"You are certainly better than how you usually express yourself"

There are times when you say: "I see a sunset and I am with God!". It is that moment when io "I release a moment". Why can this happen? That's where the wrong point is, actually you don't "drop" at all; simply, your physical perception builds a bridge that hooks you for a moment to a feel as vast as it can be to feel the presence of Divinity in a sunset.
But it is not that the presence of the physical reality in which you live at that moment no longer exists, that you have moved away from it: it still exists and, indeed, it supports you in reaching a different understanding.

You see, therefore, that the subject of the subjective perception of reality, after all, is far from still being understood by all of you. The fact is, it's like trying to make a blind person understand colors.
In fact, the most difficult point to overcome when we talk to you about these things is exactly this: to be able to make individuals understand that they are part of an illusory reality, who live the illusory reality, the point of view of those who see another type of reality; perhaps, through examples and over time, we will be able to make you understand and accept all this. Scifo

There is a detail that must be kept in mind: the fact that when you are embodied you do not manifest all your true feeling in your daily life.
Do you remember that the example was given that the maximum feeling, i.e. Absolute Consciousness, therefore God, is a degree 10 Feeling; let's say that as a current evolutionary level you have a feeling of grade 5 (how good I am!); the moment you are embodied and therefore taken by your subjectivity, by your perceptions all "sui generis", by links with matter, by impulses, by needs, etc., in your daily life you manifest a feeling perhaps of grade 2, or grade 3, certainly not - and in any case, hardly - manifest the feeling that you have achieved. Only a few "enlightened" ones perhaps manage to get in touch with this conscience of his and with this feeling of his.

Always remember this, and not only with regard to the opinions and judgments that you can issue - positively and not to criticize - towards others, but also towards yourself and your own actions: then all those conflicts that may arise, those "sickness" so senseless, without a real or rational motivation - rational embodied for you - sometimes arise precisely from these contrasts of "feeling" between the real feeling that plays there in your akasic body, and the feeling that instead your Ego allows you to manifest, for naturally selfish purposes, which otherwise would not be called Ego. Gnose

So be careful, children, a never confuse feeling with its manifestation within the physical plane; this is, after all, the gist of what Gneus said a moment ago.
To judge a person by his behavior is to judge the expression of a feeling already made less transparent due to immersion in the physical plane. Yet it is also a judgment of something which is certainly superior to what appears within this physical plane; this serves you, brothers, to always have great trust in yourselves and in others; always think - even in the worst and most difficult moments, in the moments when you feel most critical of yourself - that, in reality, without a doubt, without any doubt, if you use your best good will, you will certainly be able to express a feel better, you are certainly better than you usually express yourself.
This can be a goal to ask, this can be a way to be able to improve the expression of one's feelings.

One more thing about it: remember that feeling is not a fixed thing. So when you evaluate the expression of the feeling of another person but also of yourself, do not crystallize in that evaluation, do not remain white or black, but remember that even immediately after you have expressed this evaluation, the person in the meantime has had his small or large experiences, and these small or large experiences have been introjected and have gone to change in some way his feeling, which - a little or a lot - has expanded, so that your evaluation becomes at that moment already obsolete and outdated.

Did you understand this? I hope you remember these points because they are important not only on a theoretical level, but on a rational level to then understand what is theevolution of feeling, the motions of feeling, the unveiling of this inner feeling, but also precisely to help you in everyday life, which you must never lose sight of.
Certainly, philosophy is interesting, the speeches on the great philosophers, on the teachings, on the Great Masters can please and attract, however - always - the life you live serves as a training ground to make you "work your muscles for your feeling", to make it always better, more and more solid and more and more evolving. Georgei

In the light of all this then, brothers, the teaching of "being born every day" and of "throwing away" the preconceptions, prejudices, conditioning, things, in short, that keep you anchored to a reality take on a different connotation. which becomes more and more faded.
The need to be more and more alive and true takes on a different connotation, in the sense of learning to observe with attentive eyes that reality which is constantly changing and which, moment by moment, may appear different to you; and if you really learn, dear ones, to find it different, moment by moment, then I assure you that you can truly feel yourself on the right path to understanding.
Because - as the Masters said - reality is there in front of your eyes as long as you want to observe it and let it reach your hearts without fear of receiving too many violent blows. Authorless

Brothers, sisters, my beloved children, very sweet creatures who find themselves listening to the words of the Masters and Guides and who get to the point - in some moments - of not knowing what to do, that they feel lost.
Don't worry if these theories, these concepts, these philosophical ruminations seem to escape your understanding.
Learn, my beloved children, to live in simplicity, to live your life serenely, accepting what it entails, all that it entails.
Not with resignation, but with the maturity and serenity of one who knows that everything that happens is only for his own good;
of the one who is trying to put into practice and to truly come to understand that if everything that happens, which falls before his eyes, in front of him, is done for his true good, then justice will be done;
of one who knows that he must learn above all to feel that reality, even the most bitter, is given to him like a flower for his growth, and is given to him with the same immense Love with which he is given the greatest joy of this your world! Viola

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. To subscribe

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5 comments on ““You are certainly better than how you usually express yourself””

  1. Don't stay attached to your beliefs, know that everything evolves, changes. Sometimes this is fascinating, sometimes it is frightening.

  2. Reading these concepts helps to make suffering more understandable and reminds us that everything is impermanence; tomorrow will be a new day, a step forward towards unification

  3. Posts like this I feel closer than others more technical and therefore far from experience. Certainly the latter will be useful to others who are more receptive than me but posts like this I feel they speak to me more.
    Going instead into the merits it is comforting on the one hand to know that the feeling that manifests itself is not what we really have but the problem is that I do not regret feeling how much of the ego. That's what makes me feel guilty. I should probably be able to accept my shortcomings more by thinking as suggested that everything that happens to me is for my own good. But it is not easy.
    thank you

  4. Everything revolves around identification.
    The more I can stay connected with the source, the more it makes sense and vice versa.


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