The unconscious: analysis of censorships and their operation [IF4]

You have talked deeply enough about Freudian theories and how this gentleman has tried in some way to codify, rationalize, explain what are the inner mechanisms of the individual.

Those mechanisms which then come to present themselves in manifestations, in activity within the physical plane, in which each of you finds himself working with his own physical body; dwelling, in particular, on those that Freud himself defined generically, broadly, as defense mechanisms.

Defense mechanisms: perhaps one of the first things to ask oneself about this first general classification is: "Who is it, who defends himself? What does it defend against? And why does he defend himself?"
I am not asking you to give me an answer now, also because I am sure that - as usual - I would take you off guard, putting you in considerable embarrassment.

On the other hand, I do not intend to give you an answer on the matter either, as we expect that, as you have done today, even afterwards keep trying to try to understand what we propose to you; also because striving is a strengthening of the will, strengthening the will helps to become aware, becoming aware helps to increase awareness, the awareness that increases makes the feel and the feeling that becomes wider makes theevolution of the individual; and every time this evolution gets bigger, each of you takes a step to get closer to the Absolute: and this is basically (let's not forget it, creatures) the task that each of you has before any other task.

D - The defense mechanism ... It seems to be theIo that defends itself, that is personality, this fusion of the three lower bodies that defends itself ... It defends its own way of being, because (right or wrong), it wants to remain what it is: therefore it defends itself from both external and internal stimuli, it does not want to be changed.
In fact, we know well that each of us can change only when he wants it, when he deems it necessary, when he sees that it is right to change; otherwise you don't change.
So I think that the defense - also for Freud - was understood as the personality that defends itself from other formulas that are presented to it.

It could be ... But, according to my point of view, and using such a recurring term lately, it is perhaps a slightly too simplistic explanation, since, precisely because it is the first explanation that comes to mind, perhaps it is not the most complete, but it is perhaps the one that most satisfies. 
And then you will understand - in the rest of the speech, from the points that I will bring to bring them to your attention, in view of what will then, at a later time, be the object of clarification, of explanation - that there are several important details to consider on this. topic. 

Defense mechanisms we said, therefore; let us not forget, however, that there is the famous "law number one of Scifo", which states that whatever exists in existence, has a double condition of ambivalence: this could (I say "could") mean that, perhaps, those that are classified as defense mechanisms could instead also be attack mechanisms ... and meditate on this too, creatures!

Q - Your law number one reminds me, very strangely, a fundamental symbol of oriental ideologies, which is the Tao, right ?, because in all things there is an increasing and a decreasing phase, there is good and bad, day and night, black and white, and so on; that is, everything is ambivalent, in fact, and it is something, I believe, incontrovertible.

Also because it cannot be anything other than a universal law, inasmuch as, the Absolute being Absolute, has in both good and evil and opposites of any kind. 
Therefore the Absolute in itself, looking at it from the point of view of subjectivity and relativity, is totally ambivalent.

D - But the creation of opposites is relative to our mind ...

Certainly: in fact I said "observing him from subjectivity and relativity", also because the ambivalence attributed to anything, person or action, involves as terminology an emotional connotation of some kind, and the emotional connotation is given by the observer and not by the action in itself, so much so that the same action can have a positive or negative connotation depending on the different observers who observe the completion of the action itself.

But now let's move on to what was announced last time and which will be the leitmotif of this brief meeting (and they will be short, creatures, these meetings, because they will be very dense, as you can see, and we don't want to darken your minds, already. so often groping!).

The censorship

Let's see how we can examine this mechanism, this thing then in reality not so much even well defined and qualified even by our psychoanalytic observer, yet it certainly exists: and you have examples of it all the time everywhere, both in yourself and outside of yourself. However, considering our teaching, there are no different perspectives, different points that can help to understand this complaint, which is so difficult to understand. 

Let's start from a particular point of view ... You all have a physical body: do you agree on this? Well, we found a point of agreement!
This physical body is made up of many substances, aggregated together to form certain compositions, until they have - joined together - a form, which is the one you present in the plane of existence in which you live.

This plane of existence (your planet, to narrow it down) interacts with you; you work, live, love, eat, play, enjoy, suffer, enjoy within the physical plane, and all these sensations, these because, these activities that you do, are consequences or continuations of clashes with other matter belonging to the physical plane ...

Perhaps you cannot understand well what I am trying to say with this sentence: the fact that you suffer, for example, may be due to the fact that your suffering, perhaps of a physical nature, is due - I know - to to have tripped badly on a step and to have skinned a knee: therefore one clash between matter and matter.
The fact that you suffer - which I know - affectively is partly due to the fact that you have met with other people (or clashed with other people) and from this clash problems arose, the whys that have in some way (and we do not enter into the merits if rightly or wrongly, of course), made people suffer. 

