The deplorable of today, tomorrow may be desirable

Remember well the words I am about to say to you: they are not Great Truths - I am not so presumptuous as to believe I carry such a heavy burden - but they are truths that io I have understood and learned myself through the experience of incredible mistakes and, therefore, of countless lifetimes. It was to them that I referred some time ago speaking of what I defined "law of ambivalence”And that I said I was so dear to myself.
In the whole universe there is nothing that cannot be good or bad at the same time in relation to the point of view of the observer, of the one who experiences it, of the one who passes through it. This is the greatest possibility that the Absolute has given to every man to evolve himself through the perception and the emotional connotation that he attributes, within , to every experience he lives.
Great strength of individual perceptions that can make the impression that an individual has of a thought, an action, an event change from one moment to the next! Relativity that can also lead to the threshold of madness, where he is unable to understand its importance, but which provides him with the possibility of advancing, of changing himself, of adapting the reality that he perceives to the continuous evolution of his inner reality.
Also for this reason we tell you not to condemn and not to judge: because what here and now may appear to you despicable or condemnable may, tomorrow, appear divine and desirable to you. In fact, everything exists to create the best conditions in which you can change; the whole of life - both interior and exterior - is continuous change, a continuous fervor of transformation, an incessant flourishing of new individuals within the same individual like an artificial fire which, from a luminous trail, then becomes an explosion of bright stars .
So I tell you, dear creatures, that nothing and no one is useless and superfluous in the universe that is around you and within you, but everything has a very specific purpose in such a broad plane, that reason almost falters, well before being able to embrace even a small portion of it.
And I also tell you that everything that happens to you is necessary for yourself: and not only what appears to you as a benefit, but also what is a cause of doubt, torment and confusion for you.
On the contrary, I would add that if this were not the case, if you did not doubt, you did not suffer, you were not in confusion, it would be useless to live the existences you are living.
The time will come, I promise you, when you will no longer have uncertainties, pains and troubles in you; the time when, that is, you will no longer have questions within you because everything will be clear and unfolded without veils in your presence; but now, now live your questions, do not reject them, do not condemn them fearing to appear uncertain, do not ignore them fearing to appear further behind those around you: if you have questions within you, do not be ashamed of them, creatures, it means that they are still there. necessary, that it is not yet the time to be without it, that it is early to dream of a stage that - here and now - is distant and so apparently unattainable.
Here and now you are like this. And then surrender to what you feel you are and be what you are without seeking too far away, adapting to them before they can be reached by you, since there is no worse illusion than that of wanting - against your own reality - to be further ahead than you really are. Scifo

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10 comments on “Today's despicable, tomorrow may be desirable”

  1. Thank you.
    In fact, life always surprises us, if we allow it; if we let the vital energies flow, if we abandon the moral categories fruit of the mind, if we relate to the symbols that arise. Surrender to who we are. Accept what arises before us in the belief that everything that happens is necessary for our evolution. The form that we consider life actually imprisons us in a fixity that closes, turns off, sterilizes. Life is incessant transformation.

  2. “Everything that happens to you is necessary for yourselves: and not only what appears to you as a benefit, but also what for you is the cause of doubt, torment and confusion.
    On the contrary, I would add that if this were not the case, if you did not doubt, you did not suffer, you were not in confusion, it would be useless to live the existences you are living.
    The time will come, I promise you, when you will no longer have uncertainties, pains and troubles in you "
    Evidence that seems excessive, when identification makes you blind and confused, should be kept in mind in the meat grinder

  3. The drive to change, to reach the proximal evolutionary level, cannot be separated from the acceptance of what is now. They go hand in hand. I know that I can do better on this front, but I believe that the limit in the capacity to accept what is now must also be accepted.
    thank you

  4. "There is no worse illusion than that of wanting - against your reality - to be further ahead than you really are" ...
    That's it…
    Thanks Scifo.


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