The reason karma causes repetition of experiences

D - Listen, Georgei… It's been many months since io I approached the Circle with a specific purpose (I thought): I wanted to know news of a boy, whose wife I know, and who has disappeared. I know, that you are not the information office and that you do not like this kind of question very much; but I wanted to ask you: is it possible to make an exception and know something about the fate of this boy?

It is not possible. It is not possible, because it is a clearly karmic situation - this is evident - on which we cannot intervene in the least. Of course, the only thing we can say is that there is no need to be very confident in the future ...

D - I thought so ... Thank you.

Unfortunately we are sorry we cannot answer these questions; but you see, dear ones, if we answered, at that moment we would completely deny everything we have been saying up to this moment: when each of you encounters a karmic situation, that must be lived, it cannot be misled: because, if it were misled, that what would happen? It would happen that you no longer have that experience that you need, right?
And then, of course, we cannot really be the ones to tell you: do not have that experience, or do so in order not to face it, because we would deny you the possibility of evolving. 

So, if we answered these kinds of questions, we would influence a person's behavior; and therefore we would influence his ability to understand and go towards a karma, to have his positive or negative experiences - always positive, in reality - sweet or hard, happy or sad and so on: it is, in short, a way to be consistent , even if, to those who have not fully understood the teaching, it seems instead a very hard behavior.

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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There is also another thing to say: sometimes we have said something personal, which addressed people; unfortunately this, from those who can participate, has problems and receives no response, can be perceived as having children and stepchildren. 
Here, it is not so: because evidently that person, to whom that particular thing was said at that moment, did not have to live that experience; that is, the experience was not necessary to him, or at least he could have understood the same thing in another way, so that he did not have a strict need to have that kind of experience. 

I understand that - I repeat - it is difficult to accept that one person is told one thing and another is not told; so much so that from now on, as a general guideline, as a rule, we will make sure that we hardly ever respond to people's personal problems.
On the other hand - if you think about it - tonight too, right? It has been a long time since the people, who were given the chance this evening, asked for a personal meeting; and some may have wondered: why are they waiting so long? But how come? There will be some reason and so on.
And perhaps the reason is that all these problems, for which at the beginning the personal session was asked, perhaps they have been so diluted, they have lived their emotional charge so much, that the karma - at this point - is almost largely assimilated. and then, perhaps, it is time to be able to talk to these people.

Q - This topic has now highlighted the question of karma: I would like to ask you a question on this point. It happens that we often come across the same experiences, perhaps negative for us; that is, we always make the same mistakes, we always stumble over the same obstacle. And this can easily happen for years, even decades: it is our point, with which we hit our heads.
Then, suddenly, a moment of understanding is enough and that thing, which cannot be overcome in decades, is overcome in an instant.
Or, sometimes, decades do not exist and very serious things can be overturned in a single instant. And so I have often wondered what determines this fact; what is this difference - perceptible, at times - of understanding: a thought, a simple thought that can upset an existence.

Perhaps you have given an example that can help us to make the speech more palpable.
You said: it happens to stumble more than once always in the same points, on the same stones and so on.
So let's remember what karma is: maybe not everyone knows what karma is.
Karma is simply a tool for making people understand: experiences are presented to the individual, which must move him, must make him understand through direct experience what his mistakes are, where he is wrong. 

So what happens? If the individual does not understand, the experience is useless: and then this karma repeats itself, this experience continues to repeat itself over time, until the individual understands what he must understand.
I would say that one can almost speak of an understanding acquired, at all levels at a certain point. It's a bit like the discussion I was telling you about tripping over a stone: why does one trip over a stone? Maybe you pass twenty times in the same street, where there is the same raised step; and twenty times one stumbles on this step; and maybe we say to ourselves: but how is it possible to always stumble there?