Thus, even what was an intimate, interior, psychic (therefore not purely physical) suffering actually has its own reason, a part of its genesis from the clash of matter within the physical plane. 
Well, I tell you that already at this level you have a palpable, evident example of censorship: and not internal or unconscious ... Let's see who, among you, is so witty as to be able to identify this censorship.

D - The physical matter of the step colliding with the physical matter of the knee causes the knee to peel… This is a physical reaction. The physical reaction then provokes an astral reaction ...

No, let's stop for now on the physical plane only.

D - There is physical pain ...

Let's stop only on the physical plane, on purely physical matter, without going into psychological, karmic motivations and on and on and on ...

D - The fact that one has stumbled ... is because he has not seen where to put his feet ...

Let's enter the field of physical matter!

Q - Is it possible to consider vibration on a physical level?

If you did not have the kind of physical censorship that I mention, you would last a few moments, because, under the stimuli of the matter of your world, under the rays of the sun, under the whip of the wind and on and on and on, your body he would be constantly in shock, unless all those traumas were avoided, which would otherwise put him in that condition; and then one was operated on censorship of the external environment.

Q - Is it pain that warns us of the harmful situation?

No, creatures: it is simply there your skin! Your skin is the analogue in reality, on the physical plane, on the plane of matter, of what can be a censorship, understood internally; that is, one protective layer which prevents you from being completely at the mercy of those elements that are external to you, thus ending up being destroyed before you can carry out what your function is.

But let's go on ... and let's move on to the second law of Scifo (borrowed, honestly!), That of "so high, so low". If this protection exists within the physical plane as far as the physical body is concerned, it is equally true on the other planes of existence: there is therefore a astral skin, which protects (for what could be analogues of astral weather), the body of the individual; and away and away and away. 

That is, there is always, at the points of separation between the various bodies, a layer of matter that protects not only by the influence of matter from that plane on that particular body, but also by the unwanted interference of matter from other planes of existence. This because? Because, if this were not the case, if all the materials of the other planes could pass in disorder within your bodies of existence, you would be a continuous chaos, you would always be continually in turmoil and at the mercy of the various tensions that would accumulate within you: it is therefore necessary a filter, a protection; hence, in some way, a censorship.

You will say: "However, a consideration of censorship in these terms is very different from that presented by Freud!". And on this, creatures, there is no doubt; on the other hand, we told you that we would talk about Freud, not that we would exalt Freud. Freud's famous censorship, which arises in his thought mainly from the action of Super-egofrom our point of view, it's not like it stands up very much.
Even this famous super-ego, so accepted because it is convenient to accept it, seems to our eyes a little - in reality - nothing more than an ego disguised as Zorro, ready to steal from the conscious to give to the unconscious.

Il Super-ego stands as a judge and through the various mechanisms, which we will examine later (because it will be interesting, examine them) according to Freud does not allow (or allows) certain impulses, certain thoughts, certain sensations to reach consciousness and on and on and on, removing them when necessary; it is therefore a I who judge.
However, if you then, when you return to your homes, will think about this aspect of the Superego, based on what I had asked at the beginning, that is to say whether the mechanisms are defense or are also attack, maybe you can get there. to many other conclusions on the matter, on which we will discuss later, of course, together. And so let us return - leaving you in complete confusion - to our discourse on censorship.

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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Q - Sorry, Scifo, could a censorship also be considered the law of oblivion, which prevents us from remembering previous lives?

Let's say that the law of oblivion can be considered a consequence of these - how can it be said? - of these layers of matter, which are a "substantial" part in quotation marks of what is the censorship within the individual's bodies: it's a bit like there are different customs inside the various bodies and things that come from higher bodies have to somehow present a passport in order to pass; otherwise they remain blocked because the gate is not opened.
The problem to be defined remains how this gate opening works and who maneuvers the gate: which is a bit of the question that you too were asking yourself during the meeting this afternoon.

D - Not for comparing them, but maybe it's the spark ...

In the meantime, let's begin by examining who has the keys. 
How is it that the gate is open to certain impulses and how is it that others are blocked? And how does it happen, what is the mechanics of why this occurs? Let's see if anyone has any ideas about it.

D - The Akasic body should have the keys; for its - let's still call it that - structuring, even if we have seen that it has another meaning; depending on whether his senses allow it, he lets certain impulses pass, certain experiences, depending on what his possibilities are.

Okay, let's answer the second part first.
Undoubtedly, the one who has (in some way) the keys is precisely the Akasic body; but he has it in a, let's say, quite indirect way, as the keys are his as a consequence of what he did previously.

D - In my opinion it is precisely the spark, which has the keys ...

The spark holds the keys to the whole individual; however, his main instrument is the Akasic body.
The Akasic body, on the other hand, is the part of the individuality that holds the keys of the lower bodies, of the bodies that make up the Ego, the personality on the physical plane. 

This is a point to be clarified: certainly the spark is like an engine of all individuality; however, there is always a specialization within the individual, for which some functions are then delegated to other parts, so that the whole can function in a coordinated and better way. And it is precisely to the Akasic body that the spark has entrusted the task of managing, directing, creating, forming what are the lower bodies.
Why did I tell you that the Akasic body has the keys?

