The desire to evolve (ca10)

Il desire to evolve and to modify one's existence for the better, is an intrinsic and inevitable element, from all points of view, of human interiority. Why "intrinsic and inevitable," brothers?
First of all we must remember that the drive towards change, towardsevolution, towards the reunion with the First Source, with the Absolute, is brought, within the Reality, by what we have defined the Vibration First, or that initial vibration which, modulated in a particular way, constitutes the substratum from which the Reality of each Cosmos acquires form and structure.
It, coming directly from the Absolute, always maintains contact with the Great Architect and constitutes the canvas on which Reality is interwoven, preserving intact in the attraction towards reunion with the One.

Secondly, because theIo staff has a dual function from the point of view of the evolutionary drive of the individual:
- on one side contrasts and resists change trying to assert himself as the preeminent and irreplaceable center of the universe in which he lives,
- on the other it is induced to modify itself from the encounter-clash with the reality external to him (often in the form of suffering) which limits and disfigures the image he has of himself, pushing him to perform the most incredible actions in order to continue to maintain the high conception he has of itself as an absolutely important pivot of Reality.
In short, like it or not, the ego is induced to transformation, change and evolution, and this transformation reflects the evolutionary needs of the individual's consciousness.

On a philosophical level it seems to me that this conception does not make a wrinkle and, on the contrary, can happily explain many of the reasons that haunt the human being: from his sense of dissatisfaction and incompleteness, to the most difficult situations in which, so often, it seems to want to throw itself spontaneously when reason, on the other hand, would suggest running away from them like hell! Rodolfo

Then there is the part that concerns the individual personally, especially when he comes into contact with these conceptions that put him in front of a conception of life that goes beyond the egocentric and selfish vision that he had pre-eminently followed up to that point.
He nurtures in himself the desire to evolve, he feels ready to do it, he gets excited at the thought of being able to do it, he concentrates on trying to do it ... but, ultimately, he feels frustrated because he can't find the way to get what he wants.

And here, then, is born there search for the "path", experimenting from time to time different paths in the hope of taking the path to obtain the most important prize: evolution.
Poor creature, at the mercy of the dreams, illusions and desires of his ego!
There is no doctrine, philosophy, religion that can teach evolution and, very often, those who enter these paths end up becoming even more selfish than others, because what becomes most important for them is the goal of their research. with respect to the outside of himself and to the other from himself, often showing himself more than willing to sacrifice anything on the altar of research itself.

The only, true, effective, concrete path towards evolution is the one that crosses one's interiority and it is to it that, if you really want to discover something important about and for yourself, you must constantly refer.
"I'm sorry, I have to leave you: it is important for me that I follow my path!"
"I can't do otherwise: my evolutionary needs lead me to behave like this!"
How often do you hear phrases of this type?
And how many times are they just excuses of the ego to justify one's own selfish behavior, covering it with a little credible spirituality?
Never worry about your evolutionary needs: they exist in you anyway and push you towards the experiences you need. Scifo

If you want to help your evolutionary path, observe your needs and try to discern between the needs dictated by your ego and the needs dictated by the needs for understanding of your conscience, trying to abandon yourself more to these than to others.
But how to distinguish the needs of the ego from the evolutionary ones? Is it really possible to do this?

If on your way you end up with forget about the needs of others, remember that that is the signal that your need, even though it may be real, is cloaked in selfishness. So try to mediate in the best way between your needs and those of others and you will have taken a step forward in your evolution.
After all, this little warning is enough to already give you the possibility to improve (and not a little) yourself. Weather

And then the day will come, brothers,
the moment will come, sisters,
in which you will realize that your needs are not the most important thing in the universe;
in which you will understand that it is not enough to want to be evolved to become one;
that you will accept to be as you are and not as your ego wants to believe you are.
It will be at that point, brothers,
will be in that moment, sisters,
that you will discover that you are much more than what your ego dreamed you were
even in moments when his dreams were most ambitious.
And it will be then that, looking over your shoulder, you will realize that, inadvertently,
not only were you already walking the path you were looking for so much
but that, indeed, you have now reached its end. Viola

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. To subscribe

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5 comments on “The desire to evolve (ca10)”

  1. This reading, like the one taken from chapter 1 of the Essentials suggested for today's meeting, reassures me and pushes me to cultivate an attitude of trust, always. Everything contributes to good. I would love to abandon myself to this certainty and smile again with a new awareness

  2. Like it or not, that's the way! At times, noting one's limitations, this is consoling. Not only because it gives hope to our path, but also because, by observing the behavior of certain subjects, so far away in ways and ideas, you are able to cloak them with a little compassion!

  3. I agree, this post brings clarity in distinguishing the needs dictated by the self and those suggested by the conscience.


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