Man of today, yesterday was animal, vegetable, mineral (IF14)

Philosophical teaching 14
Evolution evolution of form, evolution of matter, evolution of self-awareness: what do these three statements mean?
With evolution of the form, we mean the passage from the simplest form of life, therefore the mineral form, to the human one and then to the superhuman. So the evolution of the form means that the individual who incarnates himself for the first time in a mineral, then tends to gradually build his bodies on the other planes of existence passing from a very simple life form, as can be that of the crystal,

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The male, the female, the stupidity of the ego

What is it that makes up the difference between male and female, especially from a social point of view?
Now, there is no doubt that there are physical, physiological and biological differences and no one can dispute this fact. That there are "spiritual" differences linked more than anything else to a different type of sensitivity, this could also be true (mind you, I said "could"), but that there is a male superiority over the female, this is absolutely not true and it is undoubtedly part of that human "stupidity" we want to talk about.

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An adequate diet for the western population

The human body is certainly the most complex and extraordinary mechanism that you can know, so much so that its extraordinary nature appears evident despite, after all, the total knowledge of its functioning and of the complex dynamics between the various organs that compose it is still largely unknown part.
It is an evident fact that the common man has a tendency to imagine the physical clothing that constitutes the pivot of his existence within matter as a single whole in which there are, at most, some organs particularly worthy of attention and of specific treatments.

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Evolution of form, matter, race, consciousness (IF13)

Philosophical teaching 13
We try to give precise definitions of what we mean when we talk about the evolution of form, matter and race, so that later on our speech can no longer be misunderstood.
It is meant by "evolution of the breed”The path that a race takes from its first human incarnation until it leaves the wheel of births and deaths.

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If nothing happens by chance, how to understand abortion? (1)

This time I want to tell you a story, perhaps a little unusual - given the protagonists - but you will certainly have noticed that my interventions are always a little disconcerting, so much so as to arouse abrupt reactions and various oppositions, which - far from displeasing me - instead urges us to go on, because it means that, despite the sometimes irritating tone that I try to use, in reality what I say - even if not totally accepted and shared - at least manages to achieve what my aim is: to help you get out of your stopping in rigid thought patterns and, as such, more harmful than useful to the advancement of the individual.

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The expectation of a new era and the slow path of understanding

Many children, all over the world, look around a little bewildered, trying to see the signs of a new, better, more satisfying age even in the little things of every day; but then they look down in disappointment, as if to refuse to see.
We hope that, at least for those who follow through multiple and different ways our words and those of other guides - be they embodied or disembodied - this will not happen, and not only out of trust in what our or others' words tell you, but because they offer you the opportunity to see a little beyond the appearance of what surrounds you,

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The evolution of the possibility of experiencing after passing away

Philosophical teaching 13
Evolution… yes, evolution. But what do we mean by evolution, this evolution which is occasionally brought up and which we talk about without knowing exactly what we mean?
We know - because you have been told recently - that in reality we cannot speak of spiritual evolution because the spirit is born perfect; evolution is nothing other than making the individual aware of his own being, and therefore of his own feel.
But this evolution - it may be asked at some point - occurs only in the physical plane, so it only happens when

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The dream of great love and true love never recognized

Brothers, sisters, it is man's habit to seek great sensations, to take into account great events, superlative situations. And yet, even if it does not seem so on the surface, it is not the great actions, nor the great men, nor the great inventions that have really marked a turning point in the life of the human race, but it is the small actions, the ordinary men, the small facts of every day, those that really leave a mark on humanity and influence its advancement and evolution in an inadvertent but constant way.

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