In the present, the endless change of oneself

Your value within the universe is not what you, in your arrogance, usually attribute to yourself. There is no scale of values ​​between the being of things, plants, animals and man: there are only different ways of being adapted to the different evolutionary needs. Thus it is wrong to say that man is - by nature of him - superior to the flower, since the being of the flower, within the world in which he is inserted, is just as adequate and specialized as the human being. We can speak simply of diversity, of different breadth of feel, but a ranking cannot be made in which one “feeling” is classified as better than another.
The "feeling" of oneself and one's environment is in fact, at its root, identical for all beings, because all beings have the same essence. If I really wanted to make a scale of "feeling" (without worrying about saying a big stupid thing or, at the very least, an enormous superficiality) then I could say that the one who lives his life as a flower with simplicity is higher than most men of the day, always present to himself and to the limits that his nature imposes on him.
And can you do the same?
Or you live your time by rehashing inside of you what is past or by denying your being, in the hope of a future that - when you look for it - is not and cannot be yours as you are not yet ready to live it. ? Live your present, creatures, remaining as close as possible to yourselves.
With these words of mine, I do not want to affirm the logic of "carpe diem" as living for the day presupposes - in the ancient conception - not asking any question and, therefore, not delving into oneself. Instead, I want to tell you and make you understand that your present, that present that you usually experience with indifference and carelessness, turning more willingly backwards or more willingly reaching forward, is actually what matters most.
In fact, it has in the fruits of the past and the buds of the future but, more important than any other consideration, it contains your truest "feeling", your Io more real because it is the I of the moment, an I different from that of a moment before and different from what will be a moment later.
The present therefore - even if you who live it may not appear as such - is not static, but highly dynamic and gives you exactly the measure of what you are, through the results of what you have been and the premises of what you can be. .
Live your present with the awareness of living it, since it is your past and your future at the same time; unfold your feeling in the present and you will live your human condition in the right way and making the best use of the gift that was given to you by the Creator.
It is the "know yourself" that peeks out from my words, but a "know yourself" that has some more nuances, a "know yourself" that presupposes an ever-changing conscience, a competition of yourselves with yourselves, that you yourself that is no longer the same from one moment to the next; that yourself that, even if you know how to reach it in every moment of your existence, the next moment you will still have to look for it until you reach the deepest root of yourself.
All this may seem frustrating to you, it may seem like a cruel mockery of the Absolute, but think about it for a moment and you will understand that it is not so, you will understand that in order to broaden your "feeling" it is necessary to acquire new fractions of it, and in order to do this it is It is necessary that it too always acquires new fractions to be set as goals in order to give you the necessary evolutionary push towards an ever more felt and truer "feeling". Scifo

So, man, you are. You are yesterday, you are today, you are tomorrow and you live this being of yours in time as a continuity, while your being is important, but moment by moment, just as they are important - moment by moment - your every sensation, every emotion, every your act.
Forced by the chains with which you are used to tether yourself, you lose the notion of your "being" present, and in every moment you live you make errors of evaluation, errors that also go against the same human logic that you yourself contributed to create in yours. previous moments.
What a profound error there is in the poet who thinks of his past love, entrusting to lyrical images what he calls with conviction love!
You see, man, the poet who speaks with lyrical accents, sweet or sad, or nostalgic, is no longer talking about love, although he thinks he is doing it, believing that the impetus comes from that love left inside him. In fact, that love is, it exists, in the moment that has passed but it is no longer in the moment in which the poet sings it, because by now the feeling of him is different.
That love is sweetness, it is sadness, it is nostalgia or regret, or regret, or pain, but it is no longer love because the love he is singing about with those accents is only in the moments that he is no longer living. If it were not so - if it were love - then it would still exist even in the moments of singing, and then singing would no longer be sweetness, sadness, nostalgia, regret or regret, but would only be love.
How difficult it is to explain in the limited words of man the precise meaning of such a concept!
It is to my comfort that my words are spoken for those who, at the moment of their reading, are able to understand them, not for those who cannot or pretend to understand them so as not to feel dull compared to others.
And you, son who do not understand, do not be afraid to declare your misunderstanding because it is right: it is now because you are now at a feeling that forbids you to fully embrace their meaning, even beyond the impediments and uncertainties due. to the medium.
It is to your comfort that in a present to come - and it does not matter how many other presents will be necessary for that present to finally be lived by you - you will "feel" their meaning emerge into your awareness and take your hands to drag you into the next present with the treasure of a new more nuance, in the baggage of your "feeling". Motions

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7 comments on “In the present, the endless change of oneself”

  1. Nice comparison with the flower. It would be considered inferior and certainly the breadth of feeling of him compared to that of a human is. But if we consider the ability to be present to oneself and to one's environment, how many times does man find himself very far from the awareness of the flower?
    This is more or less what I wrote when the post came out but I must have done something wrong, because then I did not find the comment. However, in the meantime it occurred to me that the flower does not have a mental body and therefore cannot identify itself with thoughts as happens to man ...


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