Evolution of form, matter, race, consciousness (IF13)

Philosophical teaching 13
We try to give precise definitions of what we mean when we talk about evolution of form, matter and race, so that later on our speech can no longer be misunderstood.
It is meant by "evolution of the breed”The path that a race takes from its first human incarnation until it leaves the wheel of births and deaths.
Io I still remind you, my brothers, and, at the same time, I would like to specify that the term "race" does not refer to something physiological, anthropological, ethnological, but we refer to a group of souls that begins, all together, the same evolutionary path, evolutionary path that for the entire race, in its totality, we have quantized for your mental convenience in a period of time that appears almost incommensurable to reasoning, that is 50.000 years.
This means that from the moment the first entity of this echelon incarnates to the moment the last entity of the race ends the cycle, there is an interval of your time corresponding to approximately 50.000 years.
The concept of "evolution of consciousness"Can be assimilated to that of the evolution of the race, meaning with it the path that each individual takes in the course of human incarnations to reach the maximum"feel".
Reached the maximum "feeling", the maximum evolution that can be obtained from wandering in the physical world, the individual will abandon the wheel of births and deaths. Andrea

Instead, we mean "evolution of matter", The passage of the entity from one form of life to another, a passage that implies the influence by the entity of the matter that momentarily receives it, and this influence brings with it precisely the evolution of matter, that is, it introduces into the matter that animates forces, drives, which - slowly at the beginning but more quickly with the passage of time - induce modifications in the matter itself.
It is therefore a walking side by side of the evolution of the entity and of the evolution of matter itself. Weather

Instead, it is understood as "evolution of the form”, The fact that necessarily the animated form must undergo modifications, in order to allow the entity that animates it to express its evolutionary degree. It would be absurd, in fact, to think that a highly evolving entity could animate a material that does not allow it to express its evolution.
If this were the case, in fact, there would be a great waste in this incarnation, but nothing in the universe is wasted: in the cosmos, in the universe, in creation, the most perfect economy of causes is in force, so that no cause can be uselessly moved. Ananda

From all these definitions, neither easy to understand nor to explain, each of you can be confused, apparently they can seem useless concepts, philosophical speculations on which in practice, in everyday life, you cannot count.
Well: we hope instead that each of you will come to realize that these things are not only philosophical speculations, but are useful for your daily life.
But ultimately, creatures, after all these definitions perhaps somewhat abstruse, unexpected or confusing for all of you, how can evolution be defined? Not therefore the evolution of a race, not the evolution of matter or form but just "evolution" and that's it.
I will see to providing you with an element of this type that can be useful for giving you a basis on which to lean, then, in the future.
Evolution: passage by the individual from a simple state of consciousness to a more complex state of consciousness.
Or again, evolution: passage of the individual from a state of feeling to a wider, greater state of feeling.
Apparently these two definitions seem to be the same thing, however in reality they are not: if you observe, for example, an animal, you can see that this animal in the course of its animal incarnation undergoes an evolution, that is, it passes from a state of consciousness. simpler to a more evolved state of consciousness. However, you know - from what has been said previously - that the animal possesses bodies that are sufficiently structured only as regards the physical plane and the astral plane and that only in some cases is there a mental body that begins to be structured.
What is the Akasic body of the animal, in reality, is something unstructured, shapeless and (if it can be defined figuratively like this) is a seething of Akasic matter in search of accommodation.
Now - according to our thinking - it can be said that an individual has a feeling only when he begins to have a certain structure within the Akasic plane. It is not necessary that this structure is very broad, however - according to our philosophizing - only in the case in which there is a structured Akasic body portion can we really speak of feeling.
As a consequence of what I have stated, since the animal does not have a structured Akasic body, it cannot be said that its evolution corresponds to passages of feeling but, at most, to passages of consciousness intended, in the case of the animal, to passages , in particular, of sensory consciousness.
We can therefore speak, with regard to the animal, of "sensorial evolution".
At this point you will be able to understand very well for yourself, without me boring you with my speeches, that you can apply the discourse of evolution to anything you can think of: there is thus a mental evolution, there is an evolution of desires, there is an evolution of physical perceptions (and it is enough, on the other hand, to observe the diversity of physical perceptions between the child and the adult), there is a racial, social evolution and so on and on and on. Scifo

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9 comments on “Evolution of form, matter, race, consciousness (IF13)”

  1. Thank you. However, the parenthesis of the child and the adult seems misleading since it seemed to me that they were talking about the evolution from one life to another and not within the same life. What then if in this life I die as an adult, in the next, being born a child, I will have to wait until 21 years to continue the evolution of the previous life ...

  2. to Samuel:
    I don't understand what you mean when you say "What if in this life I die as an adult, in the next, being born a child, I will have to wait 21 years to continue the evolution of the previous life ...". Can you explain it to me?


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