Conscious life and the world of tomorrow

Finding yourself in front of the world is one of the most difficult facts to face, and only being in front of yourself can be a more insurmountable moment than finding yourself in front of that great range of possibilities of experience that Reality, the Great Design, unravels at your feet.

How many nuances, how many moods, how many different ways can be observed in the relations between this yours Io and the world! Certainly, as you have learnedly disserted today, it is your ego's ability to live in the present, yet forgetting a factor; that factor which alone was enough to make you lose control of what you were discussing, precisely the most important factor to always keep in mind when dealing with the subject of the ego: this factor is illusion. 

You know that the ego of per does not exist, the ego does not have a life of its own, the ego arises from the encounter-clash between the reactions of your lower bodies and what you live within the physical plane; is a fictional creature, a 'shadow that moves on a wall and that changes when the hands change position. In the same way, the ego transforms itself, modifies itself and changes but it is simply a reflection not only of this encounter-clash I was talking about a moment ago, but also of what of you has been deposited as a permanent and "understood" germ. within your Akasic body, within your consciousness. 

The ego therefore, logically speaking, does not live, cannot live in the present; but certainly this would be using words to find a justification for that apparent contradiction that you had detected in our words. In fact, in order to be explained, the ego needs somehow to be personalized, to be made something that can be discussed.

So, when we said that the ego lives in the present, we simply meant that it lives it insofar as it lives the illusion of the present that it possesses. That is, he does not truly live in the present, but he lives what he projects in this present under the pressure of his desires, his thoughts, his physiological reactions. 

On the contrary, instead, of the Akasic body which inevitably lives in the present as it is from the present, moment by moment, that the experiences arrive that he immediately examines, pigeonholing them, arranging them in the right places, tying them where they can be connected or leaving them in a new position to wait for a later contact, in a lifetime, in an experience to come. So you understand what the difference is in what we were saying?

D - It is right, therefore, to mean that the physical body, the astral body and the mental body can be defined instruments of the Akasic body?

Ah, without a doubt. Tools of great importance, above all; without which, in fact, the Akasic body could not experience within the lower planes, could not experience and, therefore, could not gain knowledge and, subsequently, could not gain understanding from all this and thus could not broaden its own feel and it would remain motionless instead of increasing the degrees of its feeling.

Q - Are there any techniques to favor the optimization of the bodies and, therefore, favor the development of this feeling, for us embodied?

Are there any techniques, you asked? Of the tools, of the means? Undoubtedly it is possible to implement certain inner behaviors that can help, more than anything else, to make these lower bodies collaborate with each other, however a true technique that is generalizable for everyone is very difficult to be able to give and it is what has not been well understood, in fund, from certain doctrines.
Everyone has their own path, to arrive at their own understandings they must follow their own path, which only minimally matches that of the others; And he can use his own means, which are only minimally, too, the means that other creatures can also use

Here, therefore, that a single valid way for everyone to reach this optimization of the lower bodies does not exist, but must be personalized from person to person according to experience andevolution that it possesses.

Certainly, however, it is essential to want to do it, first of all; it is essential to feel this push that prevents you from getting distracted from the goal you are trying to reach; it is essential to be able to stay focused on this goal; Finally, it is essential to be aware of what one wants to achieve and pay attention not only to the external world but also within oneself, because only from this inside-outside attention that the individual continuously implements those elements can arrive, those fragments, those impulses, those knowledge that can help him to set out more profitably towards a faster, faster, more just path.

Q - I wanted to ask: the Akasic body is pure individuality or has some relationship with the personality who has lived?

The personalities he lived are part of him not so much because they belong to him, but because they belonged to him and all the experiences they have made have remained in him transcribed.
But be careful, children, here is another point that you tend to confuse: when we talk about transcription of experiences inside the Akasic body, we do not mean that your every life is recorded as you live it within it, but we mean that all the experiences you have have sent their impulses, their knowledge, their perceptions to the Akasic body, which has arranged them in the right correlation.

