Foresight and precognition, the prudence of the researcher (VS5)

Criteria for choosing one's spiritual path 5

We have examined quite extensively what we think, our children, of the so-called physical phenomena (even if, without a doubt, it was not possible for me to exhaust the subject in the little space that is granted to me in these brief interventions) and I repeat that mine are not destructive interventions, but aimed at warning those who approach these things without adequate preparation, with all the consequent risks.
Once again I underline that all the typology known up to now of physical phenomena has happened over time and it is possible that it will still happen but, without shadow of doubt on my part, not as easily as it seems to happen nowadays in which many proclaim themselves to be the perpetrators of important phenomena which, at best, turn out to be a careful and objective analysis or a false or trivial facts exclaimed for great "magical" operations.
In presenting our thoughts on the subject, we have taken care to at least provide you with some rational or logical explanations why what is real belongs to the garden of enchantments cannot be so frequent and so easily real.
This time I would like to try to follow the same path with regard to the so-called intellectual phenomena (foresight, precognition and so on), also possible but also limited in their reality by scientific considerations by now established and in their feasibility by precise logical and rational elements consequent to the teachings that the Masters, over time, have given to humanity.
To accomplish this intent I will deal mainly with foresight but it is understood that you can yourself see how my words and considerations can also be applied to other types of similar phenomena.

So, brothers, the foresight it is, in simplistic terms, the ability to "know" in advance what will happen in the future.
A first rational element to keep in mind before shouting "wonder of wonders!" it is so simple that no one remembers it: the human brain is a sort of electronic computer in which data is entered that he processes (even, often, without the conscious part of the intellect being aware of it) creating connections and hypothesizing consequences, since it is typical of the unconscious of the human being to try to anticipate the future so as not to be totally unprepared for what will happen to him.
Here then, for example, from disparate elements observed over time, it is possible to elaborate a hypothesis of a future event which, when exactly it occurs, will produce a sense of wonder. To give a trivial example, you unknowingly notice that a recipe book was out of place at home and that a vanilla sachet had appeared in the pantry and the prediction taken from these factors is that, for your birthday, you will be presented with a homemade cake. instead of the cake bought in the bakery. These predictions that each individual makes, knowingly or unknowingly, are very numerous in the course of the day; some turn out to be correct and others not, and the exact ones can give the idea of ​​a precognition, especially if they concern less trivial facts than the one I have given you as an example.
If you kept a daily note of your predictions you would realize that much of what happened to you during the day you had foreseen it, but also that many of the predictions you had made turned out to be wrong.

They still exist precisely psychological mechanisms that they classify as forecasts facts that were not at all: we often fear that something will happen because, unconsciously, we know that we have moved the causes for this to happen but, since our own Io does not want to assume his responsibilities in the face of misadventures, here is the alibi of "I had foretold with my second sight that this fact would happen", making a pathetic attempt to turn his own mistake into his own merit, entering with good reason in the charmers of our garden.
Also in the psychological field (as many critics have rightly pointed out) there is a mechanism that operates a sort of temporal offset between what happens and what you remember having thought, to the point that, often, you think you have foreseen first an event while the thought was contemporary to the event itself, according to the parameters of one's own subjective perception of reality.
These are some of the rational possibilities that minimize foresight and, of course, there are others, but I don't want to go too far, since my aim is to give you some elements to think about.

Then there are those who know the teaching of the Masters and apply what they have taught to the facts. For them there are more elements on which to reason. One question they can rightly ask is this: how come the individual who truly possesses precognitive abilities does not always predict correctly? Why does it sometimes fail to even predict anything about what it wishes to predict?

The first element to consider is that the seer with effective abilities is not detached from his own ego which inevitably affects his spectrum of perceptions; classic is the example of the seer Croiset who was almost infallible when it came to perceiving events involving very young people but not as infallible in other cases, and this was due to his particularly tormented childhood for which a young man in difficulty sharpened his desire to be able to help him, directing his faculties more precisely, focusing their spectrum and, therefore, making them more exact.

It is not possible then, in this perspective, not to mention the existence of that multiplication of possibilities that is known by the term "variants"; in order to predict the future it is necessary that there exists in some part of Reality (and it does not seem to me the case, now, to deepen this concept), a future already written to be able to read.
However, there is also a free will of the individual, albeit limited by the needs of experience of other individuals, and this implies that in the volume already written about tomorrow, there are perhaps, for the same event, the different ways in which an individual can follow it. , or the different ways in which the event can develop, thus keeping intact for the individual himself his freedom of choice.
Now, the seer reads the book of tomorrow on a given page, addressed by "his" intentions and needs, which do not coincide with those of the person who will directly experience the event. There is therefore, widely, the possibility that the page read is not the one that will really occur, but a simple variant not followed, with the obvious consequence of a wrong precognition.
This well knew, for example, Nostradamus, and it was also for this reason that he wrote his centuries so apparently hermetic, not wanting that his predictions fall into the hands of people who could have their existence upset, but in the hands of those who could understand how they were an indication, a possibility and not an incontrovertible reality.

All this, as you can understand for yourself, children and brothers, makes this type of phenomena quite random and this should warn all those who go to psychics to know the developments of their future or, at least, make them aware that what they are told, in the end, it is only a hypothesis, and as such it must also be taken into consideration but certainly not experienced as a sure reality.
In this regard, people who come into contact with those who claim to foresee the future and who give advice on how to change it make me smile: it is such a foolish and absurd idea that only individuals at the mercy of big problems and suffocating suffering can base their future behavior on it!
If it is true that there is a karmic effect (i.e. that there are experiences that, for personal evolutionary necessity, the individual "must" cross) there can be nothing or no one who can take him out of that experience, not even the biggest Teacher could succeed in so much! If, on the other hand, the individual finds himself having, for that experience, one or more possibilities of choice, it is obvious that he will choose according to his own feel so that they end up paying (and often handsomely!) for the indication of how to act in a certain situation during which, ironically, they would have acted that way anyway.

At this point, a legitimate thought arises: then these qualities are of no use at all?
There is nothing, our children, that does not have its reason for being in the Design created by the Absolute! Evidently, to give an example, it is necessary, for certain people, to go through the experience of foresight to understand something and, at the same time perhaps (since nothing is ever needed for a single individual) it is just as necessary as through the stimulus received from a precognition, right or wrong, an individual faces or avoids what he must or must not experience.
What juice do you draw from my words then? First of all, as always, to be cautious and rational in the face of certain presumed faculties, not to reject them a priori but to examine them with one's own mind and sensitivity, to keep as a possible hypothesis the precognition of a development in a certain sense of his own life, but do not forget that, however and always, with his own actions and with the development of his own feeling everyone is master of himself, if not in governing the external reality, at least in the way in which this external reality is introjected because, however and always, a painful and ineluctable external reality becomes bearable when it is faced bearing in mind that it will ultimately result in an improvement in one's conscience.
And hope must never be lacking at the side of each of you. Baba

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3 comments on “Foresight and precognition, the prudence of the researcher (VS5)”

  1. The reference to doubt all those "magical arts" that have had a fascination also on me, confirms the honesty of the Guides and the importance of their teaching.

  2. It is essential to know if it is deduction, personal thought or true clairvoyance. In which case know whether to share it or not.
    Those with this third eye opening need to be truly connected with high vibrations.
    It is a responsibility and a discernment that cannot be filtered by the egoic ego, but conducted by higher elements.


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