This because? Because the body - and the mind that guides the body - are used to walking in a certain way, to lift their feet in a certain way, and have a complete habit of lifting, I know, up to 4 centimeters from the ground. foot that moves the step.
Now, until the whole individual understands that, in order to overcome that particular step without tripping, he will have to lift his foot by 6 centimeters, here is that every time one passes by that step, the individual stumbles.
By analogy, exactly the same thing happens with regard to painful experiences: until the individual has understood, has not learned - from experience - that he must behave in a certain way, this experience will recur until there will be understanding, that is, until he raises his foot - metaphorically, logically - to the right height to pass without obstacles that point that seemed so difficult. 

Not only that, but - at that point - that step, which until then had become almost an obsession (because maybe you get angry, on that step: "The competent bodies, etc. could not level the road well ... Look at what I am doing in this city!" feet, it is the others who put the stuff where you put your feet to make you trip; this is normal!), this step, which a little at a time has come to assume (we are always in the metaphor ...) the connotations of a negative experience, here, when understanding is triggered, what happens?
It happens that you will not even notice it anymore! You will pass another 100 times in that road and that step will lose all connotations of any kind: as it is certainly not the experience or the step that are negative, but it is what you project onto the step or your experience that makes you see them in a certain way.

And this is a discourse - in our opinion - very important to understand, to introject well and to receive, because it is a completely different point of view from the one with which you are used to reasoning.
You attribute to the outside of you the connotation of everything that surrounds you: it seems that everything lives according to you and is there for you.
In reality, what you see around you is like this and has that kind of emotional connotation because it is you who put the emotion into it: so much so, that the same object can be the object of happiness or despair for two different people. .
Clearly - as they say - beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, not in the object itself; and how many husbands and wives, looking at their consort, say it! Georgei

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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12 comments on “The reason karma causes repeating experiences”

  1. The facts repeat themselves until an understanding is reached, then they vanish, because they are no longer necessary. This makes sense to me. My life has changed so much, in some ways, that I struggle to recognize myself in what I was living before. People have changed, not all of course, but contexts have. The challenges change. Yet the common thread is always the same. An anxiety that moves towards the need to understand. The intent is almost never clear, but I begin to understand that life accompanies you towards the Way and karma is the means.

  2. I am noticing how scenes that are repeated in my life even in these days, make me stumble on the step of self-referentiality, leaving and returning to me, in a circular movement in which, however, I miss the opportunity to grasp the Reality of the other. , as far as possible. And then I feel so hypocritical and tiny, because in words I say I want to be of help but then I can't get beyond my nose.

  3. Revolutionize one's point of view on existence and understand how everything talks about us, how everything is set for the purpose of working a misunderstood. Instead, it often happens to perceive reality as adverse, as unjust without a justified reason.

  4. I go into confusion and I reserve the right to think about it.
    When Georgei says "until the individual has understood, he has not learned - from experience - that he has to behave in a certain way, this experience will recur ...".
    What sends me haywire is that a few days ago in another post it was argued that understanding concerns the individuality and not the individual since it was said that said compr. it happens in the Akasic plane and it can happen even without the person noticing it.
    It will be the didactic simplification but something does not seem to coincide. As I said, however, it is certainly up to me to think about it better.
    thank you

  5. A fact comes to mind that I do not always remember, that is that even the dimensions of our physical body are a consequence of understanding to be acquired ... I recognize the whole process described: stumbling, finding causes external to us by inviting others, surrender and the mind that sometimes notices the change… thank you so much!

  6. A fundamental brick of the path of knowledge.
    Perhaps the fundamental brick.
    If I don't understand that the experience I am living, the life I am having, is trying to communicate something to me, to teach me something, I will necessarily have to repeat and repeat and repeat; like the stubborn pupil postponed to exams.
    Obviously, talking about Karma is a bit like climbing a mountain, the aspects and nuances involved can flow into understandings that probably take lives to be collected, but the common basis is always the same:
    what is this scene trying to communicate to me?
    Starting from this approach, in due time, each being will bring to maturity the understandings relating to the scene itself, which otherwise and beyond any shadow of a doubt, will be repeated, perhaps in different contexts.
    To exploit the teachings that the knowledge of Karma brings with it, it would be appropriate to also consider the Dharma, which could be summarized, in a nutshell, as the potentialities or the intrinsic basic structure of every being.


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