Anger 6: knowing it to help [A30]

D – But one of the very physical characteristics of anger is that, when the peak occurs, it is as if the physical, or instinctive, or in any case less rational part takes over our ability to modulate, to slow ourselves down.

This happens for brief moments if the path to understanding has progressed; instead it happens for longer moments, and can even become violent, [in the case of limits of understanding] and, for example, murders are explained under the pressure of anger if it comes out without any mediation, without there being any element that has attenuated this manifestation of the peak.

[...] Of course there is anger that makes your blood rush to your head, and then you no longer understand anything and tend to do disproportionate things, but there are all the limits imposed even just by the presence of a person who is next to you , who maybe would suffer your anger and whom you love. Or that fuels it. 

Many times, egging on an angry person can be helpful, it may not always be harmful. Dangerous, no doubt; however, many times, by feeling instigated, the angry person realizes what can happen and, then, the peak suddenly stops and subsides gently.

I wanted to point out that you probably missed what I said earlier: it's a great thing and shows how much He who created everything took into account theinexpensiveness of any element that has provided you to understand.
Io I said that the moment your anger, in your character, is understood, it becomes "a gift"; and you will say: «But how can the fact of having the ability to get angry written in one's character be considered a gift?!»

It becomes a gift because you, knowing your anger, at that point you can best understand and help those who express anger. This is how what belongs to you, at that point, becomes a help for those who are outside of you; and everything returns to the attempt at rebalancing that the whole universe always tries to implement.

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D - To recap: a person has an angry character, he expresses it on a physical level, he acquires shreds of understanding until he has understood his anger and this is inscribed in his character as a gift which perhaps allows him to know the anger of others.

There is only one imprecision: it is not inscribed in his character because it is already inscribed in his character; simply it loses the drive to manifest itself, while remaining inside; however the fact that it remains inside, at that point, is something known, therefore something that you can use in favor of others, in your relationship with others.

Q – You said earlier that, however, if certain things are written in your genome, they always make you angry. So it's there a manifestation has been conducted of anger that changes?

Always unless you understand, of course: the moment there is understanding, they turn into "gifts" instead of pushes.

[...] D – It could be that, at a certain point, instead of making you angry, maybe it still makes you nervous but you manage to control yourself and maybe not express anger but something else different, which can be useful to the person in front of you.

Let's say that, without a doubt, once anger is understood, anger is unable to manifest itself in peaks.

D – But there can always be some nervousness, anyway.

There can certainly be a background characteristic of the individual which then manifests itself through the personality, in his way of expressing himself, which can tend to be "shady" (just to say) but will no longer have such peaks that his anger will manifest itself in a violent, compulsive and so on. Not only that, but - I repeat - since anger has been understood by an individual in these conditions, he will have a greater possibility and ability to understand the anger of others. And then, by understanding his own anger and drawing a parallel between his own and that of others, he will also have a better chance of helping the other person understand "his" anger.

D – You spoke of anger as the main vibration which carries with it, however, when it comes to manifest itself, also a whole other corollary of vibrations and therefore of emotions. For each of us there will be one main trigger, and then a whole host of others. The moment we observe ourselves, what should we do? Work on the main anger, try to distinguish? What is a mechanism that we can use to be able to defuse the bomb?

I would say that the primary thing to do is to defuse the bomb, that is work on the peak that you are about to demonstrate. All the other minor vibrations, shall we say, that accompany the main vibration that is about to manifest through the peak are just indents, so they are much lower vibrations than the peak.

D – Which, however, can represent the difference; as was said before, when you said «there is a different environment»; if you are next to a person who tends to have a calming effect, containing on your anger, or a person who provokes you, the same situation can evolve in a different way…

How different it would be if you got angry when you were alone! It would be important, for example, that you start trying to notice how you react differently when you are alone or when you are with other people, and you get angry either way. Scifo

2008-2017 Annals

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2 comments on “Anger 6: knowing it to help [A30]”

  1. Understanding anger turns it into a gift. So it is with every understanding reached. Therefore in the evolutionary path we can imagine that man must go through all the experience, from the bloodiest to the highest one, to reach full understanding and give himself a gift for others.


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