The awareness of existing in You

Io thank you
for giving me the consciousness of existing,
for allowing this consciousness to exist
opposed me to the reality external to me,
for having caused this of mine to oppose external reality
made me think that other people too
are external to me and opposed to me.

thank you,
for giving me the consciousness of existing,
for making this consciousness to exist
passed from my outside
to get to the most intimate part of myself,
going upstream like a trout
looking for the best place to lay its eggs.

I thank you
because in this way you gave me the chance
to follow this current and arrive at the place
where You, my Lord, have placed your eggs,
your seeds, your divine drop,
which, as soon as it is reached, makes me understand
that my consciousness of existing
even if perceived, even if seen, even if felt by myself,
it was actually felt incorrectly and misrepresented,
because it is mediated by the perception of my ego.

I thank you
because through this path,
that goes from the outside to the inside
in a circle that never seems to end,
in the end I succeeded, thanks to Your mercy,
to break the circle and to get close to You forever.

I thank you.

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