, and so on up to the physical plane where we will find the Self covered by six layers of different matter which constitute the atom of the physical plane; so that everything in the Cosmos, every living thing in the physical plane will be built from this type of atom.

Certainly this atom is not what your science knows, but what your science knows is already an aggregation of atoms which constitutes states of matter, and which your science recognizes as a gaseous, liquid and solid state, but beyond these, some of you already know it because you have read it from other parts, there are four other states of matter which in order are: etheric, super etheric, sub-atomic e atomic true.

In this last state, the actual atomic one, the atoms tend to aggregate together and form "molecules" (also in this case it is not a question of the molecules of science, ed) more or less complex, these new aggregations, this new group of atoms, will constitute what are called sub-planes of a floor.

So in a Cosmos we have seven planes, and at least as far as the five lower planes are concerned, there are seven other subplanes. The subplanes of the various planes are closely related to each other and are not separated by denser matter, so that they are intercommunicating, so that one can pass from one plane to another through precisely these subplanes.

But what I most want to make you understand this evening is the fact that already in the initial matter, already at the point we find in the First Logos, there is what will be the quality of that particular Cosmos, the creative activity of the Third Logos will in fact impress particular vibrations. , particular but chosen among many different types of vibrations, so that what may be the responses of consciousness of the Cosmos that is being created will already be present, therefore already at the atomic level there is a particular responsive characteristic, and that it will be a particular responsive characteristic of only that cycle of manifestation of that Cosmos. This is very important to keep in mind and to remember. Vito

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