Everyone builds up their suffering and tries to get rid of it

We have been asked several times why of life, what is the meaning of being immersed in the world of matter, being part of the physical plane, and even more often what is the meaning of being born, dying, being reborn and dying again, and so on. and away and away.
Of course, as my usual, I do not intend to give an acceptable answer to these questions tonight (questions which, on the other hand, press a little to all those who approach this type of teaching), but instead I would like to take a cue from this made to make some observations: if io I had to answer this question on the basis of the observation made on life, on the skin, on the everyday life of the embodied being, I would say that the whys of life they could be indicated by greed, by the desire for power and power, by giving reason to one's instincts, by following one's passions, by getting rich and on, and on, and on… but this would certainly be a simplistic answer.
Perhaps a little less simplistic is instead to affirm that all these reasons, which at first glance may appear in the eyes of those observing the world around , on the other hand, they can be traced back to something deeper: to an inner search of the individual in which only externally, only as a mask, all those elements that I mentioned above appear.
In reality the main thrust, the main because of the life of each of you - at least observing your everyday life - it consists of trying to escape suffering.
Therefore, try not to suffer for what others do towards you, try not to suffer from physical pain, try not to suffer from the disappointments that are continually experienced, try not to suffer when the children go away, when the loves they end when families break up, when work does not satisfy ... and away, and away, and away.
If you carefully observe what you live every day in every moment, you can always discover - going a little deeper into yourself and into the causes that torment you - that what you mainly want is to be able to avoid, to escape, to cancel the suffering.
Here, this attempt to overcome suffering, to be able to bypass it, to avert it in some way, can be taken by all of you as the first goal of your evolutionary journey. In fact, if all of you were able to keep in mind that you wish not to suffer, much of your suffering would inevitably disappear!
Why this? Because if you, creatures, realized that you do not want to suffer and truly convinced yourself that suffering is not good for you and that you prefer to rejoice, be happy, content and serene, then you would begin a little at a time to reject all those behaviors. , those everyday actions that, sooner or later, end up leading you to suffering. I speak not so much of the big actions that you can see by reading your newspapers, but of those small actions that you commit every day towards yourself and your fellow men and which - I repeat - inevitably lead you to have a payment in suffering and torment. .
"Of course - you will say - this can also be good, but it simply proposes a cause, it does not say how to eliminate this cause, how to truly escape this suffering". It's true, observing yourself can also help but, anyway, there is always that famous mind that creates ghosts upon ghosts and these ghosts never stop whispering "do, do this, do that", ending with to plunge into suffering; and these ghosts that sometimes whisper, many times scream with such force that it is almost impossible not to obey, it is almost impossible not to be dragged to act, to commit those actions.
A few years ago we started talking about the various planes of existence; we started talking about matter, and for several meetings I bored the bystanders talking about matter, its composition, coming to the conclusion that the whole physical plane that you know is actually made up of a single element, a single particle that is always the same, coming to name this particle "elementary unit of the physical plane ". And if I remember correctly (but I guarantee you that I have an excellent memory!) That cycle of teachings ended with an affirmation thrown there apparently at random and on which we have never returned, and no one - on the other hand - has meditated a a little more in depth.
In fact, the message ended by saying that, in the end, if all matter on the physical plane is made up of the same type of matter, there cannot be and there is no difference between a precious stone and a stone of no value (even if the examples used were not exactly these, but the comparison, the comparison, loses nothing of its validity).
And again it was stated that if all those who listened came to assent, to think that what I had said was a statement, a logical consequence, then these people had to be very careful, because they did not realize, in the moment, of the fact. that their assenting had far greater consequences, far wider than they imagined.
You will say: "Our Scifo, as usual, goes about his business: he starts from one point, arrives at another and you no longer understand anything!"
In the end, however, you will see that the rantings that I have brought you up to this point will merge into the same theme, into the same river.

In fact, returning to what I was saying about matter, if you really succeeded in convincing yourself that all matter on the physical plane has the same identical value and therefore there can be no real difference between a precious object and an object judged to be of no value, if you can truly convince yourself to the core, not just mentally - as it was at the time those messages arrived - inevitably this should lead to consequences.
These are consequences not only on a mental level, on a theoretical level, but also on a practical level of everyday life: in fact, with that inner conviction, what sense would it have to stack up money? What good is it, when stacking money or stacking apples would end up having the same value, at least in their own eyes, outside of social conditioning?
What sense would it be to adorn, to dress up, to dress in fashion and on and on and on, when inside one would realize that a designer dress or an unsigned dress are exactly the same, beyond the ghosts that the mind and society impose ?
These are just two examples, but you can by yourself - I guess and I hope - draw the consequences and arrive at all the other possible examples of what I have just stated, and which links all this with the beginning of my speech. It binds very clearly, very clearly, because if you observe yourself in everyday life you can see that, for example, it is precisely the search to pile up money that ends up bringing you to suffering, it is precisely the desire to own the dress. signed, which others have and which you do not have, which ends up bringing you torments and problems of various kinds.
It is precisely these elements, therefore, that give you that suffering that you, in reality, in the very depths of your depths would like to avoid.
As you can see, even if in my usual tortuous way, I managed to get where I wanted to go; but, before leaving you so as not to burden the evening too much, I would like to add something more about what we come to do among you, the teaching we bring, the words we offer you every time we are among you.
I have heard many of you say that what we say is beautiful, it is right, it is ethical, it is logical, but between speaking and doing, being able to do and implement, the step is very, very long.
But I tell you, creatures, that the step is actually very, very short and the fact that it seems long is another ghost of your mind that finds it more comfortable to take refuge in this excuse rather than begin to react and put it into practice. not in the big things with great effort, but at least in the little things that – through excuses and not taking action – you keep failing to do.
And our work among you, our talking, is not just a job, a talk on a theoretical level, but has the very specific purpose of providing you with a basis for making practical, in place in your everyday life, what we let's say; because if you really come to believe, to understand, to accept what we offer you, then you can rest assured, creatures, that you will have overcome suffering and you will be outside what torments your days and your hours; but on this long, difficult, and perhaps even heavy topic for some, there will still be occasion to return. Scifo

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8 comments on “Everyone builds up their own suffering and tries to get rid of it”

  1. Thanks for this post, enlightening from many points of view.
    In these days I realize that I do not act too much because the action remains blocked in thoughts and judgments, denying me useful experiences to evolve.

    If you want to change your life, change it!

  2. It is splendid Scifo! His typical "and away, and away and away ..." is sometimes more explicit than many other words! As he himself admits it seems that at a certain point he loses the thread, in reality, with an iron and unsettling logic, he expresses truths that in the end are unobjectionable. Thank you!

  3. By replacing the craving for money or the need for designer clothes, in which I do not recognize myself, with other needs, which instead concern me and are just as harbingers of suffering, I feel Scifo's reasoning is fitting.
    thank you

  4. It all lies in being able to listen to one's own ghosts ... the voices that cry out the becoming breathless and that lead to wear and a painful life ...
    Instead of letting it flow ...


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