This is a very different thing from what you sometimes mistakenly believe, because in the Akasic body life is not transcribed in all its moments, but what has been taken from life as a fruit, therefore as a final result. 

Your lives, even after you have abandoned these lower vehicles, will still exist but will no longer be part of the Akasic body itself; there will be something else that we will talk about later, in order not to confuse especially the new people of this evening, and which is still linked to the teaching we are carrying out in the course of the teaching sessions. 

But let us return to this "me and the world".
Living the world therefore means trying to live in the present, consciously, what you face day by day, but it also means interacting with the world, it means collaborate, contribute to ensure that the world in turn has its own evolution.

You know that everything has an evolution, everything changes, everything has a cycle that agrees with what is the plot of the Great Design and this cycle must be fulfilled, it cannot stop; and each of you, in his own small way, even when he feels himself a miserable creature, powerless in the face of the reality that surrounds him and that often seems to threaten him, has a great importance in the fabric of the Design because it contributes to its formation, contributes to giving it those shades it needs in order to change. 

Therefore, from this point of view, what your behavior is today acquires great importance, a behavior that - being guided by your feeling - makes it possible to attribute considerable importance to feeling itself.
In fact, if you manage to improve your feeling, you will be able to face the world better and better; if you will be able to face the world better and better, to be aware, you will be able to go more and more in harmony with what the Great Design is.
In this way, slowly, but with greater gentleness, the Design will be fulfilled and your race will reach the end of its path. What will this path be like? 

How many creatures, over the years, have asked us what will happen tomorrow, how the life of the individual, the body of the individual, the society of the individual will be transformed, waiting for us to talk about great disasters as often happens, or for prophesying a new earthly paradise that will come on Earth and that from that moment all, all the children of the Absolute, will be like angels called in His presence!
We can't do it, creatures; if we did, we would contradict everything we have said all these years. We can only speak broadly and make you aware of how everything is linked. 

Consider that most of you who are here tonight listening to us will present yourself to a new life in 300, 350 years, 400 years, and each of you tonight (assuming it is) already has a good evolution for which it will need. , when he will incarnate himself again, to find new stimuli, to have new experiences, to be able to draw from his existence new possibilities of understanding, new nuances to illuminate in order to make his feeling more complex and complete.

It is therefore evident that, when you return to the physical world, on the physical plane, the society and life that you know now will have to be very different because it will inevitably have to present you with stimuli that until that moment you had not yet had.

What will this life be like then? Certainly the physique of each of you will continue to have the same characteristics; ah, how many absurd things have been said in the past!
How many improvisations have been invented, the most absurd, to justify a change in the human race from the physiological point of view; but the human race, our children, is fine as it is; some details may change, there may be some small changes over time, but its evolutionary path contemplates this type of body and this type of body will more or less remain. 

Human relationships will undoubtedly change but, more than anything else (because human relationships are always based on the same feelings, on the same encounters and clashes), the social reality in which you will be inserted will change, and you already now, perhaps, you can realize how these changes are starting and arriving - perhaps with thought, with imagination - to imagine how they will have consequences in 300-400 years.

There are many factors to be taken into account in this: the evolution of incarnated persons will be partly improved but, alas, many more individuals of the new race will also be incarnated; therefore the contrasts between peoples, between races, between groups will still exist even if there certainly won't be - we have always said this and we will say it again - a war-holocaust.

The planet, even under the pressure of man, is gradually changing its own climatic situation and this change will be felt more and more quickly with the passing of the centuries, even if 400 years will not be enough to warn it definitively, but all this in turn will have consequences.

In the meantime, who knows, we dare to hope that man will have understood that the planet that has been entrusted to him must be kept with care as if it were a pearl, and then many of the energies that are currently being used will be dropped in favor of other, more (as you say) "clean" energies.

There will still be - someone immersed in your present reality might ask - governments that steal, that intrigue, that take with one hand and put in the pocket, take with the other hand and put in the other pocket and reach out both hands pretending to nothing to have received? ". It would be nice to be able to say that this will no longer be the case! 

