The nature of the mind and its government

The mind, my children: quel great gift of divine mercy, the mind that ghettoizes, separates, divides, distances individuals from each other.
The mind that creates works that almost touch the divine greatness.
The mind that leads to canceling, to killing others.
The mind: this double-edged sword, so important and so mean. But what can you do so that his work, his work, is no longer negative, but can lead you, gradually, slowly, to communion with all the other brothers?
What attitude do you need to adopt to cope with the negative impulses your mind sends you?
We cannot, dear children, tell you that there is a technique for making the impulses of the mind only positive, or making sure that you can only perceive this positive part, since this technique does not exist.
All we can tell you to help you become, always gradually, always very slowly, closer to your embodied brothers, is to try to turn those negative impulses into something positive.
When you feel that your mind is creating something negative within you, when you feel anger, anger, jealousy, envy and all that you want to add, stop for a moment, observe yourselves, study yourselves and try to transform into something sweet, beautiful for others, this energy, this force that the mind sends you in negative moments.

In this way, that marvelous mechanism which is the reality of the mind will truly acquire great importance from your own life, from your existence; Why controlling the mind means, in a sense, being able to dominate theIo, for the ego, remember it, is nothing but a creation of your mind.

It is the mind that very often, when you are faced with difficulties, when you feel inferior to others, makes you look outside with anger, with envy, with fear.
It is the mind that makes you feel different from the others,
it is the mind that makes you create the barriers, and makes you say, "that is beautiful, that is ugly, that is nice, that is unpleasant".
It is the mind, always remember that, that makes you experience moments of sadness, because perhaps you have not received only a smile from whom you wanted.
Never forget it, our children, that it is the mind that creates these conditions of inferiority for you;
it is the mind that creates the moments of sadness in you;
it is the mind that makes you feel different from others; since in reality these conditions do not exist and cannot exist because He who can do everything, He who animates everything, has placed each of you in this world, in the physical world, for his true good and so that he could reach, perhaps even through suffering , the road that will lead him, sooner or later, to real life. fabius

But here there is a lot of talk about mind, but it is not, at least it seems to me so, it is not explained what this mind is.
Generally the individual, the common man, tends to identify the mind with his brain; so if we want - physiologically, anatomically - to see what the mind is, we can also safely say that it is the human brain. But the human brain is nothing more than the terminal of a hypothetical computer (since it is currently fashionable to speak of computers) which is your mental plane, the plane of which you are made up.
So the real mind actually consists of your mental plane. Now I certainly believe that perhaps not everyone will be aware of these theories of ours; I will try to briefly summarize what we have been saying throughout this period.
You must know, for those who do not know it naturally, that the individual who is embodied in the physical world is made up, in turn, of other bodies existing on other planes of existence, planes made up of matter which is more subtle, therefore not visible. , not perceptible with the human senses, with the physical senses.
These plans are generally referred to as the "seven planes," but we have limited ourselves to speaking very generically of the first three.
These first three planes are: the astral plane, which would then be the plane where feelings, desires, emotions reside; then the mental plane, where the entire intellectual part of the individual resides; and the Akasic plane, which constitutes the consciousness of the individual.
Now, on this mental plane, which is what interests us at this moment, the entire intellectual part is constituted and founded, therefore the thoughts that an individual has during his existence.
They are the impulses that come from this mental plane, through the connection with the
 other planes and with the physical world, which constitute what during this evening has been generically defined "the mind", of which the brain - as I said before - is the terminal.
So the individual, when he thinks, believes that his thoughts come from his brain: the individual feels his thoughts are born - he thinks he feels his thoughts are born - in his brain, but in reality it is not so because - as I have searched to explain to you, and I don't know if I have succeeded - the impulses, the real thoughts come instead from this mental plane, from this mental body.
However, you must also keep in mind one thing, to try to understand a little bit of everything: that both this astral plane, which I mentioned earlier, and the mental plane, are still part of the illusory, that is, they are nothing constant, they are nothing fixed, because these two planes, as well as the physical body, therefore as well as the body that is in the physical plane, are renewed every time the individuality, the entity - let's call it that, perhaps to understand it a little better - is incarnated. So these first three planes are different with each incarnation.
That is why it is said that the mind is a double-edged sword.
That's why it is said that the mind can create positive things, it can create negative things!
This is why it is said that the mind is actually something sneaky, elusive, something that actually has a double face: because it is nothing fixed, it is nothing that is constituted on real experiences, on real experiences that can give all individual a precise imprint.
The mind remains - as well as its plane, the mental plane - something random, something that sooner or later vanishes, disappears.

Having said that, I wanted to get to something else, I didn't want to tell you only this, I wanted to tell you that, when you, for example, feel bad, feel bad, are tired, fatigued and so on, 99% of Sometimes your feeling bad, your not doing certain things, etc., is nothing more than a creation of your mind, a psychosomatic symptom, as they say.
Because your mind refuses to make you act right, it refuses to make you work, to make you be active, to build anything for your true existence.
All this to go further to say that your every negative situation, your every suffering, every moment of your life made of pain, etc., is determined for a good 90% of times by a creation of your mind.
Likewise, the discourse is valid for diseases. From various experiences, from various analyzes that we have been able to make from our planes of existence, we have noticed that, in the physical world, a good part of the diseases are always of psychosomatic origin, that is, a creation of the mind.
I wanted to throw this little seed into you too, to make you think about these things too, to make you understand, in the best way, what potential, what strength your mind actually has; reminding you that, if it has great strength, so in a negative sense, it has just as much, if not more, in a positive sense. Francesco

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7 comments on “The nature of the mind and its governance”

  1. Clarifications on the mental body that reiterate concepts familiar to me, but given that the mind moving forward is more and more trained both in bending but also in creating fine illusions, words like these are a necessary reference.
    On the subject of illness and psychosomatisms, just mentioned by Francesco, there is a lot to say and it is an extremely current topic today, sometimes I have the impression that the entire NHS (for which I work), is a large factory more or not aware that it sows, cultivates or in any case favors psychosomatisms…. but the discussion is complex and it is a fundamental node of the path that I find myself walking.

  2. Further clarification are the words of the guides, concepts that are known, but which increasingly question me and lead me to analyze my daily life. At this moment, the reference to re-dimensioning the mind is particularly important to me. I hope not to lose the connection, since the stresses are so many and the tiredness as well.

  3. Important aspects to underline.
    The question of psychomatisms is very intriguing because in this period a health problem causes infinite tiredness ... if therefore the tiredness is dictated by the mind, is the perception of vital energy that one has too? In the sense that it seems to me to be able to grasp a difference between physical strength (therefore linked to the physical body only) and energy (something that instead concerns all bodies) ... or maybe my mental plan is very complex and if it sings it and if he plays it as he wants!

  4. For Nadia. The teaching of the Guides spoke very often of somatisms.
    The fundamental concept I believe is the fact that they do not arise from real energy difficulties on the part of the physical body, but from inner energetic blocks deriving from the clash between what comes from the individual's consciousness and what instead, as a result of limitation of the understandings acquired up to that moment, the ego tries to hide both from its own eyes and from the observation of those outside it.

  5. So most of our physical problems originate from our mind, because Francis says the mind refuses to make us act in the right way, to create the conditions to build True Existence ... So the question always comes back to the need to be aligned. . to get in touch with our Consciousness.
    Concepts known in reality ... but faced in this form are proving to me more and more understandable .. almost tangible. THANK YOU!


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