The races, the number of incarnations and their frequency 1

This evening I have the task of addressing a rather delicate and vast subject; in fact I intend to speak of Razz, that is what concerns the incarnational cycles, the succession of races on planet Earth, the amount of incarnations that the individual needs to be able to overcome the evolutionary cycle and so on with all the collateral arguments that may be involved.
To help me in this thankless task, other friends will intervene, one at a time, other Guides who will act as interlocutors, that is, they will ask me questions, thus giving me the opportunity to approach the subject from different angles, under different aspects or points of view. Scifo

Q- You hear about race very often, even reading other sources, and it seems that this concept of race is something fundamental in teaching. Could you say something more specific, in order to define the concept of race? Margeri

It seems right to start by specifying, as our friend asked us, what is meant by race.
We certainly do not mean the common conception that you embodied beings can have, or rather our conception of race goes beyond what can be the unification of a certain number of men because of their somatic characteristics; we therefore mean, with the term race, a large amount of "souls" (in quotation marks because this concept is always difficult to interpret equally in all groups of readers) which, at a certain point, find themselves all together to begin to incarnate, die, reincarnate within the same habitat, the same environment, the same planet.
Here, then, that when we say that a certain race is embodied on planet Earth, we mean just that.

Now, however, after having said this, it must be specified that, on planet Earth, in reality there is never, or almost never, a single race to be incarnated. In fact the incarnation cycle of a race, or the time of passage from the first human incarnation to the last incarnation of the last entity belonging to the race, can be indicated approximately around 50.000 years. Over the course of these 50.000 years, each entity of this race appears several times on planet Earth in physical guise.
However, as is evident, there are those who arrive first at the end of the road, so that they no longer need to incarnate again: and here is how the breed, little by little, gets thinner and as the breed thins out, another echelon, another race begins his evolution merging with the first, starting to incarnate on the same planet. Scifo

D- It seems to me, from what you have just said, that it may escape the clarity of mind the fact that in these alleged 50.000 years, indicative, there are a number of incarnations that should have a certain consistency, while reading other sources it seems that the number of incarnations is small. Could you say, always indicatively, how many human incarnations individuality must have in order to abandon the wheel of births and deaths? Francis

I will try to be as precise as possible about it, remembering however that the truths of the teachings that are brought are adequate for the understanding of the listener, and it is therefore possible, indeed probable, that in the future these truths must be enlarged, expanded and, therefore, in a certain sense modified.
In a nutshell, how much io now I will say about it, it is purely indicative to help your understanding.

We had therefore spoken of an evolutionary cycle of a race around 50.000 years (yours, of course). Let's see how many incarnations can be able to have therefore in these 50.000 years, an entity that completes its evolutionary path in an average way.
I am speaking of human incarnations, therefore all the path that the entity has made previously as a mineral, vegetable, animal it is not included in these 50.000 years, and the reason is quite logical: in fact, in order to be able, for example, to cross the mineral world, given the length of the experiences that can be made in it, time is much more dilated than what concerns the experiences made as a human being that are more dense with stimuli. Let's go back to our account.

It seems to me that the count is not that difficult to do; consider that, approximately, between one incarnation and the next there can be an interval of 300-400 years, taking into account that at the beginning of the evolution the incarnations follow each other much more rapidly than it happens towards the end of the evolution ; on the whole I would say that to complete an average evolutionary path within these 50.000 years the necessary incarnations are between 80 and 120; a number, therefore, not indifferent but, on the other hand, consider that the number of things to experience is not indifferent, to be understood in order to reach that first stage which is the understanding of universal brotherhood, altruism, feel their other brothers.

And, from what I have said, you can read between the lines that evolution does not end after 50.000 years, but universal brotherhood, altruism and on and on and on are only one. first step of this evolution.
Of course, a question may arise in all of you: What can be next?
But I think it is, after all, absurd to go and try to understand what is so far away, given that for the moment you are not yet ready to fully understand this first stage!

We have therefore said, incarnative average for the individual who makes an evolutionary journey in a normal way - therefore not too quickly, nor too slowly - between 80 and 120 incarnations, a therefore conspicuous number, made up of both male and female beings. female, which brings him into contact with many civilizations, many situations, many religions, many stories and therefore a range of truly exceptional life experiences, such as to allow his passage to another evolutionary phase. Scifo

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5 comments on “The races, the number of incarnations and their frequency 1”

  1. Good morning, listening to some recordings of Entity A on the subject, he too talks about an incarnation cycle about 50.000 long, but of a much lower frequency of reincarnations, from a maximum of 40 to a minimum of 25. I wanted to ask why is divergent information often given? Thank you. Sincerely. Alessio

    • For Alessio
      The Guides themselves answer your question in the continuation of the post that we will publish next Monday ..


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