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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Certainly these are things that have always happened and things that always will happen.
Even in the most utopian society that has existed on the planet, there has always been that part of the new race that was ready to behave in that way, as it had not yet understood.

There will therefore be no great changes, but there will nevertheless be a part of humanity:
- who will be able to be happy with their life,
- who will be able to remember that the first responsibility he has is towards his children,
- who will always be able to keep in mind that what he possesses does not really belong to him but is a gift for which to thank the Great Design every day,
- who will be able to realize that helping another creature is like helping himself,
- who will be able, in short, to put into practice that teaching that we have been carrying over time with a certain patience and constancy.

Your I, your future I, therefore, will find itself immersed in a world that would be new to your I now, but to which it will react through the new understandings that in the meantime it will have accumulated in its Akasic body, still struggling, suffering, living, hoping, loving, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, but always and in any case living the experience directly, even if this, creatures, will happen through computers, as there is a risk that it will happen from the latest discoveries.

Q - You have said that there is a relationship between the feeling and behavior of the lower vehicles, and how can this be related to the fact that the individual cannot manifest completely the evolution that has reached here on the physical plane?

But it is quite simple why. First of all, there are real, practical limits on what your physical body can express, for example; about what your desire body can express, about what your mental body can express.
Not being perfect bodies, but derived from the understandings of your akasic body, they have their limitations, they have their shortcomings due to non-understandings of the akasic body and therefore cannot transmit within the physical plane all the feeling that the akasic body possesses. .

But there is also another factor to be taken into account and which has its considerable importance: the fact that when the moment of incarnation arrives the lower bodies are built, constituted, according to the needs of the Akasic body; and the needs of the Akasic body say that these bodies are structured in such a way as to be able to experience "certain" experiences and not others, thus limiting in itself the possibility of expressing what he knows, as he has limited himself in the choice of matter to constitute these bodies.
So, if not infrequently, it is almost practically impossible for each of you to truly express the degree of feeling that you possess.

Q - Nevertheless, the behavior of the vehicles always reflects the feeling with its limitations?

Let's say that more than anything else it reflects the non-understanding of feeling and therefore, in some way, the feeling, of course.

D - The speech you were making earlier ... were you talking about virtual reality? That is to live certain experiences through different media, not directly?

Yes, it could be a hint to that kind of topic too; which is a controversial topic, right now, and which will give rise to many discussions as well as "campaigns" in the future, because everyone is always ready to campaign for something.
Well, from our point of view nothing changes for the individual in the end

Whether he is really stroking a child's cheek or that this virtual reality in which he is immersed makes him feel that he is caressing the cheek of a child, for the individual it does not matter: he still feels emotions and he experiences these emotions as if they were true.
The one who can have negative reflexes can be the child, who has a cheek to caress and which instead is not caressed. Weather

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8 comments on “Conscious life and the world of tomorrow”

  1. Our emotions, our actions, our thoughts are the tools that consciousness uses to acquire data that will be processed and will form new understandings.
    Could we ever separate the transient bodies from that of consciousness? and the latter from the higher and spiritual ones in which it resides and from which the first spark descends? Evidently not. We are a unity, there is no duality.
    Thank you.

  2. The awareness that each individuality has peculiar characteristics that make each path unique through the use of different means because they are tailored to the specific evolutionary functions, reaffirms the respect for the other, for his behaviors, for his choices.

    That respect, fruit of the understanding, that the illusion of forms is a marginal factor.

    Including that it allows everyone to remain in his role without invading, with subjective claims, the sphere of the other.

    It is an acknowledgment that allows a broader view that makes the intuition of the Grand Design more alive

  3. The whole post is very important, but in particular the second part concerning the Akasic body and future incarnations.

  4. All is perfect.
    The lower bodies are built,
    constituted and structured on the basis of
    experiences they have to experience
    to arrive at understandings.

  5. Rereading the post ...
    As always happens, with each rereading the attention falls on different passages
    "Your lives, even after you have abandoned these lower vehicles, will still exist but will no longer be part of the Akasic body itself"
    That will still exist .... I don't understand how or in what form.
    What do you mean?


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