D - You said that he has the keys as a consequence of what he did, however, previously….

And what is this action that the Akasic body did? And who gave him the keys? 

D - The path…. conscience….
D - It is evolution anyway ... understanding ...

Go and look for the more difficult things, when the explanation is there, lying at your feet: the lower bodies are as they are, as they are born from the needs of understanding of the Akasic body; which - consciously or unconsciously depending on the state of the evolution of the individuality - causes a certain type of matter to be attracted to the immersion in matter, in keeping with what the akasic body must come to understand in life, to experience: right?

So, in this, the "skin" of the various lower bodies is also included: which means that each of the lower bodies is structured in such a way that it necessarily has defenses, to let certain things pass or not; so that certain things pass because they are useful to him for evolution, but others cannot pass.
Or, again, it is structured in such a way as not to let some things pass, as they have not yet been understood and therefore the Akasic body did not have the possibility of giving an order that that type of stimulus, emotion, desire, thought and away and away and away.

D - To give an example, a person who was a psychic, but in that life as a psychic did not understand everything he had to understand from that experience, in the next life he will have sensitivity again, that is, the akasic body will let this pass through. sensitivity to understand what he had not understood in the past life ... I don't know if it's right ...

It will prepare the lower bodies so that they have the possibility of receiving that kind of impression, sensation, desire or thought. 
But you know that censorship doesn't always work well; Freud himself recognized that, despite the vigilant attention of the superego, in one way or another the trick was found in the unconscious to somehow circumvent the censorship and still present itself to the conscience of the individual; right?

Maybe - I don't know - through the dream, through a psychosomatic symptom, through a pensiero unexpected, sudden action and without (apparently) any why, and on and on and on.
This mechanism also exists in what I have been saying up to this point, and I would like to examine it for a moment with you, because perhaps it may be interesting to understand it, in view, more than anything else, of a future discussion on psychosomatizations.

Suppose that something unwanted, therefore not useful for the evolution - at that moment - of individuality, or more simply something that individuality has not yet fully understood, and therefore finds barriers in flowing from the spark to the Akasic body. to the lower bodies, you find yourself clashing against these films which serve to protect precisely from these unwanted things, from these unknown "x" factors and which as such can upset the planes of the Akasic body.
In most cases they are blocked and stop, remaining inactive or returning back to the Akasic body, which however from this their going back will understand something (and therefore it will not be a useless action).

However, and here is the hand of the spark, those stimuli which must serve for understanding and which the Akasic body has not yet become aware of, must have the possibility in some way of starting to interact, otherwise they would always be rejected; there must be a moment in which the Akasic body begins - I know - to understand that it must not kill others: an experience that perhaps it had never faced before and therefore has nothing in itself to give orders to the lower bodies to let pass that kind of stimulus. 
Do you understand what I mean? 
So what happens, just mechanically, practically? 

The stimulus reaches the defensive film, collides with it and fails to pass. However, don't forget that it is stimulus it cannot be other than one vibration
So, this particular stimulus, this particular vibration, as it has to serve as a starting point for an understanding of individuality, instead of being reflected back, will start looking for a point outside the body that is trying to penetrate, vibrating, emanating its vibrations all around this body, until it finds a vibration that is not the same, but somehow similar; here then it will attach itself to the body through this vibration, it will vibrate in unison perhaps with one vibration every ten - to give an absurd example - and in some way it will affect the body; so that it will then come a little at a time, (through the repercussions on the bodies up to the physical plane), it will arrive at the presentation of a new factor, which the incarnate person will have the opportunity to begin to approach (or at least to become aware of of its existence).

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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6 comments on “The unconscious: analysis of censorships and their operation [IF4]”

  1. New ideas to reflect on. Reading I came to mind the sperm trying to find a place to enter to fertilize the egg. I don't know if there could be a connection….

  2. This conception of censorship is very interesting: useful for our understandings, not an obstacle due to the unconscious.

  3. Reading, it came to my mind when Roberto describes the fragility of the physical body (and not only), for example, exposed to many external factors and how much these impact on him. The censor, or if we want the protective membrane, is all the more thick, the less we have evolved. The less evolved the human is, the more it risks ruinous falls and therefore greater protection is needed. As understandings are gained, the layers of protection are thinned and the more one is somehow exposed. I do not know if I have understood what I have read, the language always appears a bit twitchy.

  4. The explanation of the unconscious and of all the censorships that in a certain sense hinder wider levels of knowledge / understanding respond to the specific needs of each individual.
    The concept of trust arises again, of being led by the hand in life. Everything contributes to a gradual evolutionary progression in which every stimulus and every censorship at all levels has a specific meaning in the evolutionary path of every individuality.
    Every fact, every experience, every disturbance of that equilibrium that the human is looking for so much is charged with meaning. That sense connects us directly to the spark.


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